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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. __________ A little girl at a wedding asked, "Mommy, why do brides always wear white?" The mom replied, "Because they're happy, dear." Halfway through the wedding the girl whispered, "Mommy, if brides wear white because they're happy, then why do men wear black?" __________ A grandmother overheard her 5-year-old granddaughter playing "wedding." The wedding vows went like this: "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say may be held against you, you have the right to have an attorney present. You may kiss the bride." __________ Wedding Night A small tourist hotel was all a buzz about an afternoon wedding where the groom was 95 and the bride was 23. The groom looked pretty feeble and the feeling was that the wedding night might kill him, because his bride was a healthy, vivacious young woman. But lo and behold, the next morning, the bride came down the main staircase slowly, step by step, hanging onto the banister for dear life. She finally managed to get to the counter of the little shop in the hotel. The clerk looked really concerned, "Whatever happened to you, honey? You look like you've been wrestling an alligator!" The bride groaned, hung on to the counter and managed to speak, "Ohhh God! He told me he'd been saving up for 75 years... I thought he meant his money!!" __________ A little boy was attending his first wedding. After the service, his cousin asked him, "How many women can a man marry?" "Sixteen," the boy responded. His cousin was amazed that he knew the answer so quickly. "How did you know that?" "Easy," the little boy said. "All you have to do is add it up, like the preacher said: 'Four better, four worse, four richer, four poorer.' __________ During the wedding rehearsal, the groom approached the pastor with an unusual offer. "Look, I'll give you $100 if you'll change the wedding vows. When you get to me and the part where I'm to promise to 'love, honor and obey' and 'forsaking all others, be faithful to her forever,' I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave that part out." He passed the minister a $100 bill and walked away satisfied. It is now the day of the wedding, and the bride and groom have moved to that part of the ceremony where the vows are exchanged. When it comes time for the groom's vows, the pastor looks the young man in the eye and says: "Will you promise to prostrate yourself before her, obey her every command and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and swear eternally before God and your lovely wife that you will not ever even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?" The groom gulped and looked around, and said in a tiny voice, "Yes." The groom leaned toward the pastor and hissed, "I thought we had a deal." The pastor put the $100 bill into his hand and whispered back, "She made me a much better offer." __________ An escaped convict, imprisoned for 1st degree murder, had spent 25 years of his life sentence in prison. While on the run, he broke into a house and tied up a young couple who had been sleeping in the bedroom. He tied the man to a chair on one side of the room and his wife on the bed. He got on the bed right over the woman, and it appeared he was kissing her neck. Suddenly he got up and left the room. As soon as possible the husband made his way across the room to his bride, his chair in tow, and whispered, "Honey, this guy hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw him kissing on your neck and then he left in a hurry. Just cooperate and do anything he wants. If he wants to have sex with you, just go along with it and pretend you like it. Whatever you do don't fight him or make him mad. Our lives depend on it!. Be strong and I love you." After spitting out the gag in her mouth, the half naked wife says: "Dear, I'm so relieved you feel that way. You're right, he hasn't seen a woman in years, but he wasn't kissing my neck....He was whispering in my ear. He said he thinks you're really cute and asked if we kept the Vaseline in the bathroom. Be strong and I love you, too."
  2. So, do you know what photographer you'll be going with? They all sound great!! If you were to rate each of them, say on a scale of 1 - 10, how would you rate each of them? (haha, I know - it can be hard to do!). By the sounds of it, you can't go wrong choosing any of those photographers! Thanks for the review
  3. It just occurred to me that I have never posted a picture of my ring!!! I love it so much, Aaron did an awesome job of picking it out. The three diamonds on the side make it look as if the diamonds run all the way around. I have incredibly small fingers (size 4, sometimes 4.5) so we had to get it resized a trillion times, but I got to keep the original one he bought while my new sizes came in (they couldn't actually resize it, they had to keep sending it back! ) So I had a size 6 ring that was WAY too big for me... but I carried it around in my purse and showed it to everyone! lol Anyways... here it is:
  4. Glenda, you're such a saint for doing this! If you have too many "orders" to handle mine this trip, I can wait a few months! I'm curious what kind of colours there are. Blue is in my colours, but I don't like aqua blue. Is there something close to this: If not, then I'm happy with beige and white (maybe a mix of both). I need 25. I'll PM my address to you. Sorry if I'm too picky - I really do appreciate everything you're doing (and have done) for all of us brides!
  5. WOW Jessalyn, your OOT bags look great - and everything matches! lol You're so crafty, I love that you turned it into a pocket, such a good idea! They look great!
  6. Ooh those are good, "Tammyb". Hmm, that name is going to take a while to stick! lol I think you should post a Newbie thread and re-introduce yourself as Tammyb! *so [easily] confused*
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by bride2be If I were in your situation (don't even like her and hadn't talked in 5 years) I would not feel compelled to send a gift. (just my thoughts) Oh... I will not - especially now. Like I said, if she was a good friend (or even an OK friend!) I probably would send something nice her way... but even then, I like to try to be more thoughtful than follow the registry! ( I know, I'm a bad guest!). I can't believe that! UGH! Just makes me so mad! lol. I will especially not send a gift now, and if I send something... it'll be a card I happened to pick up while grocery shopping - that's it! HA! In her face!! Are you really expected to give a gift if you don't go?! Yes, I know it's tacky for her to post this on her website... but if she didn't, would I have been expected to give her something even though I'm not going??
  8. This actually ticked me off. Maybe I'm just grumpy today, but the things she assumes made me pretty grumpy. She said she was going to send us an invite, which I haven't received yet... but Aaron and I already decided we wouldn't be going to this one since there is a wedding the day after in another town (about 2 hours away, but we're going to spend the night there) and we didn't have to rush between weddings. This person is a "friend" that I don't like anymore, vs. the other wedding of my uncle to this really amazing woman... they took in SIX children of her sisters under their care, which brings their household total to TWELVE people! (including both of their kids from previous marriages). ANYWAYS, I'm getting sidetracked. My friend sent me her website, and under "Gifts" section this is what it says: Tips Can Make Gift Giving Easier!!! Follow these, and you're sure to keep everyone happy. *Respect the couple's gift registry. This way, you can be assured they both will like the gift you give them. *Whenever possible, ship your gift ahead of the wedding. Try not to hand-deliver your gift to the reception unless it is cash, which should be presented to the bride or groom in person. *If you receive an invitation, even if you can't attend the wedding, it is expected you will send a gift. *If you can't bear to buy another toaster, go in on a group gift. Gather a group of friends or family and pitch in for a big-ticket item -- a television, for instance. First of all, I will be RSVPing "No", so why do I have to get her a gift? If I actually liked her, I would whether I was going or not - but I know she's just inviting me for presents (I haven't talked to her in 5+ years, and when I do talk to her she doesn't even pretend like she cares how I'm doing. She pretty much only talks about herself!) Second, if I was going.. I wouldn't march right up to her with money in hand and give it to her... I'd put it with the other gifts I'd expect to be there (note: this isn't a DW). I just thought posting this on her website was tacky and rude. There isn't even registry, just pictures of things they like. I like when people post their registry info on their website, it's definately handy... but tips on gift-giving is a no-no (IMO)! Anyways, I guess this turned into more of a vent than anything... but is this not incredibly tacky??! I couldn't believe it when I read it!
  9. Well, I think I'll probably flip for a spa day for my BMs the day before. I'm also getting them something personalized. I'm so afraid to share it on this forum since my mom is a member (and my MOH) lol. You can pm me for more details, but it is a little more pricey (epsecially getting it shipped to Canada!), but so cool. As for groomsmen, I'm leaving that up to Aaron.. although I'll probably end up getting something in a hurried rush a week before the wedding since he'll forget! lol. Probably a money clip or something like that though. Aaron can think of the creative stuff for his groomsmen on his own!!
  10. Haha, I'll pass this on to Aaron! lol... poor homeless woman though!
  11. Personally, yes I think it's a bit tacky. Even though you've stated that gifts aren't necessary, I think some guests might feel obligated to get one anyways if you include "registry" information. Personally, I'd start thinking that other people will be getting gifts for the bride and groom, so maybe I should.. etc. If people really want to, they'll ask at which point you (or your bridal party or family) can let them know the alternative. If you want a separate thread, I can move it - but I think this is a perfect spot for this... unless you want to post about the honeymoon site. You can go to the honeymoon part of the forum, and at the top left of that page there will be a "new thread" button. It's a cute site, and worth posting
  12. Hey Sylvia!! Welcome to the forum Leigh Miller is my photographer too, and I'm uber excited about it. I've seen some of her shots from the RM, and they're AMAZING!! You won't be disappointed! So, any ideas as to what resort you want?
  13. WOOOHOOO! omg, Jaime, that's awesome!! Did he propose on your birthday?? AHHHH I need to know more! Hurry back from your awesome trip and tell us all about it!!! Congratulations!!!!
  14. So far I'll be spending about $20 - $25 per bag (including the bag itself), not including some goodies I might get at Costco when I get there. There are a few things I've really splurged on which added to the cost.
  15. Wow, its gorgeous and looks great with your e-ring! ....how did he react to your gift?!
  16. Aww Tammy, you look a bit worried in that picture! What was Cains expression like when he first saw you for the before pictures?!
  17. Today is Jaime (JaimeLynne)'s Birthday!!! She left for PDC yesterday... what an awesome way to spend a birthday!! lol Hope it's a killer-awesome (yes, I just said that!) birthday, Jamie!!
  18. Happy Birthday Claudia (Clussy75)!!!! She is one of our most active new members and her posts are always fun and upbeat! How can we not "share the love" when we have great members on this forum like her! Happy Birthday!!!
  19. You might want to check out this thread started by TammyM a while back... it has A LOT of helpful information http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3655
  20. Oh my goodness, Jessica - what a beautiful wedding!! I have to agree with everyone else, those pictures where your dad is hugging you are the best ever, definately hard to fight back the tears when looking at those, I have no idea how you kept it together in the moment! lol. I love the jumping ones too, they're silly - yes, but fun and show tons of personality!! I love love love all of your pictures!! Congrats!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by cabobride2be Does anyone know the requirements for a Canadian to get married in Las Vegas? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I think you just need to contact the state of Nevada and check what their requirements are... same as if you'd be getting married in Mexico. ...no? I didn't look too closesly at these sites, but you might want to check them out for more information: Getting Married in Las Vegas - Las Vegas Wedding Get Married in Las Vegas Getting Married in Las Vegas Oooh... I found this: Marriage License Application Application:A man and woman who are unrelated and are both at least 18 years old may be issued a marriage license in Clark County. Proof of age may be required. Both must appear at the Marriage License Bureau in the County Courthouse, at 200 S. 3rd Street, 1st floor. Blood test, waiting periods:In Clark County, blood tests are not required and there is no waiting period. Fees:$55.00 for a license. Consent:People ages of 16 and 17 may marry if consent is given in person at time of application by either parent or legal guardian. A certified copy of the birth certificate may be required. Legal guardian must have court order showing proof of legal guardianship. All people giving consent must have proof of identity. Consent is given by notarized affidavit of consent, which must be written in English and contains the birth date of the minor and must state the relationship of person giving consent. Order of Court for people under age 16:A person less than 16 years of age may marry if either parent or legal guardian files an action, pays all court fees and presents a court order, from a Nevada State Court. Requirements for divorced people marrying:To obtain a marriage license and have a legal marriage divorces must be final in the state where granted. The date of the final decree and city and state where granted are required. International marriage information:Couples from outside the United States can be married in Las Vegas. Most countries will want a certified copy of your marriage certificate and an Apostille from the Nevada Secretary of State. The marriage certificate costs $10 and the Apostille costs $20. The Nevada Secretary of State can send the Apostille and certified marriage certificate copy directly to your government for you. All marriage certificates issued in the state of Nevada must be used within this state. Clark County Marriage Bureau 201 Clark Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89101 Telephone: (702) 671-0600 FAX: (702) 455-4929 Office Hours: 8 a.m. to midnight daily. Web site: Marriage Licenses To search through marriage records, click here: Marriage Inquiry System. Copies of marriage certificates are available for $10 per copy through Clark County's Web site, click here: Marriage Certificates .
  22. Is it a hotel beach??! Who owns the beach? Might they have one that you could rent (and maybe set up for a small fee?)
  23. Can your venue not set you up with a projector? A lot of venues will have this already since they may (depending on the place) rent out the place for conferences as well. Or did I misunderstand the question... my brain is fuz today lol
  24. Thanks guys!! Kate, that site is awesome!!! I have one certain kind of a style that I'd like to follow and can't seem to make it work with that site... but holy, that's handy. Let us know what the quality is like once your BMs get them - that's such a great option!! Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia An option is go to a store that sells fabrics and ask them for dressmakers.. they usually have the info.. My girls are paying form 40 to 100 dlls to have their dresses made (not including the material) but that price is here in Mexico.. That's so smart!! I'll have to give that a try. Also, is there anything I should check with them when I call them? Would they normally keep pictures of work they've previously done? I guess I could ask for references too.... anything else?
  25. Leigh, thanks for the teaser pic - it's amazing!! omg, they're such a beautiful couple and are clearly so in love... it's true, it's like they don't even know the camera is there. Ann looks gorgeous!! I can't wait to see the rest! and Congrats to your son, Leigh... thanks for posting the picture before you hurried home to his grad!
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