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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. haha, omg that's nuts!! Seriously, for math duds like me - explain it! lol
  2. Tara, That sounds like a really nice tatoo! I kind of agree with Kelly though, names seem to be bad luck - personally, I'd stick with something symbolic. But, it's completely up to you, it's your body... and the tatoo really does sound nice. So, you're thinking the shoulder blade area? I always like tattoos there, but I've heard it's really painful because it's right on the bone - just a heads up! lol. I'd so something like Tammy, right on the bikini line.. it's for my eyes, and Aaron's eyes only. ... and maybe the people at the beach if my bikini shows enough lol. boo, sorry if I'm a downer, I like your idea... and I LOVE tattoos on the shoulders, but I have heard it's a little more painful - but I've never had one done at all, so I have no idea.
  3. No! Tell him to bugger off!!! lol I wouldn't want Aaron to see my dress before the wedding day.... heck I don't even tell him where I go shopping - just in case! lol.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 Am I the only one still not able to see this picture...how awful to read everyone saying how great it is and not be able to see it! Boo!!! Now I won't be able to go back to work until this is back up! No, I can't see it anymore either.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by A10CALGAL I'm totally making plans. For sure! That's the only part I read.... see you in Cabo!!! lol... hurry up and figure all of this relocating stuff out so you can join us in Cabo. That'd be so awesome! Plus, Drea needs a spy in on her wedding to take tons of candid shots to post on the forum!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards Yeah, but how awesome and BDW loyal to take the time out in freakin' Cabo to tell us about it!! Lol! I LOVE how we're all so addicted! Heck, only like 3 people got calls from me when I got engaged...and I was only in San Antonio! LoL! That's true, 50 posts later and we're still talking about it! lol, I called my parents when I got engaged... that's it! lol. I wonder if Jaime even called anyone, or if she just told us!! haha
  7. lol, well let him make fun of you! You're like the best MOH ever... how many brides can say that their MOH's work day in and day out on a forum researching endlessly to make their weddings better?! lol I know it's hard work... you're a good MOH! haha It must be something about that time of the year or something. The 22nd is my birthday, the 24th is Aaron's and our dating anniversary is the 25th!! You just can't go wrong with the end of September!! lol umm... oops...
  8. Christa, Did you convince R to go back to Cabo for your birthday??! Or rather, in time to see Drea's wedding and chill at Dreams with super awesome Courtney?!?! lol
  9. Jessica, sorry you may have answered this before... but did anyone else know about the baby?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards The wedding is at Dreams PV on Sept 22nd. Yeah, I'm pretty sure she'll let me post pics. I know I posted her wedding dress on here a while back . ..she's really cool about all that. And believe it or not, she thinks the forum is awesome but just can't seem to find time to log on and check it out. (I spend a lot of work time on here...and she really can't get away w/ that.) So yeah, she's prepared to let me do a reveiw and all that good stuff. :-) Woot, what an awesome day for a wedding, I can't think of a better date! (Sept 22 is my birthday lol ) Is Monica a member of the forum at all? I hear ya, the majority of my posts are during business hours too, lol - its a wonder I get anything done around here... and yet, somehow I do!
  11. Rachelle... When is that wedding? Do you think the bride will let you post pictures afterwards?
  12. AHHH! When is she back??! I dieing to hear the story! lol that was just cruel of her to say that short little blurb and leave us all high and dry like this!!!
  13. Thanks Rachelle!! Those will come in handy for sure! P.S. ... you'd better post that MOH dress pic at your first opportunity, you don't want to make us brides cranky now, do you?! lol
  14. Welcome Ania! I think your goal is attainable, for sure! What is your budget like? The Caribbean is gorgeous, and has everything you want, but it is a little more expensive. Tammy's suggestion of Florida is a good one too, and might work better with a smaller budget. First things first: Budget. Then your priorities, we know you like nice scenary, but where do you see your ceremony taking place? Is it on the cliff, or beach - maybe a garden? Next, what kind of accomodations are you thinking of? An all-inclusive, a villa? Choosing the location is the hardest part - after that, it's all gravy!
  15. lol, well welcome back!!! I'm not a Dreams Cancun bride, but I just wanted to welcome you (again?)
  16. Yay Christa!! The picture of the church at night is gorgeous!! And omg, that beach!! Why can't I be in Cabo now??!!
  17. Yay Kash! Have a safe trip, and an amazing time and we'll be here waiting for ya when you get back. I'm pretty sure it goes without saying, but bring back TONS of pictures!!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston im so sorry......i hope i have helped i just think a lot of people do not let people know about there hair i think it is so important to use the right shapoo and condtioner first then the products because if the hair is not in good condtion it has no shine and is lifeless...do you know who made volumizing tonic?? google it and look at some products you might find it....guts is a good product from redken you spray it right at the root be careful to much of any product you know makes your ahir feel gross...pm me if you need me to help more........ Thanks Erica!!! Hehe, there's no need to apolgize, I'm one of those really annoying, incredibly difficult clients... be glad I don't live near you! I'll give the "guts" a try - thanks for your help!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by AmyInMI I also played ice hockey for 7 years! I even got kicked out of a game when I was 15 for getting into a fight with some chick we were playing against in Canada. My coach was pretty pissed at me to that, but only because I was the captain of our team and was not setting a "good example" oooh Hockey! The best sport ever (ya, I'm Canadian, eh! ) lol. Hockey needs fighting though... as long as the players are "old enough". Did you win the fight?!! lol
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston IF OUR HAIR IS NOT RPEAIRED AND THEN WE FLAT IRON WE GET VERY LIMP Hair.....redken sells a serum called heat glide when you are done with chi you can use that it protects against heat and makes it shiney becaus eits a serum...heat,color ,water,sun can all dull our hair and make it dry and limp...i hope this helps... I think that's what the CHI is suppose to do. It's called "Iron Guard" It says: Thermal protection spray. Protects from the hottest heat tools. What about something volumizing? A long time ago, I went to a hairdresser and she used a "volumizing tonic" (that's what she called it! lol) and it worked super well, but the place has since closed down. She also sold me some crappy aveda product that I COMPLETELY hated! I don't know why there is so much product out there!! lol, it's confusing for people like me!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins Can someone explain to me welcome/rehearsal dinners at Dreams. If all the food and drink are already inlcuded what exactly are we paying for. For the location/space and service Edited to Add: If you try to have your rehearsal dinner at one of the restaurants without paying the $24pp, they won't gaurantee you'll all sit together, and you'll be surrounded by other guests... but if you want to give it a try, then go ahead. I honestly wouldn't do it, I'd rather have the space and the service for my wedding guests, but that's just my personal opinion.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by olisa6 Courtney - I will be doing my site visit the same few days as you. I fly into Cabo on July 28th and am there til August 1. We should meet there:) It would be fun. I have a question for you about the bonfire. I thought Riu was the only place that did it. Did you need a minimum amt of people to get that? Yessica is my WC. I'll have to ask her about it.. I e-mailed Mariana about it since I LOVE the idea, and she said they have a bonfire already set up next to the Barracuda bar (wherever the heck that is! lol), but it is an option for sure. Woot - go Team Site Visit July/August '07 lol! I think Kate (LALA) is there around the same time too!! Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins Well my FI's sister just got married in September and invited the wedding party and all out of town guests, it was about 80 people. $24 a person does not seem like a lot of money however that depends on the number of guests we have. The only reason why I bring it up because my family mentioned something about the my FI's family paying for the rehearsal dinner. if they were planning on paying for a rehearsal dinner in our hometown why wouldn't they pay for the one in Cabo? IMO, $24 for a rehearsal dinner is not very much at all. We'll be paying around $800 for the entire evening, that includes food, service, location etc. That's pretty good!! But, I've seen some other locations that girls have gone to, and they have found some pretty great locations. It's nice to get off the resort too... just factor in transportation as well.
  23. Stop it with the awesome DIY projects, you're making the rest of us look really, really bad!! That's such a cute idea to dress up normal tea candles. You're brilliant! We're not worthy!!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins My family is paying for the wedding at Dreams and are planning to have a weelcome dinner as well. My question is traditionally the grooms family pays for the rehearsal dinner so should I discuss this with them. Prior to having a DW his mom mentioned she would be saving for a rehearsal dinner. Shoul dI assume this will be the same in Cabo. Won't it be cheaper anyways since we will be having it at Dreams? Jess Jess, I'm having my rehearsal/welcome dinner at Dreams. We're having a bonfire on the "Barracuda Beach". I don't know where that is on the resort, or what it looks like - but Mariana will show us when we're there in August for our site visit. I'll post pictures when we get back. We liked the bonfire because it's casual... but it is not less expensive. It is the same quoted ($24pp) price. Yes, traditionally the groom's parents pay for this. Money can be a sensitive issue, I would let them bring it up if they want to pay, otherwise expect to fork over the dough yourself (IMO) .
  25. CourtneyV


    Hey Diana, welcome to the forum. Have you thought about the the Riviera Maya? They have some great options there. (lol, sorry I only know some stuff about the RM and Cabo, and then I'm pretty useless! lol). Congratulations on your engagement, as of last week!! You should post your story (here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/f58/)... I love love love love love love reading the engagement stories!!
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