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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMEYER70 Balance Due for the Wedding Day............$356.25 usd Personally, I think that's a great price. You know you're going to look great - peace of mind in a product like hers is totally worth that to me! P.S. Why do they include "tip" amount? Why doesn't she just include that in the price if she wants it?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 ROFL!! TammyB I thought you were talking to me. I was like, I never left! Haha, I did too!!! I was trying to figure out if you changed your wedding date and if I somehow missed it... lol Welcome back Kerri! lol
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 I felt so weird buying condoms!! Especially six boxes!! lol Haha, I can just imagine what the cashier said to her coworkers after you left the store!!
  4. Haha, did are you seriously putting condoms in your single guys/gals OOT bags?! lol. Imagine if your bags got searched at customs on the way in... lol - condoms bursting from the seams of your suitcase!!!! hahaha
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 Jenesis ~ I'd definitely try to apply the $ to another service. I just re-read this thread and now I'm thinking I should do a hair trial, esp. since the girl won't speak English....I'm afraid I won't like my wedding hair and I'll have a fit. Do you all think a trial is worth it? Ya, Jess, I think it's worth it. Just imagine: its your wedding day, and you're so excited about the perfect hairstyle to go with your perfect day. But, she can't seem to get it right and you can't seem to explain how it should go... I could just see myself getting stressed because I want it to look right, but we're running out of enough time to get it right. A trial can get all of those kinks out of the way. Plus, you can wear it for the day and make sure its party-proof!
  6. Woohoo!! Great work! With all the crud we have to put up with, all progress should be celebrated!! lol
  7. lol - did you read what everyone said on those boards? I read that before I looked at the pictures. I thought they were all being so harsh. I have to be honest though... the ones where they're on fire or she's stuffed in the trunk of a car and he's standing next to her with a shovel... creepy! lol. I still love Trash the Dress and am SO pumped to be doing it. Sarah got some stunning shots, and that's what it's all about.
  8. Ya that looks a lot better!!! The white font really brightens it up. I agree though, the font is still a little off - maybe something a little more bold/present..?? It honestly looks really good - this is me just being uber picky, so if you like it the way it is, keep it! It doesn't look bad by any means!
  9. I agree, the font colour looked good when it was white. Also, try looking at some fonts to download (free) at dafont.com - you might be able to find something there. Also, maybe getting a little more of the ocean water in there are the top... just a little tiny bit more? Thats a very minor suggestion though....
  10. AHHH!!! Why did you have to post your story when BDW wouldn't let me read or post?! SO MAD!! lol, but I'm so happy for you So when you were out to dinner, you were starting to feel like all of this was just for your birthday, or did you still feel like this was it?? Hey Jaime.... You have a FIANCE!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! lol.
  11. AHH! So when are you going to tell us the awesome story?!?!?
  12. Haha, I read this one yesterday - too funny! lol... Quote: "Stop breast-feeding, maggot!"
  13. Holy!!! What a man, what a man!!! I can't believe he planned a whole weekend for you! lol, and I love that he found pictures of everything, including your exact luggage. That's too cute! Umm ya... that one made me cry when he said "I wished you'd say yes". THIS is why I love to read the stories, omg - I smile all the way through.... and both of your wishes came true!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak We kept it secret for 2 months when we got engaged. Not one word to anyone--- I thought I was going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, our birthdays are 4 days apart, so we threw a surprise "birthday" party and invited everyone in the family and our friends. I made a custom menu for the restaurant with photos of both of us when we were kids and laminated the menu. At the very bottom, I included a note thanking everyone for coming to celebrate our engagement. They totally freaked out... It was a lot of fun! omg!! That's such a good idea!! How long did it take them to notice what was written at the bottom?!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I tested each number and it worked for all. Cool Kelly~ Umm... lol - someone has too much time on their hands!!
  16. Stop posting "must see"s for other resorts!! lol... especially when I can't see them!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 ROFL, courtney you're so funny!! I may be able to arrange that! Woot lol
  18. Nooo! I want to see how beautiful the setting is - it won't let me at work! Shh... I know I'm not a Dreams Cancun bride!
  19. Jill, can you go back to the salon when the sunburn is gone and try it on to take pictures? That's what I'm sure I will do when I order my dress... make weekly appointments just to try it on and stare at myself in the mirror! lol
  20. I'm glad you ordered it. You have one of the very few FIs out there who will say "Spend more money if it's the dress you want"!! lol. That's a gorgeous dress and you're going to feel like the happiest bride on earth in it. I can't wait until it gets here... you know you're obligated to post pictures the moment in gets in, right??!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Medina I am realizing that I should have posted the slideshow to this same thread, to give some illustration to Julie's review...here it is just in case anyone missed it. Matt and Mallory That's ok, a slideshow like that deserves its own thread!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 Color tattoos require touch-ups and fade... black & grey do not! I prefer the one-time needling! How often do they need touch ups (or... how quickly do they fade?)
  23. lol, Kelly... duh!! But according to Miami Ink (lol), some places hurt more than others!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama I picked the # 2 and it was wrong. It said 25 and Im 24 have you had your birthday yet this year? Did you add the wrong number (1757 or w/e it is)? lol I dunno, it worked for me!
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