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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Sorry, I haven't heard of it before, but I just looked it up. It sounds really nice.... this website (My Cabo Source - El Comal Restaurant Details) gave it three stars, and mentioned the prices were good. ("excellent mexican food"!) Hmm...that's really all I could find. One person on tripadvisor said in passing that it was a good place, but that's all she said.
  2. Oh, good idea Tammy!! Oh my gosh, that means a lot more Newbies... I'm still catching up on welcoming the ones that join on their own!!!
  3. I know once when I went to a Costco a few years ago here, I just got a daypass. I don't remember how much I had to pay, but it's signifcantly less than purchasing a new membership and going through the hassle of getting your picture taken etc. I'd check that option out.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AQHARIDER I can't figure out the VIP thing! A lot of mods have it, but Courtney doesn't, alot of older members to the forum have it, but Christa & i don't- and we've been here FOREVER...hmm- still have to ponder this one! I think because we all have the Member of the Month banners... that temporarly takes its place...? maybe? lol
  5. omg, Jaime... that's kinda scary! At least they found the problem. So the doc said that's why you've been getting these headaches and stuff? That's so crazy! So much for "don't worry about it Courtney, getting your wisdom teeth out isn't that bad" haha. Hopefully you have a speedy recovery... and no more complications!
  6. Yes!! This is exactly what I signed in for. I love it, I love every single second of it. Ann, you're gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous! You look radiant in every picture, and you and Paul look so happy. I have to say, that one where his neices are giving him a hug is one of my favs... I totally teared up at that one too!! Ahhh!! 122 pictures, and I'm going back for a second look!! lol..
  7. Hmm, off the top of my head I can't think of any. I've got a list of things I found when I first got engaged and really loved. I think they key is just making everything super personal, that's what makes the wedding unique (IMO).
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller great! be sure and put - pic of rings - on there. i dont always do that and i saw in another thread someone asking for the pic of ann and pauls rings!!! there are pics of the rings. actually pretty funny ones of everyone gushing over them. even pauls. but no pics of them sitting in sea shells or champagne glasses. dont tell ann!!! im sure shell want to me!!! Well, a small sample so far is - bride and groom exchanging vows, bride walking down aisle, bride and groom first dance, but like I said... the full list is to come! lol. Nah, I trust you. And if you don't get all the shots I want, we'll just have to fly out to Cabo and re-do the entire thing!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Waiting_for_Sunshine I handed out a bunch today at work (I'm fortunate that a lot of family and friends works at the same place I do-a casino). My boss LOVED them and proceeded to take it around the office and show everyone. I kinda felt bad because we only invited a select few of our coworkers, but I think they weren't thinking they should be invited- it was only my own guilt. This is the hard part about weddings- You want to invite all, but you can't. BUT everyone I gave them to thought it really clever and seemed excited about the wedding. This is exactly the reaction I wanted- get everyone excited which encourages them to go! Aww I love that your boss was showing them off so much. So sweet! Btw - least cheesy idea ever. That's so great, and so creative. You deserve a pat on the back for the unique idea!!! Well done!
  10. Actually PhotoDiva, I love when you photographers give your two cents. Oh, and I'll be sending you my 657 item list of my must-have pictures!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Those are totally hot!!!! omg, after re-reading that... could I be anymore like Paris Hilton?!!! Ugh...
  12. Quote: Those are totally hot!!!! I love those, not that I'd be able to walk in them - but I still love them! lol
  13. Ok Melissa, I have to know... how do these collapse? Like, how many do you think you'll be able to fit in your suitcase? Also, what does this mean?: Quote: Screen charge: add $45 per color. Hmm, I really like this idea!! lol. Thanks for the link. Can you post pictures of your sample?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine My photog told me to be careful not to make a super long list as it will inhibit his creativity with other unique shots... Jonathan brought that up in that thread. I think I'll give a list to Leigh, but I'd rather her skip out on the list than deflate her creativity. She's the professional, and I chose her for a reason, I should be able to trust her. But I do really like the shots of the brides shoes in that artistic way.
  15. Oh, there was a thread about that a while ago... let me see if I can find it for you..
  16. Hurray Jess!!! I think you already know that you're my hero just based on your invitations alone. lol. You really are such a nice, sweet person and deserve all the best. Have a safe trip, and a beautiful, fantastic wedding. I honestly can't wait until you get back to hear all about it, and see those awesome pictures (pressures on, Jonathan! ). I'll probably say all of this again in your "congrats" thread, lol... but at least you know I mean it!! Congratulations Jessalyn!!!!
  17. Thanks, those are super cute!!! I think I'll be doing mine myself (DIY), but I can definately use some inspiration! Who knows, maybe I'll get lazy and give in and use these. They're great, they look fun and professional. Great find!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride another question for the past oot bag givers-- Did you pack everything in your suitcase? or have them shipped to the hotel ahead of time? Unless its something you're willing to part with because of lost shipments, pack it in your suitcase (or in a family member's suitcase... they may have a much needed spare). Also, it can get pretty pricy to ship.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama I didnt believe that for a second. Like really, where do you think they store the bottled water when its not sold? In a wearhouse which would not be air conditioned, so the water would be warm. We buy it warm, so whats the difference? I think the sad thing is that people send these emails out and try to worry everyone and they think its amusing. Its just really sad. Bingo Laura. Aaron worked in a grocery warehouse way back when and he said it was hotter than hell in there. When I go to the grocery store, the bottled water is on the shelves, not in the coolers. It's true, water can build up some pretty nasty bacteria though - but it does take quite a while. These days, there's a new report out every day about how we can get cancer from everything... no wonder so many people have OCD!
  20. I think you're safe in May. And if it rains, it rains... there's nothing you can do about it. And yes, I've heard it too that if it rains on your wedding day, it's good luck... so there ya go! It's win-win either way! lol
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Trista Well not quite over but I must admit, we are a large number here..I love American shopping though..I must add that its been hard to find a lot of stuff in Canada and thus have spent tons of money on shipping and duty..Do you have the same problem? Omg, yes I have the same problem! Shipping is SO much, it can almost be as much as whatever it is you're purchasing. I started a thread because it ticked me off so much... I just started it the other day, but have a look and feel free to add to it if you have anything... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5892
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB OMG Ann, tell Paul to get his hand off your @$$.. ROFL.. Oh come on, can you blame him? After seeing her bpics I'm sure he just couldn't wait!! lol Ann, you're a saint for sharing those three prof pictures and the ones from your friend. I love your dress, you look gorgeous... absolutely stunning. That sucks that you guys were sick though . Oh, by the way - the one that Leigh showed as a teaser is AMAZING! lol... just thought you should know!! lol... sorry that was cruel...
  23. Welcome Kat, Would you post some of your pictures, and maybe a review on the forum? I'm sure it'd come in handy for a lot of brides to see and hear in detail how the day went. Plus, we love pictures here. This is your chance to gush abour your wedding day! lol, we want to hear it all from the resort, to the ceremony and reception, to the photographer and on and on! Do tell!!!
  24. I've seen it once or twice. You'd definately need a designated video camera/mic person, otherwise people like me (sorry to admit it) avoid it like the plague! As a guest, I'd much rather write something down, or have a picture taken then look like a babbling, mumbling idiot on camera! lol. Although, if someone asked me to say a message to the bride and groom on camera, I wouldn't refuse - but I probably wouldn't run up and volunteer either.
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