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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller my hubbys an accountant. in his spare time he builds robots. need i say more? Quote: Originally Posted by host my DH is nerdier...he manages the tech/web department for the largest text book publisher so he comes home with all this info on how frogs produce and things from medical text books.. in his spare time he: flies a radio control helicopter, trims his bonsai tress (his newest obsession)...he also surfs and plays in a punk band...but he is an uber-nerd! Heh, our FI/DHs could start a nerd club ... and Aaron would be the president. He's going to school for Network Engineering. So, by this time next year he'll (hopfully) have a job where he maintains/fixes/sets up the network among computers. In his free time, he plays ass amounts of video games and searches YouTube. lol. But, his redeeming cool factor is that he plays the guitar - and really well. He was in a band, but dropped out because it was getting too serious (he's not interested in record deals)... and he moved to another city with me! The band went on to open for Matt Good and Thousand Foot Krutch - they have a record deal now, but I don't know how well they're doing.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 boy, oh boy - am I in the minority here! I said "hell no!" - I really don't like the idea of strip clubs....for me or him. Just my personal beliefs about it all! I voted "Hell No!" too. I don't get the hype, personally. The only man I want to look at is Aaron, and I hope it's the same way with him. He has told me he's not into that kind of stuff. If he decided to go though, I wouldn't get incredibily mad. I guess as long as he comes home to me. But still, why would I approve of him looking at some other nudy chick?
  3. Noooooooooooooo need flash. Oh well, I'll have to wait until I get home again! Seriously you guys, stop posting your pictures early in the day - pure torture!
  4. OMG! I love them. You look so amazing! You're probably posting more, but I had to comment right away! P.S. How did your husband like the bpics?
  5. Hey, welcome to the forum! We have a few PV (and Dreams) brides here. Congratulations on your very new engagement!!! You should post your story here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...agement-story/
  6. Laura, that's awesome news! I'm totally with you - if you're a crazy cat lady, then so am I! I took a day off work when we had to put my cat down, I was so sad, but my boss has never had pets before and she wasn't impressed. Too bad for her, cats are the best! Oh, and my cats use to do that too. We had one cat (Smitty) who use to love to go outside. One day the other cat (Einstein) was sitting in the window meow crazily... like seriously, he was channeling his Lassy powers. We went over to see what he was meowing at and he was tattling on Smitty! lol. Seriously, it was like a child saying "HEY! How come Smitty is outside? That's NOT ALLOWED! He should be in trouble!". lol. But ya, my cats have run away a few times too, and every time I get really nervous and scared, especially since we live in a high coyote area.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha Coming up with $1000 CAN be hard, you guys. You may not know if these people live pay check to pay check. You dont know how many bills they have. You really just dont know. We have switched locations several times to try and save money for our guests. When it comes down to it, we are going to probably dish out a lot of money to help them... You just never know what people's finances are REALLY like. That's very true, but why the heck would they put down a deposit if they can't afford it? I'm sorry, that's just not fiscally smart. And if you really want to make it, but can't afford it, then a chat or a heads up BEFORE the final pay date is probably the smart thing to do. I will have plenty of guests who won't be able to afford it - fine, that's ok. You don't put down a deposit and then neglect to save up $1000. Not only have you invested the extra time and energy into making the arrangements after they RSVP'd, but now you have to make arrangements for those of your guests that are left high and dry because of this. UGH! This makes me angry and they're not even my guests!!!! On the flipside. My family put down our deposits for my cousin's wedding, we saved our money for the trip and when we went to place our final payment on the day the final payment was due... THE DAY IT WAS DUE, we found out from the TA (not my cousin, the TA!) that the wedding was cancelled. We went anyways because we would have lost out on $500 worth of deposits, but that's the flipside to Wedding Deposit Blues! lol
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins Wow! I am surprised that so many people are not registering while I understand your points here is my situation. If I had a wedding here in L.A. over 3/4 of our guests would be traveling to the wedding be it from Ireland, Canada, and San Francisco. So does that mean if I had a wedding in L.A. I wouldn't register because my guests are traveling? I am not getting married for gifts, it's not about that, but they would be nice hahahah. I always assumed I would register but now you have me thinking. Also this trip is a vacation for them as well. jess Well, part two of why we're not registering is because my fiance and I have lived together for 4 years now, so we have everything we need. Either way, it's just a personal preference. When I went to a cousin's DW in March, we were prepared to give money, it didn't even cross our minds NOT to give a gift. So it's not like it's a lot to register either. I guess we might get that too, but we won't "register" for anything. I dunno, I could see both sides. I don't think that if you register, people will get upset. Most people buy a gift without thinking twice about it anyways!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by carlymcmullen I always check the "User CP" area before going searching around in the forums. You can chose to view all subscribed threads, usually only the ones with new responses are there, but you can change it. Plus, I did know that OF COURSE someone would respond!! hahahahahahaha Oooh, of course. I've seen that before, but never think to use it! You're such a smart gal! Although, I subscribe to so many threads I still wouldn't be able to find it anyways! lol.
  10. Well, I know for sure we got Hep A and B, but I'm not sure if it's the "Twinrix" thing or not. Hmm... I wonder! I'd much rather never getting the shot again than every 5 or 9 years!!!
  11. No, seriously the $250 fee is STUPID! I don't know why I missed this thread before, but just reading that makes me angry. That's complete BS. Why should you fork over so much money for their sales pitch to their property?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr Umm.. are you sure about that Courtney. I had to get a Twinrix shot which is for A and B together, before I went to Thailand and it lasts forever. My DR said no matter what we got in highschool, the shots have changed and I should get this one. Its free, so ask your DR if you can get it. Its 3 shots, and I have a huge fear of needles, but its worth it. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I just realised that you are 10 years younger than me, lol, so maybe you are fine. I had to get the Twinrix though, so other Canadian brides who are not youngins like Courtney, ask your DR. about it. Haha, ya I graduated 4 years ago. lol. So they last forever?? I thought they had to be updated every bunch of years (like I said - for some reason 5 years or 9 years stick in my head).
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by MSMAZE31 doesn't matter if you tell the reservation agent on the phone because they will not relay the message. When you get to the airport look for the flight attendants before they board and politely ask one of them if it would be ok for you to hang your dress on the plane. I am sure they will accomadate you. They don't have too and I 've heard of brides (who weren't so nice) having to sit with their dress in their lap the whole way! Our flight attendant even gave us a bottle of champagne on the plane too It's true, a little courtesy and a smile can make a big difference. I get really uptight in airports just because everyone else is... but no one wants to accomodate a diva!
  14. Well, my decision was heavily influenced by this forum. Before I joined, I had never heard of Los Cabos or anything - and had never even been to Mexico before. There was a lot of information on Cabo, and Dreams in particular - and when I saw the pictures of the gazebo at dreams, I fell in love. It is a little bit closer than if we were to go to, say Cancun. I definately chose it because of this fourm and the easily accessable information. The good thing now, is that there is a lot of information on a lot of different resorts on this forum - so there is a lot to choose from! The only thing I didn't like about Dreams was that you can't swim in the ocean there - but I'm over it already! lol
  15. Right now, since the forum went down, we're having a few problems with uploading pictures. Tammy's working out the kinks, but in the meantime you might just have to put some pretty font in your siggy!
  16. I think I have to re-read the book to remember what the movie is about!! It's been so long!
  17. lol, well my ideas weren't unique - I based mine off of Jessalyn's (CABOBRIDE200). Here's her thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...take-look.html
  18. I'm not sure about in the U.S., but in Canada they provide the shots in the school system. So, when I was in grade twelve I got all of my shots updated (hep shots, meningitus etc) and provided for me at my school. Anyways, the nurse told me they last a long time... for some reason I'm thinking 5 or 9 years. Either way, I'm in the clear. But if you don't have your shots - definately get it. It's better to be safe than sorry!
  19. Oh awesome, Martha!! Great idea. The canvas front is perfect so you can iron on your logo (or w/e you want to iron on!)
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Just Martha How are you guys taking so many suitcases? I thought you were only allowed 2 suitcases to check and one carry on? Am I wrong? I always check two, carry on one for myself. If you have guests that don't have the maximum 2 suitcases, you can pawn one off on them! That's my plan!
  21. Oops, where was I yesterday when this thread was started?! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY LISA! I hope it was kick ass!!
  22. umm.... :-| Jenetta, that's pretty much the best siggy picture ever! Love it! Did you post more of your pictures somewhere, or are you holding back on us?!?!
  23. omg, Sarah - I've already seen the pictures, but I still cried when I watched that slideshow. I'm seriously turning into a big sap! I waited my entire work day to come home and watch it, and Juan, you never disappoint. Absolutely amazing!
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