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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Aww I like that story, it's really nice. And what a smart man to bring you earrings too!! Sounds like a keeper!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Kate isn't you who has 5 dresses? I thought it was, if not who is it who does? Kelly~ That'd be Laura B. lol
  3. Aww I love that! Aaron proposed in our townhouse, just the two of us after a long day of work. It was perfect. I wouldn't change it for the world! He has since said that he wishes he did something bigger - but I loved it!
  4. omg, I love that dress!! It's gorgeous and it fits you perfectly. Does it need to be altered at all?? $299 is an AWESOME price!!
  5. Congratulations ladies! Wooooooooot!!
  6. O-M-G. At least its over. I'd be so pissed. WTF? He needs proof, yet he couldn't tell you what it was that he needed??! Ahh! I would have thrown a shitfit right then and there. At least you finally got it!
  7. Happy Birthday Laura!! Wow, legal ceremony, birthday and a destination wedding less than a week later! There's no need to thank us - you have seriously been amazing on this forum - you've helped every single one of us, and if we helped you along the way, it was just us repaying the debt! If we don't talk to you before the wedding, have an amazing time - and show off that starfish!!
  8. Tammy, does this include tickers? It seems some tickers have the red x, but some don't. Just curious.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt that is my fear exactly my mom really want to get out dress shopping but i keep saying it's too early. Plus what if I like the cupcake (as i call it. ie with the pick ups) look now, but next year I'm not so sure? or vice versa. Just an FYI - some of the dresses I've tried on and loved take up to 8 months just to get in, that doesn't include alterations or anything (I think that's an extreme case) . They say though, that you should start looking quite seriously a year beforehand. Or at least according to some of the salon people I talked to. I've gone dress shopping 4 or 5 times and get a tweaked idea of what I want every single time. Everytime I find one that I think is the one, I wait a few weeks and go try it on again. If I still love it, we call it the "benchmark dress" and we compare everything to it. I have the exact same fear. I've found a handful of ones that I love, but am not sure if I've found "THE" dress. But I don't think there's any harm in going early. If anything, I think you'll just get a better idea of what you want... plus, it's SO fun!!
  10. Congratulations Amy! I can't wait to hear about everything. I hope everything is absolutely perfect for you! Yay! Oh - did you get the starfish on time??
  11. lmao - why would they steal the makeup?! That's ridiculous!!! Just a few months ago we had our vehicle broken into. They didn't take anything (there was even some money left on the floor!), but all of the compartments were opened and everything was thrown all over the place. The may have been looking for GPS since we had the docking station thing still on the dashboard. Anyways, it was a gross feeling to have someone rifle through our personal stuff. And wtf with the cops?! TWO hours when you called reporting a breakin?!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I pre ordered our copy. Me and the kids can't wait, we read it out loud to each other, nutty I know, but it started when my kids were little and I read the first book to them. Can't wait we will bring it on holiday with us. Kelly~ Totally NOT nutty. When I was a kid, my mom read to my brother and me. Even recently we read together. It might sound uber nerdy, but I'm ok with it - I have the best mom ever! We'll probably read this book together too!
  13. Wow, you guys - those are really great! Aww, now I wish I recruited your help for mine too! Oh well lol, I'll just have to live with my own DIY project! Paula, you really should consider doing this for profit. Great work! I'd buy from you in a heartbeat!
  14. Your website rocks! I love the sunscreen and beach warning - lol, too funny!! (and also scary! lol). This might sound odd, but if I saw my picture website listed on someone else's website, it might put me off a bit. I know it's already online for everyone to see, but... I dunno. Maybe I'm just rambling. I guess I'd just make sure to ask permission of bride and groom to have their photos on your website. That's just my personal feelings - maybe I'm way off. But, that's it. The website looks really great!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by mellibean thanks for the info. i might need help with the font siggy too. lol Quote: Originally Posted by mellibean are they still working out the kinks. my pics are not showing up Oops, ya I can help you with fonts too! Just let me know!! I think she's still working out the kinks. When I look at my ticker in my siggy, it shows a red x. Tammy's working on it though! Hey, we have the shoutbox back - woot! lol.
  16. Wooot! That's great news!! What a big item to check off the list. Congratulations!
  17. Ahh! That totally sucks!! I absolutely hate airports, they're always so uptight. I don't know how you can keep your sanity traveling all the time. The bright side is you're with your new husband! Here's to hoping you make it home tonight!!!!
  18. Congratulations Nicole!! I can't wait to see how everything turned out; all of your hard work is finally about to pay off! I wish you and your new husband all the best!!
  19. Holy crap, that ring is blingtastic!!!! lol. Seriously, that's a gorgeous ring! Congrats!
  20. I am Deadly Smurf Aaron is Naughty Smurf ROFL haha... my married one is : The Real Slim Smurf
  21. Anny, you're so crafty! How did you get your logos on the flip flops??
  22. That's so crazy!! I'd like to hear more of the wife's story. Like, how do you accidentally SHOOT someone in the head in the middle of the night IN BED?!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr You have a good point, but I think that this is the only time its going to happen, and if I can't trust him, why am I marrying him. I would rather find out something now, before we got married than after I have been screwed around by many asshole men in the past and this is the only man I would allow to go see naked women dancing around, and maybe even on his lap, cause I know he would NEVER do anything. And, I have warned him many many times that if he cheated on me, I would leave him as soon as I found out and take him for all he is worth. I scared him off of cheating. lol Ya, I agree with Glenda. It's not about not trusting him though -I trust Aaron and I don't think he's gonna mount some topless chick just because she's giving him a lapdance.. but Glenda said it perfectly. Why would it suddenly be ok under these circumstances to have some other random chick shake her boobs in my fiances face? It wouldn't be ok any other time, so why now?
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