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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Hmm... I'm not sure. Is there any way you could post the document you've saved it on and one of us can try to play around with it (without altering it if possible) to get it to work??
  2. Aww, after reading your reasoning I had to hesitate before answering. Personally, if it were me, I'd still walk down the aisle alone and have Aaron waiting at the alter/gazebo. But I do like the idea of just the time for the two of you. Heck, it's your day, you might as well. Although I'm still torn (lol, can you tell?!) I voted for alone.
  3. That's great!! I read it out loud to Aaron, and now he's got a funny look in his eye! lol - keep your eye on the Calgary newspapers!!!
  4. Hey Lisa, welcome to the forum!! I've never been to Niagra Falls either, but it's definately on my list of places to visit!! We have some really helpful Ontario members on this forum (including Edyta, who already posted) - I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help if you have questions.
  5. Thanks for the bump, Jill - I love this idea too! On the flipside, I'm glad I don't have anyone to honour - all my loved ones are still with me. It really is a nice idea though.
  6. Thanks for that! I always wonder what pays off, and what you could have done without - those are all good things to know. But reading the part about your dress made me sad!! You look amazing in it - money/stress worth it IMO. Tammy's right, the pro pictures will totally make it worth it.
  7. Wow, she's beaufitul!!! Is her dress the Alfred Angelo? I love Dreams Tulum - great location. I'm assuming you went too? You should write a review for future Tulum brides!
  8. Hurray!! Congratulations! I looooooooooooooooooove that dress. Haha - now I'm looking forward to your wedding more than mine just to see how it looks - and they're only 2 days apart! So sad! lol. Seriously, best dress ever. I love it so much. And fate it is, you can't argue the discount gods!!!
  9. That's a really cute idea!! I love it!! Oh, and umm.. Christine - you're "only" 10 lbs, is impressive! Nice work!
  10. Thanks for posting those, ladies! I've stopped by their website a few times already.
  11. Haha, that's hilarious!!! lol I once saw an infomercial for a detergent (like OXi-clean or w/e it's called, but it wasn't) and they claimed to effectively clean out blood. Only, their example was a kid who cut himself and it didn't end up staining his white shirt. Still though - I couldn't help but laugh. You know the homicidal wives perked up to that one!
  12. You guys are the best. Everytime I look at the list, I get a knot in my stomach. I'm just feeling a little too stressed at the moment to pay close attention to it, and it wouldn't be fair to leave someone out because of it. Shelley, I'm at work now, but I'll be updating the list probably tomorrow...? I keep saying that, but I had to follow up with a few people. I know I won't get to it tonight. Once I've posted the update, I'll send the excel sheet to you (do you have excel?) and explain how it's all organized. It might look like a bunch of colourful mumbo-jumbo lol. Also, I have a few e-mail addresses that might come in handy for you, including my own. Like I said, it shouldn't be too much - if someone can't get the starfish to someone else on time, it might need a bit of rearranging, and if you have ANY questions at all, e-mail me! The only time I won't check my e-mail is July 29th - August 5th, when i'm in Cabo. Anyways, I'll send everything to you shortly. Thanks again!
  13. Wow! You girls reply fast. I'll give the job to the first person who replied! Thanks Shelley (beachbride). I'll send you the list after I update it on the thread. And ladies, once there is an update posted, contact Shelley for questions. It's only for a short while - I get back from Cabo on the 5th of August and I should be able to pick it up after then. Thanks again Shelley!!! You're the best!
  14. Hi ladies, I've been a bit MIA on the forum lately; just popping in when I have a quick second. I know I've fallen behind on a lot of posts - but I'll catch up after a few weeks!! The thing is, I'm falling really behind on the Traveling Starfish. I've got just under 3 weeks until I go to cabo for my site visit, and I'm not so sure I'll be able to keep on top of it until I get back in a month. So, I need someone to keep an eye on it for me. I'll post an update up until October, but I need one person to fix the snags if any come up within the next month. And, if you need some help, I'm not too far away! I'll give you my personal e-mail address that I check almost non-stop if there is anything you're not sure how to fix. I'll send you the list I have thus far, and explain how it's organized and give you the contact information I have. Chances are, you won't have to do anything, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. If you're up for the part-time gig, send me a PM and I'll fill you in on the details. I promise, there isn't much work - I just need a little starfish relief!!! Thanks guys!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh OMG, your killng me here, there goes my weekend... now I'm going to have to listen to each song and add them to my play list! Haha! That's exactly my thought! Nice work Trista, thanks a ton. You have no idea how much work you've just saved a lot of us!!!
  16. Haha Kelly, you crack me up. Good times. lol Andrea, Erik looks awesome in his wedding attire! Very nice! You should post it here http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...html#post99786 so the other ladies can see the options in one place too!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by akh ooohh -it's cute now! i like it. btw - i had to go in via my "super moderator powers" and just delete that 2nd line that was there for the 2nd ticker. glad i could help, and we got it all figured out. Dude, how'd you do that?!
  18. Aww that's awesome! I love that you're starting the wedding festivities so early! Congratulations... and yes, lots of pictures please!
  19. Well try logging completely out and then signing back in again... I dunno lol. Just because I'm a MOD, it doesn't mean I know anything!!! lol
  20. Maybe try clearing everything and starting from scratch? It's like turning the computer off and then on again - seems to always work! lol
  21. Could this be any harder to figure out; it's "070707"'s wedding tomorrow (aka Bob and Karen)!! Congratulations to the both of you, and best wishes as you begin your journey together!
  22. Congratulations! I hope everything goes absolutely perfect for you! Don't forget to hurry back and gush about all of the details!
  23. Tomorrow is Laura B and Michaels wedding!! Congratulations!!! ...Here's to hoping you stuck with one of your six dresses!!!
  24. Congratulations to Sarah (SASSYGIRL) and her new hubby (as of tomorrow!). I hope everything goes wonderfully! We're all sending you good wedding vibes!!
  25. 07/07/07 - no need to wish you luck with that date! I hope everything is absolutely perfect for you. Of course we can't wait to hear about every last detail, and see your endless amount of pictures. I am dieing to hear how all of your DIY projects went!!
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