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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. CourtneyV


    Welcome to the forum, Dawn. That's the nice thing about a DW, you can relax and have it as casual as you like. I think one member on this forum (Edyta) left a good chunk of planning until two weeks before she left! AHH! lol. She's a brave one... but everything turned out beautifully! Have you done anything planning-wise thus far? What about dress shopping?
  2. Aww, I like it - it's so cute!! Hmm, I wonder if I can pull off a tiara. I'm not a hat person, does that mean I'm not a tiara person??!
  3. WELCOME BACK! Yay!! Ok, we're going to hold you to your promise of an [awesome] review!!! For now, I feel bad for you and your laundry... have fun with that!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LAUREN That surprises me - I just ordered like an hour ago! Ha! Maybe you got the rest!!
  5. Oops... and welcome to the forum! lol.
  6. Ahh! The location is such a tough part of the planning process. It sounds so easy, but it's not - there are just too many beautiful places to choose from. The ladies are right, there is a ton of info on this forum. I, too considered the Caribbean, but it ended up getting a bit pricey for me and my guests, so we switched it to Mexico. The RM is beautiful and I can understand why you might associate it with partying, but I think if you choose the right location within in the RM, it can make all of the difference in the world! What kind of a resort are you thinking of? I know you want it romantic and relaxing - is an adults only resort an option?
  7. Won't she lose money by going somewhere else since she already booked there? How much of a deposit will she lose? Does it make that much of a difference? I guess it's up to her though.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I actually was thrown as well... but now I LOVE it and I come up with new ideas every day! Do you think it'd be weird if my guests got 10 STD's? Nah, just tell them it's standard for Destination Weddings, and they won't know the difference! Lol
  9. I'm going to ignore this thread since I already bought all of my starfish. WHERE WERE YOU A MONTH AGO?! lol. *mumble mumble* thanks for posting *mumble*
  10. Haha, sorry Angie!! We're not really going to see any vendors. We're meeting Mariana one morning and having the tasting right after that... and then we're meeting Leigh for our engagement pictures, and I'm meeting her for bpics and I think that's about it. We're going to have the welcome dinner at Dreams, and I'm not anal about my flowers (I don't think). Not sure... any suggestions?
  11. I only leave for Cabo in TWO WEEKS, and we still don't have our passports!! Well, it's 17 days - but only 12 business days! AHhhhh! OMG, what do I do?? There's so little time!!!!! Hehe, just kidding!! But I just noticed in my last post that I only have 17 days until my trip! Woooooohooo! I should really pay closer attention to how close it is, otherwise I might miss it!!
  12. Wow, great review! I had a question, but got distracted with the rest of your pictuers! lol. Everything looks great, and I saw the starfish - YAY! I'm glad it made it into your pictures, which is the whole point. I'll get back to you with that question as soon as I remember!
  13. Oh, Maria, I'm in no rush. I can wait for another order, or if this lady Glenda goes to comes back I can wait for that too.
  14. You might want to check out some of these threads for help: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...e/81-stds.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...stds-done.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...first-diy.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...done-pics.html
  15. Oh fooey. That sucks . I hope you feel better. As a side note, the mental picture of you wrapped up in bubble wrap from head to toe and hobbling down the street is pretty amusing.
  16. Ugh!! How frustrating! I hate gossip queens aka people who think your business is everyone else's business - and they need to be the first to share. Let's spread rumours about chatty cathy!! lol. I hate that. That is the ONE reason I haven't told the very few people I am close with at work that I'm looking for a new job. But, I also have no desire whatsoever to give my boss more of a warning that the 2 weeks - so I'm taking no risks so she doesn't find out sooner. Maybe you could say that you've just been exploring some options, but nothing final - and you'll be sure to speak with them directly when the time comes that you'll be leaving. That, or deny it - denying it is much easier and less dramatic!! lol
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride I'm a Centric-Venturer Traveler Me too....
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I am 9 days away YAAAYYYY!!! 9 DAYS!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Courtney they only provide Hep B and Hep c in our school systems, at least in Ontario, better check with you doctor. I just had all 7 of us vaccinated, a couple of weeks ago. I was also under the impression my kids were covered but I was wrong, good thing I asked, I phoned health Canada, then doubled checked with my doctor, I was told, nope the school does not cover them, they had not had the hep A shots. It is also not covered unless your private ins. covers it. Please check Courtney I would hate to think you thought you had protection and actually didn't. Kelly` Kelly~ Ooh - I forgot about this thread! I went to the doctor last week, and he told me I didn't need the shots. Yay!! Not sure when I got them (if not in high school), but he said my shots were all updated.
  20. Great idea!!! We heart coupon codes!! Thanks for posting, ladies.
  21. Aww, Glenda, you are such a sweetheart! It's amazing that you offered up your time to do this in the first place! I'm sure if they aren't available anymore, everone will understand. Thank you for trying to get them in the first place. You're such an angel!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I would marry Joe with or without the ring, but I have to admit wearing the ring makes it more real, and i catch myself staring at it... Haha, I have to admit - I do that alllllll the time! lol.
  23. Ok. Well, based on the poll, I voted for what I'd do. Personally, when I was 18 I was ready to get married. I would have done it ring, or no ring. However, the reason we waited was finances. It's not about the jewelry on your hand, it's about your vows to eachother and what they mean to you.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA If you are trying to save money it doesn't sound like you need the invites. But if it's not a money issue, I'd do it. I LOVE the formality of the actual invite - it's like a mini gift! I'm also a paper product whore so I love anything like that. I agree. I've already got big plans to frame my extra invitations with my favourite picture(s). Invitations were a must for me. But since you just sent out STDs, it wouldn't be a big deal if you didn't send invitations. You could always just send a follow up letter to book and no invitation too.
  25. Wow, it looks fantastic! There is nothing wrong with a third hand dress if it looks that great! lol. Seriously, it's gorgeous and has beautiful detail. That's great that you got to try it on as well! I'm sure you got it at an amazing price. Congratulations!
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