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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Welcome to the forum Jennifer! Feel free to visit the Cruise Weddings section of this forum, I'm sure a lot of brides would like to hear about your experience thus far!
  2. lol, no you're not alone on this; it is your honeymoon afterall!! So, I'm guessing you're not able to switch resorts for your honeymoon then (just in case)?? You may get a couple of people who stick around, but honestly, the week leading up to our wedding our group met up now and then but for the most part, everyone did their own thing. Maybe you'll bump into them more on a small resort, but it's they're vacation too - they probably don't want to spend every waking moment with you either (no offense! lol). Anyways, keep on pushing those 3-night packages, I guess that's pretty much the most you can do!!
  3. Thanks for posting that link, Megan. Quote: Originally Posted by kpuckrin Thanks so much! I'm having a hard time with the search function....won't work for me for some reason. Appreciate you forwarding the link. If you're having forum issues, you may want to check out in the forum bugs section of the forum, or inform a mod.
  4. Congratulations, that's so exciting!!!
  5. Did you try Michaels? Also, maybe try a different Walmart - sometimes they have different stock.
  6. Wow Jac, you're a gorgeous bride!! I love every single one of those photos. I love the ones where you're laughing (esp. when your bms are helping you with your dress - that's so cute!), but there are some really pretty, dramatic ones too! They're all great!! And umm... if you have more on FB, then you should post them here too please!!!
  7. Oh Ann, I think this'll be an awesome opportunity for you. At least you'll see Paul everyday now, right?!!! What are you going to do w/your home now for the meantime; leave it unoccupied w/someone to check in, or rent it out? Do you know?
  8. WOOT! They set the Premier date! Set your PVRs for JULY 9TH, my friends!!!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek i just saw this on perez Perez Hilton: Gosselin Sister-In-Law Says Stop Watching! i dont know how true it is but its Julie side not sure who Julie is. does anyone know? i thought perez meant jody, but no its julie Ya know, I'm not really that surprised by that article/what was said in it by whoever Julie is. Of course TLC spins episodes certain ways and they pay for stuff; interesting TV = ratings. You can't have interesting TV without interesting activities, and you can pay for interesting activities for eight kids on one income. Quote: Jodi was with Kate when she got "the call" about the theme for that episode. Kate said something like, 'so now I have to pretend that I play with my kids.' Is it possible she was kidding when she said this (if she said it)?! And can you blame them for spinning the episodes to promote Kate's cookbook (she has a cookbook?!!!); I'm sure TLC has a cut of it. It benefits everyone, it would be silly of them not to promote it. I just think the media blows things waaaaay out of proportion; they make it sounds like a horrible thing that TLC more or less "writes" the shows. I'm sorry, I'm not that interesting of a person, but I'm thinking I'd be even less interesting while chasing around 8 kids!! That wouldn't make for a very good series IMO. Quote: Please don't watch on Monday. You're not going to learn anything new by watching. They will only show what they think people want to see and it isn't real anyway. They will probably drag this out (J&K's 'relationship') for the entire season. They just string the viewers along hoping that they will come back for more. Duh... it's TLC's job to create TV that people will watch. lol - it's just mad silliness!! More importantly than the "fake shows"... when the heck is Kate going to get a new haircut. I swear, that one side gets longer/thicker every season! ARG!
  10. That was a pretty good episode last night. I think I pretty much agree with everyone else here about David, Wes & Juan. Ick. I'm excited for next week!! In the previews leading up to the season premier, they really made it sound like the whole girlfriend thing came later in the season, when she had really fallen for someone... I didn't realize she will have developed such feelings for someone by next week's episode? You'd figure she'd just have a "screw you" attitude and give him the boot. I guess I'm wrong. Also - I always thought the dates where the Bachelor/ette brings them back to the hometown was later when there was only 4 or 5??
  11. Hi Susanne, This topic has been discussed several times. When in doubt, do a search! this thread should have the answer you are looking for: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6297 This thread is now closed.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by NicoRuskies I just had this problem and fixed it. I just logged out and logged back in and I could change my mood....hope that helps if anyone else is having issues with this. Haha... isn't that true for all technological issues - turn off and then turn it back on! It always works for me!!!
  13. Well it's about darn time!!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about it. I think this wedding is a little extra special in a lot of our hearts because we've been lucky enough to watch this journey starting from the very beginning (remember the "waiting for the bling" thread?!!!). Congratulations Jaime! Love ya girl!!!
  14. I didn't like the "DNA" one where there was the long lost brother and sister - that was kind of lame. Plus I wasn't big fan of Cowboy or the sister (I forget what her name/nickname was).
  15. I'm stoked! I wonder what the theme/twist will be this year?
  16. Welcome to the forum Cori!!
  17. Great choices, I think it'll look fantastic!!!
  18. Welcome to the forum Pat!!
  19. Would you consider having your hair and makeup done on the ship? It sounds like it could be a busy day if you make too many stops! What time do you have to be back on the ship?
  20. Welcome to the forum Choosing a location is the hardest part, IMO! You're doing great though; not many people can narrow it down to two. Erin made a great suggestion... search for reviews on your choices; you'll get honest, thorough reviews on resorts, vendors and generally the entire planning process. Even still, I love reading the reviews from different resorts! Anyways, the RM is a beautiful location, you really can't go wrong to matter what you chose. Happy Planning!!
  21. I just spent my holiday season watching all of season one and 13 episodes of season two; I am now caught up... and am completely hooked!!! I'm not crazy about Vanessa, I think her character is weak and annoying. I also didn't really fall for the whole Nate/Jenny thing... it just seemed so wrong and awkward. I'm interested to see what happens with Chuck from here. Not sure about the upcoming "Jack Bass" thing... is this honestly his long, lost older brother?? They couldn't think up anything better than that? Oh well, we'll see how it turns out!
  22. LOL! Colleen, I love your post and thread title - too cute!! It's so common to flip-flop between destinations, but I'm sure the fact that you and your FI are in two different locations (COUNTRIES!) doesn't help!! I am biased towards Mexico, no matter where I've been there, it always amazes me. It's tends to be more affordable... but then again I've never been to places like Hawaii and would still love to go! I know it's overwhelming, but I'd start by narrowing it down a little. Figure out what your budget is and find a few resorts in each location within the budget, then take it from there; pros and cons for each resort/location, etc. Welcome to the forum Colleen, and happy planning!!
  23. ...and I just noticed your wedding date is almost here!! What do you guys have left to do?
  24. Welcome to the forum Dave. Of course you're allowed to join the forum... Your future wife is very lucky to have a fiance like you who is willing to help take the load off!!
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