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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Oh, I really like that!! Thanks for posting. Buyer beware though: when I ordered starfish, a lot of them sort of curved inwards and weren't completely flat... i liked it because they looked natural (because they are!), but it might make this more challenging. You might have to put in a specific request if ordering starfish online.
  2. Oh I love that. I love the little hidden meanings - I'll keep this one bookmarked! Thanks for posting this, it's a good idea!
  3. Wow, no I've never heard of that before! Only the exchange rate, which is to be expected. I'm glad they refunded it!
  4. Ya, Andrea! lol.. don't make us come after you! Perhaps we'll have to send the MOB after you in Cabo.... hmm...
  5. Woot! We're both May '08 brides, and we're both honeymooning in DisneyWorld! You've got great taste, my friend!! lol. We're staying off Disney property. We went to Disney two years ago (which feels like yesterday!) and we stayed at a rental home. It's actually a bunch of townhouses that are rented out. It's called Regal Palms, and it'll easily save us $500+ during our two week stay. I found a weekly rate of $690 for the townhouse. It's awesome because you've got a washer/dryer... yes, I know laundry on holidays suck, but it came in SUPER handy for us last time, it's got a kitchen and living area. We looked into staying at one of the Disney resorts, and it got a bit pricey for us. Having said all of that... we did do our research ahead of time. I have once before stayed at the Caribbean Beach Resort, which was amazing. It was so relaxing and yet still had the Disney charm and fun - and there was TONS to do there. It's sort of a mid-priced resort. I guess it depends what your budget is like. You can go anywhere from $100/night to like $600+/night! lol
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian You know, it took me like 3 days to figure out what the whole hotdog/cheeseburger thing meant. I was so confused. The cheeseburger threw me off, never heard of that expression! It sucks though, because I won't go in for that big ultrasound until 20 weeks. 4 more weeks to go!! Well, you know we'll be patiently waiting for the news in four weeks! Are you going to show us your baby bump? You don't have to, no pressure. I jus think baby bumps are the cutest ever! lol (still no pressure!!! lol)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding I completely understand why some of you have opted to include kids at your weddings. But I personally have opted not to have them. Why? Because this isn't a BBQ. We are having a fancy event and I don't want kids running all over the place. I know some of you like that, but I don't. I'm sorry if some of you feel I'm "sad" that I feel this way, but that's my (and my fiance's) opinion. This doesn't mean we don't love our friends' kids, we just don't think a fancy wedding is an appropriate place for kids to be running around. I don't think that's fair to compare what your wedding will be to one with kids as a "BBQ" like you're looking down on that. A wedding itself is quite an event, an event that everyone in attending (should) respect. Just because there are kids there, it doesn't mean it's going to be some downgrade snotty-nosed, out of control kid event. I agree that everyone has their own opinion, but you've got this "woe is me" attitude about it, and it really surprises me. Just because kids will be at my wedding, it doesn't mean it won't be "my" day. Ok, I'll leave it at that because we obviously have incredibly opposite opinions about this. Just don't look down on other weddings, no matter how small or casual it is, or what the guest list is like.
  8. lol... whats pppbbbbttt? Is that like thhhhhhhppppppttt? aka:
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by akh when you board the blame lol Someone needs more rest!!! Good thread idea. I can think of a few people (and I'm sure there are a few people on everyone's guest list) that aren't interested/physically can't take part in some activities.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by akh Well, on 2 of the 4 NY boards someone responded all bitchy like - one said "hello vendor" and another said "This is upstate NY which means AT LEAST a two hour drive each way to get to NYC. If your going to spam the boards don't forget NJ, CT and the PA boards " or something similar. You should've just said, "Oh thanks! I never thought of that!" lol, and played dumb. I should try to figure out my Knot account and post something nice about you!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by MERRYME I'm in Cabo now and NO rain!! Last week there was a sprinkle over night.. but no biggie. You also have to be aware that this time of the year clouds do gather but normally over the mountain range north of cabo . It usually does rain every afternoon there during the rainy season. You will have a gorgeous wedding and your guests will have a great time rain or no rain! Ummm, ya I'm officially jealous!! You must be having a blast in Cabo... you're going to tell us all about it when you get back, right..??
  12. Haha, Jessica - I just saw your ticker again... It's time for an ultrasound and you'll find out if baby has a "hot dog" or a "cheeseburger"
  13. I'm excited to have kids at my wedding! Children are fearless; they're the first to get up and dance when everyone else is still wondering what everyone else is going to do... they're not afraid of a challenge... ie, my uncle's wedding last weekend, they had trivia instead of clinking of the glasses for a kiss - well the kids went up right away and took that trivia on! Kids'll get the party started!! So, in that way I guess they can steal the spotlight - but I'm totally ok with it!
  14. Welcome to the forum, Bianca. You're not alone in feeling overwhelmed... when I got engaged I felt the exact same way. I put off planning pretty much completely for about 9 months! I just didn't know where to start. I had some ideas, but didn't know how to execute them, or who to ask. Honestly, this forum has been a life saver!! There are a lot of us Cabo brides here, so feel free to ask ANY questions. You're on the right track already - you know the general location... do you have any ideas as to the resort?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JenandBrendanWedding Basically it all boils down to the kind of wedding you want. Some people don't mind having kids at their wedding, and that's fine. I personally didn't invite any because I don't want them there. Bottom line - kids definitely cause a distraction and honestly, the day isn't about them. I know my friends and family would end up spending all their time watching their kids instead of having fun with us. I'm sure that sounds selfish, but it is my day afterall, right? Wow, I 100% disagree. It's a day about family and love. If you want an adults only wedding that's fine, I'm just surprised at your reaction, I guess. If I wanted an adults only wedding, it'd be to make it an intimate affair... I wouldn't be concerned about people being distracted from me!
  16. Hmm... looks like you've already gotten a lot of great suggestions. Dreams Tulum is a gorgeous resort.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Dancing in the sand would be difficult, dancing in the sand while drinking, now that could be funny! Ok scratch that - send your guests to dance in the sand, drunk!! Those would be awesome pictures! lol
  18. Oh ya, seriously, it's nothing you can handle. And it's a beautiful vacation in Cabo, rain can't ruin that. If it rains on your wedding day, just imagine some of the awesome pictures you could get. PLUS - isn't rain good luck? It's going to be soooo hot there, if it rains, count it as a blessing! lol As a side note, I can't remember what thread you wrote in, but you said it was ok if we dropped by your wedding since we'll be there for a site visit. Is that still ok? I'd love to see your ceremony. We'll hang back if you like, but we don't want to stand out - is there a dress code (like Sarah's khaki or white only)?? And maybe if I can snap a few candid shots to share on the forum? It's up to you... If you don't want us to drop by that's totally cool.
  19. Yikes! I'm probably no help. I searched everywhere for a good starfish seller, and found ONE that was in the U.S. that'd ship to Canada. Shipping costs killed me though, I paid over $100 in shipping fees, $50 of which was a complete surprise to me!
  20. You want to actually dance in the sand?? My first thought is how difficult that'd be. I mean, just imagine when you're walking in sand it can be challenging sometimes... now think about trying to keep your rhythm in the sand!!
  21. Let me just say, good riddance to the reservation system! When we stayed there it was a HUGE pain in the butt... even when we did have a reservation, it was screwed up one way or another. And honestly, my cousin's stayed in the casitas, and it just wasn't that big of a benefit to have the reservation system for them. If you're staying in one, there are a lot of other benefits than the stupid reservation system. This can honestly only be a good thing, in my opinion. It's such a huge PITA. Count your blessings that they eliminated it.
  22. Yikes, you're brave.. changing your look right before you leave for your wedding! I'm sure you'll look smokin' hot - I can't wait to see the results!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Clussy75 BTW Glenda, none (I think) of us would even be looking to get a deal this great on such a classic item for the OOT bags if it weren't for you. Your initiative is awesome. SO true! This wouldn't have been an OOT Bag hit for anyone if it weren't for you! Now we all want one... you've creat Pashmina Monsters!!!
  24. Wohoo!! 100 days! That's awesome. How much have you got planned??
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by akh as a side note, i wonder they will throw in a free rabbit fur shawl since we're ordering so many pashminas. ok, really? people wear this? (sorry if this is anyone's taste, just not mine!) I CALL DIBBS!!!! lol... totally j/k! When I worked in retail, our store sold these... they're hideous to sell too... poor bunny rabbits.
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