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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr We have 2 of these threads going now. Christa is a lucky girl to be so loved that she gets 2 threads. I only had 1 on my birthday Oh d'oh, I tried looking in the Congrats and Shout outs section, but didn't see anything - I was sure Paula was all over that already, but it wasn't there! haha. I should really look more carefully next time. Oh well, we love ya Christa.. you deserve two anyways!
  2. Haha, Maria - that letter is perfect!! The office I work in is VERY religious, and there was one guy (who eventually got fired!), he tried to convert me every single day - without a word of a lie. He even sent me a "Religion: Truth and Lies" book... of course, published by his church. I could have really used your help!! lol
  3. Today is Christa's (A10CALGAL) birthday!! Happy 25th birthday, my friend! ....
  4. Woohoo - as of today, it's a done deal! Congratulations!!!
  5. HURRAY! Congratulations, Christine! I can't wait to be completely blown away by your amazing wedding. Have a fantastic honeymoon... and come back and tell us all about today, because you KNOW we're waiting very patiently like good BDW people.
  6. Awww... now I'm reconsidering! lol. I LOVE that lobby!
  7. Thanks Maria, for arranging this! You're awesome. And thanks Ann, for helping us with payment... and of course, for helping us Canadian gals!
  8. Oh wow, Anny - everything looks beautiful!! Although, I'm not sure this qualifies as a Picture Overload.... we need more!!! P.S. Tell me more about La vibora de la mar
  9. Wait, you worked for Disney? What? Details!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by akh ok - i've been avoiding posting on this thread cuz i feel like an idiot. on my screen, but pairs of shoes appear to be white! am i blind? lol what's happening!? Hmm, not blind - you can SEE them right? Maybe crazy?? lol, the second pair is very slightly blue - it's a really light blue though.
  11. Not sure how it's picked. It's at the same time every day, so it's most likely the computer... (I think)
  12. omg! I love that! That is seriously the best invitation I've ever seen! You are going to frame it, aren't you? That's so personal, and sentimental. You're a genius!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins How do I enter the lottery? jess vbPlaza Menu at the top, then lottery. There is a daily lottery and a weekly lottery.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by akh (since she's at work we can pick on her) Well, that only seems fair to me! lol. She's delivering babies, and aiding miracles, and we pick on her!! lol
  15. It's rigged. Maybe Sarah promised Tammy a photobook made by her if she won the weekly lottery lol
  16. I added a poll for you to keep tabs better. ...and I voted blue!
  17. OOOH! Post pictures!! That was one of the contenders when we looked, I'd still love to see it!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by gkashmira i agree - clowns ARE creepy! Especially the "happy" clowns that are actually depressed and the "sad" clowns that are actually downright scary... Yep, that's what nightmares are made of! lol. I think my view of clowns was ruined after "IT". (that was the movie, right..??)
  19. Do you have some photographers in mind already?
  20. Wow, those honestly look fantastic. I agree about the colour of the lettering, and if you did it in a brownish-beige, it'd kind of look like sand below the palm trees, which could look pretty cool! ' Ok, you're making me look bad! I don't even know what kind of OOT bags I want, and you're decorating yours already! lol
  21. Ok, well I'm not married, but I feel the uncontrollable desire to respond anyways. For me, the print package options weren't a priority when selecting my photographer. I narrowed it down by the photographer's work (If I TOTALLY loved it), then by the relationship I had with my photog, since it's super important (IMO) to have a good relationship with your photographer. My package does include print credits, I don't remember how many... and I don't remember how much I spent. haha, ok, sorry I'm not helping. I guess my point is that having the print credits were secondary for me. Yes, they're good. and yes, I'll use them... but I'm just not going to worry about it until after the wedding, to be honest. I'm sure you could talk to your photographer of interest about print options and compare prices between your favourite photographers... but I wouldn't base my decision on that alone. Did I understand your question correctly? Maybe I'll have a different opinion after I'm married (which is what you're probably getting to), but I'd prefer pay a little more for the prints and photographer than worry about getting a deal ahead of time. Know what I mean? mmk... I'm rambling now...
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride Because of You- Kelly Clarkson Isn't that a super negative song. Like a "because of you my life is screwed up" song?! lol I mean, whatever you want for your TTD slideshow.....
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride great thoughts... I might just have to go to the beach for the day (oh darn!) and hand pick them from the shell shop Sounds like a tough day, but hey - we all need to make sacrifices every once in a while!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller thanks everyone. were going to stay at the sheraton the first night. it was one of the easier ones to book online and i earn points there. about $200 a night. then were at las ventanas for 3 nights and i havent decided where the last two. maybe back at the sheraton. i didnt even think to ask you courtney. where are you staying? What?! We could've been resort buddies!!! I'm staying at Dreams though. I think you should switch your reservation from Sheraton. It'd be good to scope out the place ahead of time and get a good vibe from it for the wedding in May! lol... ..no? haha
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