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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Hey Natalie! Welcome to the forum. I'm not a Grand Oasis bride, but here are a few threads that might help you out. Jason and Karen just got back from their July 4th wedding, they honeymooned at the Grand Oasis: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ng-review.html There is a little detail about it on page two here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...resorts-2.html and again here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...aya-pdc-2.html Out of curiousity, what made you choose the Grand Oasis?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne LMAO Courtney you are going to KILL me because I HAVE NO CLUE what I was talking about!!!!!!!! P.S. It's nice to see this thread dragged up. Reading through it has made me all giddy again and put a big smile on my face. You girls are all so great! Crap, I was afraid that was going to happen. I think it was around the same time you had your wisdom teeth taken out, but I couldn't find it in that thread! lol.... and the search continues
  3. Umm, ok Jaime, I know you've been engaged for a while now (almost 2 months?)... but I have to ask. A while back, you and I were chatting randomly in some hijacked thread, and you told me you had a funny story to share, but you "couldn't" until you got engaged and you would share it then! So, when you first told us you were engaged, I searched for hours (literally, and it's sad to admit it! lol) for that conversation so I could quote you, but with no avail. I thought maybe if I kept chatting away and checking threads, that thread would pop up again and I'd find it... again, no luck. SO - I'm hoping you remember wtf you were talking about because you STILL have to tell us this story.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards I'm not Jaime..but that's a gorgeous dress!!! :-) Can't wait to see it on you!! Wow, I'll second that! I love that dress!!! Are you going to make us wait until after the wedding for pictures of you in the dress?
  5. I'm an Apple/Mac/i-whatever person too. I don't own a Mac right now, although I'd love to... I always like the products they release. I just checked out their website, and they look relatively easy to use, and offer really good tutorials online. I don't know about the quality though. It doesn't look like it'd be shotty work at all, but its tough to know if you'll be happy with it until you get one in your hands! I'm half tempted to try iPhoto now...
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by jesswins Girls, what about iphoto? My FSIL is a photographer working her way up and she said she would take my BD pics. I have been looking into photo books. What's up with iphoto? jess iPhoto is a product of Apple, right??
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by swang005 Thank you so much for your warm welcome. I can't wait to get started! Everyone has been so helpful thus far...weather wise, is July better? I feel like I need to get on the ball to pick a place to make sure that the venues are available! So much to do!! I'm going to Cabo in a week, for the first week of August. I'll let you know what the weather is like... I have a feeling I'll be telling you what he air conditioning is like instead though! Have you started looking at resorts yet?
  8. If you don't mind my asking, what were the average price ranges for the books your made with MyPulisher and SharedInk?
  9. That's a good idea. I wonder if Incredible Weddings and Events would do it?? I never even though about that option though. When are you going on your site visit?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Martin's family is VERY religious as well. His Aunt and Uncle are missionaries in Brazil!!! When they came up this Summer we offered to host a 4th of July BBQ to show them our new house and so I could meet them. Well that turned into a huge pile of crap. Apparently it's super taboo that we're living together, even though we are engaged. Hello, what time period are we living in?!? They finally came over but were talking behind our backs to his parents and had to sit their 3 children (ages 12-17!) down to explain our "situation" to them. LOL Wow, seriously?!?!! IMO, a couple should live together first before getting married. I know there are people that don't think so, which is ok - but I've learned A LOT about Aaron, and our relationship and changed a ton. But I guess you're living "in sin".
  11. You'll also get a PM. It doesn't notify you like other PM's do with the little box that pops up... but you'll see it flash at the top right of your screen "1 new message"!!
  12. Happy Birthday Brandy!! Woohoo - what a way to start the weekend!
  13. P.S. I was way off on the jackpot for the daily lottery - it's more like 2000 points
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride stop telling everyone~ now I will never win!! lol!! The more people, the bigger the jackpot!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 What the heck is the lottery?? I just bought a ticket...just bacause I felt left out =( Haha, poor Lisa. You can "Buy" lottery tickets for a daily or weekly lottery. The weekly lottery is drawn on Wednesdays (I think), and daily is... well, every day! I think the daily lottery you can win about 4000 - 5000 in points. The weekly lottery is around 12000 - 15000 in points.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB OK so my next question is.. Courtney... Is "V" your maiden name or your soon to be married name? My maiden name... so I guess in 9 months I'll have to change it again. Wow, I really didn't think that through. lol...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mlb36 how do you change your user name? I'd rather be Morgan something instead of mlb36. Go to vbPlaza Menu, Plaza Main, and in there you'll see Username Options. It's there. It costs 1000 points, but I'll donate some to you.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Curious, what did Nini_Bride mean? When my cousin was little, she couldn't pronounce my name - she'd say Nini (like... knee-knee, not Ninny!), it caught on. My parents call me Nini ALL the time. lol.. my dad's company is one of the trades my company uses (I work for a new home builder, he owns a drywalling company). Once he stopped by the office to pick something up, and when he left he said "Bye Nini!". Ya, that one was a tough one to live down at the office! Quote: Originally Posted by Stephanie 525 So how have you improved? Umm... I don't really know. lol. I was hoping no one would call me out on that one!
  19. ...and WHAT has she done with Nini_Bride?!! Blah, I was SO sick of my old username, I had to change it! I'm still here, I'm just New and Improved!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Did he come to work everyday riding a bicycle, with his name clipped on his crisp white shirt? We call them "mormans" here in the states. Is this the same office where your boss chews you out? Ummmm.... yea, there's a real fine "christian" example... Oh yes, it's the very same place. Most of them didn't know I'm not Christian, which I don't think needs to be in the workplace anyways - but somehow this guy knew and wouldn't give up. I told him I have made my own spiritual choices, just as he has. But he wouldn't accept that, my choices were the "wrong" ones. mmmk...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Random question, does a giraffe make noise? I have NO idea! Good question! oooh.. I found this: Quote: The resident expert consulted with a zoo vet and learned that although giraffes are generally quiet animals, they can make a bleating sound, similar to that of a young calf or sheep. A page from the Indianapolis Zoo confirmed this fact, and stated that giraffes can also make a "low, fluttering sound." Do giraffes make any kind of vocalization or noise?
  22. Haha, omg.. those are awesome!!! Next Friday is going to be a fun day! lol
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB I think one of the mods needs to merge both treads together.. done ...
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I'm still really pondering the anonymous "bill me later" option for some ethnic and gay magazines to some of the people around here.... Maybe I can find a good S&M & porn subscription for the bitch-ass trainer who goes postal on everyone... (Thank you Jamey for this wonderful idea!!!) Oooh, if you find anything good, let me know! I have a few people on my hit list here too before I leave. Also, anything that suggests worshiping Satan would be good too!
  25. Welcome Dayna! Do you know which island in the USVI yet? I've only ever been to St. Thomas, and LOVED it!! We're getting a lot of USVI brides/newlyweds on this forum, so if you have any questions - ask away!
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