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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Ya someone on this forum mentioned it before. I know I've seen pictures of it, but I can't seem to remember where... I'll see if I can find some pictures for you. ...this is where I spotted this mentioned before... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ng-naming.html
  2. Wow, I would have been really pissed if I heard someone yelling spoilers! Good thing you missed that. I'm trying to keep the book for the plane ride, but it's sooooo hard! lol. I started reading it last night, I'm about 100 pages in and trying to resist the urge to read it until Sunday! It's pure torture!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama awwww I love the new name and avatar! Youre way too cute!! Haha, the avatar is from bowling a few months back. I just got a strike and I was doing my "woot-diggity strike dance" and Aaron took a picture. I look like a moron, but whatever, it was fun!
  4. We started dating when I was 15. It'll be 7 years in September. We haven't taking any breaks or anything like that, but for the first 3 years we were long distance, which I think in an odd way helped since we were pretty young.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride but I should be able to see it right?? I am confused!! thanks Courtney lol, this is where my knowledge ends. I've never sent or received a private gift before. Maybe ask Jen if it was meant to be a private gift. If not, I can giver her more points to try resending.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka OK I got mine working... vb plaza options wasn't visable in chienta mode, so I changed it. I remembered ann saying something about all the functions not working unless in girl talk mode. it's all good.. thanks Ohh YAY! Aren't gifts a beautiful thing to see?! lol
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka ahhhh I don't have the edit vbplaza options under my user cp. wtf?! Ok, if you give me a few minutes I can try to adjust that for you Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride I looked at mine, and my gifts are not private.... there is 2 showing up (a lipstick and a ribbon) but not the clover I got..... Someone can send a private gift, whether or not you have it turned on. Not sure if that's the case here, but if they send it as a private gift, we won't see it.
  8. Oh I definately agree... try on styles you never thought you'd like. The dresses I've fallen in love with (so far!) are COMPELTELY different from what I went looking for. Try on every style that you have energy to try on! I'll 2nd (or 3rd?) that comment about taking pictures and perhaps changing your mind once you see the picture. I've done that once. And try not to impulse buy! lol. There have been TWO dresses so far that I was sure was the one and almost bought right then and there. I waited, and went and tried them on again a few days later and totally changed my mind. Same with the thong thing! lol. But I always wear nude-colour boyshorts. Good luck, and have fun - a lot of fun! They completely dress you up like you're a princess... enjoy it!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka know what... I've been looking into this as well. I somehow turned off gifts? Can anyone see any gifts I have, cuz I can't see my gifts or anyone elses. I've been in the user control panel but I can't fid it where it says show gifts. ugh.... so frusterating Ya, we can see your gifts. To change it back, go to User Cp, and then Edit vbPlaza Options.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston hi girlies has or is anyone doing a bonfire in cabo i didnt know if they do it at dreams?? Quote: Originally Posted by michelle08 I know that dreams does do this...but I don't know much about it. I emailed with Yessica at dreams and she said that it costs like $50 to use the bonfire and then if you want like drinks, food etc...for a group then it's extra Hopefully someone has used this or has more info than i do...sorry, not a ton of help! Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston does any 1 have a photos of this....and do they cater it for you if you have food and dinks or do you do it yourself We're doing a bonfire. When I e-mailed Mariana about it, she told me it's the same cost as any other event; $24 per person. They do cater the event. Same menus to choose from, etc. She didn't mention anything about a $50 fee otherwise though. I'll get some pictures for you guys next week... but it probably won't be in use. Hopefully it'll still help for those of you who are like me who need to SEE it in order to understand how it works!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 Courtney ~ I'm so excited for you! oh, and i want to see those BD pics too! Of course!! Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller courtney, you are surely going to hell for this! if i have a heart attack before the trip there will be no one there to take your pics. lol, sorry Leigh... I'll work on preventing potential heart attacks from now on. The brat in me just couldn't resist!! Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Courtney - We are going to have to meet up. We get to Dreams at about noon on the 3rd and leave about noon on the 5th. Short trip. I am meeting with Maye at 10 on the 4th and she is taking us to Mi Casa at 11 to figure out our welcome dinner. I don't know what time we are doing the tasting with Mariana. Other than that we are free! I'm sure we'll see eachother while we're there. Aaron and I don't really have anything planned, but we might go do a few excursions if we feel up for it. Quote: Originally Posted by DREA14369 I'm going to miss Courtney by a hair.... I leave Cabo at 6pm on the 29th.... I will prob. be at the airport 2 hours earlier.... I don't want to leave Cabo....hmmm Maybe Erik and I will just decide to stay there and live and work there....I could find a teaching job or a resort job....LOL I think you should postpone your wedding a few days so I can join Christa as one of your guests!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by naughie i like the fact that it will be accompanied by a journal, nice idea! I think all of the starfish (so far) have them. I love this idea... I secretly want to receive them all so I can read what everyone has written!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by gracefulsteph I'm sure some of you have already seen this website...but thought I would pass it along just in case. Actually, my FI came across it. It had some songs that I had completely forgotten about! Wedding Music: Ceremony and Reception Songs Quote: Originally Posted by katm Aother good site is Song Meanings at Songfacts you can read about the song and read the lyrics etc. Those are both awesome, thanks guys!
  14. The resort's a really handy though too... if you buy something at the park, you can leave it at the store and they'll send it to your room for you - I love that part!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by hln321 I just went out to Barnes & Noble this morning (no, I was not one of the people who waited all night in line for it to be released at 12:01!!!) and have my Harry Potter book in front of me. I'm logging off & will probably be reading all day long! I thought for sure they'd be sold out, with it being the last book and all. I went to the mall today, and walked by a bookstore and they were selling them 30% off, so I scooped up my copy... just in time for my long plane trip to Cabo! I still need to see the movie, but I'm totally pumped for it. That's on my to-do list when I get back.
  16. Mine.. I stabbed Ace Ventura because I'm good in bed Aarons... I stabbed an easter egg because I have amazing boobs
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly Here is the starfish Martha, the colour is clear, the next links are different colours, and the colour I am talking about is the Lt Colorado. This is the best visual I can give. WeddingandBridalJewelry.com: Star Fish - 4 Colors! WeddingandBridalJewelry.com: Gemma Brillante Collection (10 Pieces per Set) - 16 Colors d'oh, I'm slow! Thanks for attaching those.
  18. I'm all for the topaz/champagne coloured one! We have so many clear ones (and one blue one), it's nice to add some variety! Do you have a picture of it by any chance? I think that one would look really nice, and natural. Which one do you like better?? I think since you're shelling out the money for it, you deserve to choose the one you like best.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Thanks ladies!! Can you walk it on the beach or do you have to go up to the main road? We have one couple staying there. Will they be able to walk onto the property for the wedding (we are paying the day pass fee) from the beach? Since Dreams doesn't have the A-I braclets, do they question you when you're walking back to Dreams on the beach?! Could your guests just hop the fence/beach and avoid the daypass?!
  20. Haha, good post - and generally sums up how we all feel when we get here! Obviously you're interested in PV, have you selected a resort yet?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 i am still such a newbie i didn't even pay attention to the dates! so i guess a VERY out-dated and overdue congrats is more like it It still counts!!
  22. Word on the street it's only a 5(ish) minute walk! Not sure how true that is. Nicole took the walk to drop the starfish off at the Hilton for Sarah, so she'd know for sure!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak That is a great idea!!! I just wish there weren't a minimum order of 100 books... Psssh! DIY, my friend. I bet you could easily do this in SharedInk and make your own book. In fact, I might just have to use the idea!! It's a really neat idea! Thanks for sharing
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak Ok, here's an update: I'm an idiot. I forgot to load the spreadsheet on my memory stick and take it to work with me so I could send it to Ann. So, I'm doing that tonight and it will be Monday before the pash's get ordered... Sorry for the extra delay, ladies... No worries, thanks for doing this in the first place! Out of random (and in no way important) curiousity, how long does it take to ship (within the US)?
  25. WHAT?! Didn't we just do this? lol ok... Newlywed: Jason (lambert13), he's always so helpful! I almost feel like I should nominate Jason and Karen together, because they're such an amazing, beautiful couple! Bride-to-be: Yep, easily Shelley (beachbride). When I needed help with the traveling starfish, she stepped up to the plate without thinking twice (...which maybe should should have! lol). She's SO helpful in all threads all the time.
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