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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Oooh thats a tough one. It always makes me think of my sisters perm when we were kids! Poodle looking! You could just use velcro rollers if you want a loose wave. Put them in when your hair is damp and just let it dry. They work pretty well. Haha! me too. I had a perm when I was a kid and that's exactly what I think of. Plus, it was still a lot of work... infact, it seems like a perm is MORE work than if I keep my hair the same. That might be a load of crap, but I don't think you can just wash and go and it'll be a nice smooth curl. Tough call! What does your stylist think?
  2. lol Jamy, that's what I thought too - what a good friend, he just shows up with little information provided. Haha, well at least you can depend on him arriving on time next year!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I wish! We have to pay $200 for a DJ/MC ... that's why I'm hopinh I can find some cool vacationer there to help us out for some cash. And if I get anyone from the resort, I have to make sure they speak well enough English ... which sounds like from prior reviews will be a bit of a problem in the DR. I guess we will just play it by ear... No, I mean, a guest acting as an MC. Do you guys not do that at weddings there? I see it at every single wedding I go to. Hmm, weird. Anyways, we'll pick someone witty/funny to act as an MC at our wedding for free! They probably won't need to do much, but just in case!
  4. Do you have someone who will assume the role of MC, or some job similar to MC? That's what we're doing. We'll have someone who will maintain the "flow" of the party, they'll be in charge of the music as well... hopefully they'll be able to judge the crowd and change the music if need be. Otherwise maybe your WC can do it for the ceremony. Not sure how long she's around during the reception, but that's a good time to assign it to a guest.
  5. Haha, I love that picture - that's hilarious! What an excellent idea for a new thread. I can't wait to see what everyone has to add... and I can't wait to add my own!
  6. CourtneyV


    Hi Brittni! Welcome to the forum. Wow Maui, that'll be beautiful! Do you have a resort in mind? When is the wedding.. or do you know the date yet?
  7. Thanks Kelly, I appreciate your help and starting a new one! I'm glad it'll be there before you even leave! What site did you order from??
  8. I started looking through them and I got an error and it closed! lol, that's just cruel. I think I'll have to wait until I get home to watch them. But I did start looking through the welcome dinner ones! I love your dress!!
  9. Wow, nice work! It looks great. I can't think of one word of advice, it's perfect! The pillow boxes are great too. My initial feeling was I liked it with the ribbon - but I keep going back and forth about it! If the ribbon is too much money/extra work, then nix it - the paper beneath it is beautiful! Really, really nice work!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak #8 - Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Icing Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB 6. CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE -- Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh. Same here! P.S. I had to avoid this thread when I saw it earlier today - it was right before lunch time! lol
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride absolutely!!! I had a lot of fun!! I did like the 3rd one a lot, but the train was so long, if I could find that type dtress without the long train, and I did really like the last one too..... I am going Friday too!!! Ok, when I go dress shopping again next time, I'm asking for your opinion. I think we have the same taste in dresses! Those two were my favs too. If you HAD to choose from only those, I'd pick the 3rd one. So, did you have a blast, or what??! omg - and you're going again on Friday!! You'll post more pictures, right?!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak I use Limewire all the time---- people have reported security issues with the software, but in the more recent versions, they have added parameters you can change yourself to keep your machine more secure. Basically, you just need to make sure you set your software to take music, but not share any files with anyone else. Oh, you're so smart!!! You must be handy to have around the house at times like these! lol
  13. I have limewire too. I actually don't like it very much and have bumped into quite a few problems, but not that one. My itunes/ipod don't seem to have a problem identifying the song and artist. Sorry...
  14. Jaime, that totally sucks. My mono wasn't as bad as yours was, but it still was horrible. There's nothing like being stuck at home, feeling sick and just wanting to feel better so bad, but feeling like you're making no progess! SO frustrating!! I feel your pain. Hopefully it won't drag on too much longer. Until then, work on your arcade high scores!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 how about at a welcome dinner instead? Oh ya, I agree with this too! lol
  16. I think they're cute... they're not like the "HELLO, MY NAME IS____" tags!! But, I think a lot of people will introduce themselves and it doesn't necessarily need to be a nametag event if you don't want it to be (plus, a good way to cut costs if need be!)
  17. It'd work for the safe keys. It's an outrageous amount of money if you lose the safe key ($250 comes to mind, maybe more). I feel bad for your mom! lol - she's so excited!!!
  18. Thanks Heidi, that's a fantastic link!!
  19. You might want to try one of these threads: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...onal-song.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...own-aisle.html They have tons of responses, and lots of options!
  20. You know what? I can't remember!! I know for sure the safes are keys, not electronic (might be different in Casitas, not sure)... but as for the actual key to the room, I can't remember for the life of me! I'm thinking that if I'm having such a hard time remembering, it must be keycards - since that's what I'm used to, otherwise I'd be something I'd notice.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i had to try mine on obviously, to make sure it fit, but i didn't want to wear it until the wedding. i wanted that to be the first time i wore it - that way it was more "special" when he put it on. can you tell yourself that so you won't be tempted? lol Umm... didn't you get your wedding band like a week before you left?? Or wait, weren't they brought to your resort from a guest who could pick them up in time? lol. Am I imagining things??!
  22. Welcome Robyn, I love to see fellow Canadians on here!! I'm totally in love with B.C., it's so amazingly beautiful there. Thankfully, Calgary is just a hop skip and a jump from the mountains - but I could easily go on a roadtrip to B.C. for an entire summer and come back sad that I didn't see enough of B.C.!
  23. Ooh Lisa, I love these threads!! When do you leave?? You know what sucks? I'm in Cabo while you're in RM. If only one of us had a different location, then I could spy on your wedding! Oh well. I'll think of you while I'm drinking my ass off, ok?! lol, weren't you the one who was including condoms in your OOT bags? I'm confused, I didn't see those posted!!!
  24. Wow Jaime, that's so exciting!!! Did he buy it as a set with your e-ring?
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