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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Man, it's tough being Canadian!! That is so cute though, Laura. Did you manage to get the little outfit though, or is it from the same place?
  2. Great choice, I absolutely love the RM. Have you been before? Welcome to the forum. Let us know if you have any questions.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I also brought several outfits, but didn't use them all. Since we did some of mine on the beach, they weren't all risque ... some were just fun beach shots. And I never thought I would do them either, but had an absolute blast and was very comfortable doing it. Ryjaxs19 -- Let me know if you want the link to mine so you can check them out. Tami, are you going to post any of your safe pictures??
  4. Wow Morgan, congratulations!!!!! What a beautiful, stunning, gorgeous ring!! Tell us the story, we want to hear the details!
  5. Not sure where you're getting married, but one of these threads/sites might help you: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...dding-day.html Wedding Planner - Wedding Planning Tools and Tips, Wedding Sunset Calculator
  6. CourtneyV


    Welcome Jenn! wow, May '09, you've got lots of time to plan; at least you'll be a well organized bride. Let us know if you have any questions.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Ryjaxs19 Thats the problem, I am either going to tell him that Juan is comming at 5:00pm and that he will first take some bridal pics of me etc and than we will do the engagement pics (I can see Ryan falling for this, he doesnt know enough about weddings to question it, he will probably just think this is something every bride does) Ry would never guess in a million years that I would do bodouir pics, its just not me, which is why I'm doing it. Or I wont even tell him that Juan is comming at 5:00 and I will just tell him I have a surprise for him and have to meet with a wedding vendor and that he cant be around! and that Juan is comming at 6:00 and just meet me at the lobby then. I'm not sure this will fly though because this could get Ryan thinking and snooping. I think maybe the first option is my best bet. I agree, the first option sounds better. I told Aaron I was doing a hair trial. I think he bought it, but there were a few things that may have given it away. I'm not sure who would get a hair trial 9 months before the wedding, lol, but that's what I said, and he didn't seem to question it!! Quote: Originally Posted by Ryjaxs19 [Maybe your right, I will try them on and see how it goes. I definitly dont want the stickies showing through, but there is something about Juan seeing my nipples that makes me really uncomfortable. I dont mind a male photographer as long as I am still fully covering the "female" stuff lol. I do agree about the nipple covers. This is for your FI, and Juan is a professional. I hired Leigh Miller for my bpics, but there was a male photographer (Riccis) there as well. When she first told me, it took A LOT of thinking, but honestly - it was waaaaaaaay easier than I thought it would be. He was very easy to work with. We started with the outfit that covered the most, and then after that it was easy, and even a ton of fun. It really is a personal choice, but I considered the nipple covers too, and am glad I didn't do them. I can't wait to give my FI the "unsafe" pictures too!! Quote: Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 I never thought I would want to do a BW session, but after hearing all of the positive things you have to say about it, now I'm inquiring for more information!! I've written to two local BW photographers, but I haven't heard back from them yet - maybe it's a sign - yikes! Anyway, how many outfits do you need for one of these sessions? My goodness - I have yet another reason to get myself to the gym tomorrow am before work! I ended up using 4, and brought 5, I think. One of the ones I used was just a pair of boyshorts, which was simple, but definately one of the ones I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of the most. I tried to get a bit of variety in colour and style. I never thought I'd do anything like this either. and right after I booked Leigh, I was stressed and nervous because it's SO not me, but that's a big reason why I wanted to do it. It was a blast, and looking at the results, I've never felt sexier. Definately do it, it's a great gift for your FI, and it was so liberating and so much fun!
  8. Wow you sure found a lot!! There was a thread a short while back that a lot of people contributed to as well: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ngravings.html
  9. There are going to be kinks when you go no matter what. I don't mean to be harsh, but chances are something will go wrong. It's up to you how big of a deal it is. Just don't let a 30 minute wait get to you, sit down, enjoy a drink with your family and it won't even matter. Also, people staying in the casitas get A LOT of other benefits too; not just the first dibs on dinner in the old reservation system. IMO, it shouldn't be that way to begin with. Everyone is traveling there and paying lots of money to stay there, there shouldn't be a hierarchy or anything of the sort. Casita ppl still get first call on tours, everyone else has to wait until casita ppl have booked. Yes, you're paying more, but you're paying for the room and the private pools etc. Everyone should be treated with complete and total equality. This reservation system was B.S., count your blessings that your guests won't have to put up with it.
  10. Oh wow, that's fantastic!! A beautiful dress and a beautiful price too!!! Maybe you mentioned; when does it come in in white so we can see pics??!
  11. Wooohoo, congratulations!! Power to the May '08 brides! lol. Sorry, I don't have any pictures to share. I like to go to tripadvisor and look at the candid pictures though, have you tried that? Sometimes that can help a little. Congrats on the date! P.S. - where in Canada are you from, if you don't mind my asking?
  12. Wow Karla, the website looks fantastic!! I always love a business that has a nice, clean, professional looking website - in my mind, it says a lot about the business. I'd order from you in a heartbeat, if I hadn't already made my own! I'll keep you in mind though, and pass your info on for sure! Nice work, Karla!! Congratulations.
  13. Jackie, honestly, don't be nervous. I was nervous beforehand too, but once I got there and started worked with Leigh and Riccis, it was so much fun. I can't see Juan doing anything trashy either, you're safe there. So does Ryan know you're doing this then?? Will he wonder why Juan is kicking him out of his own room an hour early??!
  14. Wow, how do you not ship anything that is made in China??! lol, seriously. I had no idea the restrictions were so tight. If you don't have room in your luggage, just deliver them ahead of time if possible. People will still appreciate the idea.
  15. Are you going to show us some safe pictures when all is said and done? Out of curiousity, has Juan ever shot boudoir pictures before?? I'm incredibly interested to see his interpritation of it. Are you nervous at all?
  16. You can get a "replica" made, but they can't make it exactly the same, they'd have to alter it a bit... but it's still gotta be a less expensive alternative! Can you find it used? What dress is it exactly, maybe there is something out there that is a lot less expensive. I agree, $4800 is a lot for a dress - even if it is "the one"!
  17. Jackie, when are you getting your bpics done?? Great choices, very classy.
  18. Hi Bre. I just replied to your thread about your dress, but hey - you deserve a welcome as well! I love EDR, I really do. I was there earlier this year and think it's such a gorgeous resort. And Wow, Matt and Sol - great photographer choice too! They're fantastic! Congratulations, and welcome to the forum.
  19. Very pretty!!! Ya, the dress might get a bit toasty, but I think you'll be fine. You can always change if you want to, but my gosh, you'll look stunning in that dress - I wouldn't bother changing!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Shelley Thanks ladies! I got them done yesterday. Oh I had forgotten how much I love gels. My MOH is bringing nail glue and I figure if one breaks I could just go to the salon in Mexico to fix it. Well I'm off! Talk to you all when I get back!!!! Have a great time, and good luck!!
  21. Hey Erica, I need more help!! My hair is SO dry. I use a Chi "Iron Guard", which my hd says hydrates my hair, but omg - my hair is so dry and has so much static! How can I get rid of that? My hair totally lacks body too (), so can I get rid of static and add a little life?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by nat4crim I don't want to hijack this post but I also have a gel nail question. How long do they last? I never do my nails because within 2 days they look like crap. I was considering gel nails but worry they won't look good on the wedding day. From the time of getting them to wedding day is 6 days. Will they still look good? I would get french manicure style. I got my nails done two weeks to the day for my engagement pics. They lasted the week really well, includin swimming and still haven't changed in colour. Apparently there are two (+?) ways of getting gel nails. When I got it done, she said the powder gel nails are stronger, so she did those... I don't know if that makes a difference. They have pretty much the exact same look, but apparently powder are a lot stronger and don't crack as easily. We went swimming pretty much everyday and they still have their original colour. I've never had the other kind of gel nails done, so I'm not sure how it is in comparison. Anyways, like I said, it's two weeks to the day, and mine definately need to be filled. There is a pretty decent gap where my nails have grown. You'll be good for those 6 days for sure though.
  23. That irks me; she's just discovered now that she doesn't have the money??! That's totally not fair to you. I mean, it's fine if you can't afford it, but why wait until now?? Whatever, you're still marrying the man of your dreams, when all is said and done; that's the most important thing!!
  24. aww, you guys are too sweet. It's so weird, because I really hate the way I look when I smile or laugh, but I LOVE all of the ones where we're smiling and laughing and I love the more intimate ones too. I showed my mom last night and her voiced got all high pitched and she kept saying "Wow, Courtney - WOW! These are fantastic! Wow!". lol. Thanks Leigh, you're the bestest ever!!! I haven't seen one picture that I don't love.
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