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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Hey Kelly, So, I posted before that we are going to stay in an off-resort villa, but we've since changed our minds and will stay on the resort instead. We decided on the Coronado Springs Hotel. We wanted to stay inside the Moderate hotels as well, and from what I've read, it's one of the more "upscale" moderate resorts. One of the perks (that I've read so far), is that it's used often for conventions, so the bus line ups and meal waiting times are a lot less. And also because of this, there are less kids at the resort, so it's a little quieter .. apparently. It has it's own bus system - only from this resort, so there aren't a ton of stops. Some of the cons are that it's a really big resort and a lot of people felt like they had to walk way too much. They do have shuttles that run through the resort that you can take from your room to lobby. Not sure how often those run. Also, apparently the food is pretty average. I guess you can always eat somewhere else though. What were you looking at? Had you narrowed it down a little?
  2. Oooh.. blaming the TA - I Love it! lol. No, I'm totally not like that to get upset if I DON'T get upgraded. I'm not too concerned about the rooms, because we won't spend tons of time there anyways, but I really do like free stuff! lol
  3. lol that's too funny... and sadly true!
  4. Woohoo, that's awesome Laura. I totally need to order that Disney one! lol. $22, great price. Where is she shipping from?
  5. I think those flip flops are so cute. I think it'd be funny in a cute way to do a shoe change at the "altar". I thought about doing it too - now I just need to get the flip flops!
  6. So far in 2007 you have: [] broken a promise [x] made a new friend [] fell in love [] fell out of love [x] stayed in love [] done something you swore never to do [x] lied [] stole [] went behind your parents back [] cried over a broken heart [] thought about someone you aren't supposed to [] seen someone you aren't supposed to [] disappointed someone close [x] had breakfast for dinner [x] hidden a secret [x] told someone off [] ignored good advice [x] pretended to be happy [] got arrested [] kissed in the rain [] slept under the stars [x] gotten in a fight [] kept your new years resolution [x] forgot your new years resolution [] not made a new years resolution [] met someone who changed your life [] not had sex [] had sex in a crazy place [x] made slow love [] had sex with someone new [] met one of your idols [x] changed your outlook on life [x] sat home all day doing nothing [] pretended to be sick [x] left the country [] almost died [] drank yourself silly [x] caught up with an old friend [x] lost someone close to you [x] been to the hospital [x] gotten closer to someone [] streaked [x] cried over someone [] broken up with a gf or bf [] given up something important to you [] talked on the phone all night [x] learned something new about yourself [x] tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it [x] made a change in your life [x] made a total fool of yourself [x] found out who your true friends were
  7. Aaron and I are going to Disney World for our honeymoon, and today I officially started the research. I literally spent the entire day searching the internet for info, deals and tips - and I found that a lot of people suggested "asking for free upgrades". Does anyone actually ask for free upgrades? How the heck do you do that? Like, "excuse me, but can you give me something better, but for free?". I was just curious if anyone actually does this on a regular basis. I think the newlywed shirts (if Aaron would even let me get them!) might help, but I'm curious how to ask. lol. P.S. I swear, it won't ruin my trip if I don't get upgraded - but free stuff is always fun!!
  8. I love the two-tone one. Very nice. I liked number 1, but thought it was a bit harsh.
  9. Ahh!! When do you get the rest?? P.S. I'll put them in your original post for you too
  10. I wondered about that too, when I first started planning. My wedding was going to be on September 25th in the RM (or surrounding area). For me, it wasn't worth the risk. I know a lot of people have, and it's paid off, but personally I didn't want that added stress. I guess, If you do decide to go ahead with it, get a plan in place. Expect the worst, but hope for the best.
  11. Wow, very pretty. I love your dress, and your hair is gorgeous! - they did a great job! So, you had a "port of call" wedding? You cruise-shipped it to your location?
  12. I know how you feel about wanting to give them to your FI now. That's why I don't even want my book yet! Just try to forget about it if you can!! That didn't take very long for you to get your book - are you pleased with the quality? Did you make the book, or did Jill Higgins make it for you?
  13. lol, that sounds like a blast! Have a great time!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride 3. Your definitely need to get the corny bride and groom Mickey and Minnie ears for a photo op! Haha, how could we NOT?! Hmm... I wonder if those could be in replacement of "Newlyweds" shirts! I like where this is going... lol
  15. Oh.. but I forgot to add - I LOVED the resort. I wasn't the biggest fan of it's sister resorts, but I really did love EDR. I would happily have my wedding there if they allowed children.
  16. Have you been to either resort?? Have you been in contact with the wedding coordinators there? I stayed at EDR last March, and while I was staying there, I was trying to get ahold of the W.C. and couldn't!! I thought for sure they'd pay attention to me because I was already there! Nope, it wasn't until I marched up to the office and asked for her time that I got her attention... and then we arranged for an appointment the next day! lol. Anyways, just a heads up, that might get a little annoying!
  17. Let him ask, but I wouldn't show mine either! Sure, send him a few links that are different kinds of dresses, none which look like yours and say, "It might be one of these!" Serves him right for asking in the first place!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I like 1 & 3 (love your dress in #1!!!! -- hot mama!) but voted for 3. They all turned out great! I agree - it was between 1 and 3 for me. I just love the setting in #1, so that's what I chose. They look great, when did you get them done?
  19. I feel the same way as you, Morgan. Aaron and I will probably spend the night together, and have breakfast together before going to get ready. Whatever, it's your day - do what YOU want. If you want to see your fiance before he becomes your husband, then go for it!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by KellyandMatt08 We were told we can change the date if we want. The WC told me they have 16 weddings booked for next May. As of now, ours is the only one on that Thursday. We are just going to keep it the same... Maybe getting her FULL attention for the day will be the "discount" I agree, it'll be nice to have her full attention. I haven't heard of discounts on food either, as mentioned, because the food and service will always cost the same for them. I would have never thought of a Sun-Thurs discount though, smart thinking!
  21. Michele, Michele, Michele, if only you knew how addicted you really will get to this forum. lol - it's sickening how we all get sucked in! Welcome to the forum though! lol P.S. Cabo - May '08 brides RULE!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by dragonfly I agree Courtney, he is the most beautiful man I have ever known. The great thing about E is he doesn't take himself seriously at all, he is so goofy. He does this sexy sears catalouge model pose that cracks me up everytime he does it, he is way too funny. Everton seriously gets hit on constantly, the bank, the grocery store, Tim Hortons, pretty much everywhere, but he is so totally in love with me that he couldn't care less. It is so funny women everywhere want both my husband and my son, I'm like excuse me missy those are my men your throwing yourselves all over..... Ahh yes, Tim Hortons - the Canadian's place to pick men up.. lol :| Everton did such a great job of "workin' it"!! My favourite picture is still the one you originally posted when you got back where he's licking your neck. OMG - SO HOT! It's true, you really do have a beautiful family. But I love that Everton is totally devoted to you (also as per your other thread! lol).
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