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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Lizz Yay!!!! You got your dress But, I cannot believe you didn't bring your camera...what??!!?? Quote: Originally Posted by anacgarcia AWWWWWWWWW Court I was hoping to see some pictures!!! But anyways I totally see you in that dress, it's gorgeous!!! I know, I feel like I failed you guys!!! I guess I just have another excuse to go back and try it on again!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Chiquita Ooooh... can't wait to see you in pics of the one you choose Why wouldn't a store tell you who the designer is? That's dumb! Well, the manager was kind of a jerk about it. She went on and on about how important "true" service was to the place and then when I asked the designer of the dress, she told me "Oh no, it's the owner's policy not to give the designers". Umm ok. I was a bit irked. It's true, the service there was the best of all of the places I've been, but if you're worried that the bride will end up getting the dress somewhere else once she knows the designer (as she made it sound, that was the case), then why don't you trust your own service??! Your store's service should be good enough for the bride to feel confident to go back there! Quote: Originally Posted by MrsV-to-be oohh - I'm super pumped to see which dress you picked! how exiciting! out of curiosity which stores did you go to? I'm guessing the Bridal Centre is where the Maggie dress is, but what is the one that wouldn't tell you who designed the dress? Yes, the Maggie is from the Bridal Centre - thanks for the suggestion. It's a little tucked away, but with GPS, it was almost no problem! lol. The service there was ok. I had Carma, and she was nice, but not great. The other store was Beautiful Bride; the one place I've been returning to the entire process. I meet Simone there every time, and she's AMAZING. She really is. I almost feel bad not buying a dress from her. I think she's told me the designer before, because I remember looking up a dress I found there online. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Courtney I love the maggie dress!!! Will you get it in the blush? I cant wait to hear which you picked and to see a pic of you in it!!! So, yes - I did get the Maggie dress. I went to that place first, and didn't even bother going to the second place. I LOVE it. I honestly had no idea it was a Maggie when I tried it on, I just didn't want to base any decisions on designers - I went with an open mind. I love Maggie dresses though, so I'm not surprised. I tried the dress on in blush, and it was pretty - but I'm not a "pink" person. I got it in diamond white - which is pretty much just white (very, very slightly off-white). For some stupid reason, we didn't bring a camera at all. But, when it comes in, we'll do a full-on photoshoot right there in the salon! lol Woohoo for buying dresses!!
  3. It's a lot simplier/more dainty. The skirt part is bigger, but with smaller pick-ups. My mom says it reminds her of the Belle dress in Beauty and the Beast. The Maggie dress has a lot more detail to it, and it feels lighter, but I also love the other one.
  4. Yep - I narrowed it down to 2 dresses, and tomorrow I'm going to order my dress! One dress is a Maggie Sottero, and the other place won't tell me the designed (Hmmph! ), and right now I'm leaning towards the Maggie Sottero. Ahh! I'm so super excited. After I order it, I'll take tons of pictures and post 'em for you guys. In the meantime, this is the Maggie dress: MaggieSottero.com - Dress Detail - JSM1042
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Nope, no luck here. Hmmm do you know who the photographer is who took the picture? You might run into some luck if the photographer who took it knows someone of the forum and they could find out for you. Very pretty... Hope you find out who makes it. Or even if the photographer could give you the brides contact info (or have the bride contact you) - the bride would know for sure!
  6. Aww Jaime, you still haven't gotten rid of your mono?? I think you have the worst health luck. Wisdom teeth; gauz gets left in your gums, Mono, fall and hurt your ankle, back and leg pain. Girl, you just need to take it easy!! Do you really think standing in low heels for 5+ hours is a good idea? If you're not well, you're not well... don't make things worse...
  7. Ya, I was going to say - ask laurab. Her's looked beautiful. I don't remember her posting a picture of it anywhere though...
  8. That's so cool!!! Print that off and put it in the wedding book!
  9. Oh Laura, that's great!! A great relationship with your photographer is so important. She sounds like a dream photographer come true!! Do you have her website to share with us?!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB D@MIT.. See what I get for not being on the forum.. OK Ladies, this is the reason I'm a post whore, something like this pops up when I'm off and I want to kick myself.. UGH. Trisha... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm so excited, and now at my desk fighting back the tears, the story is wonderful and so romantic.. You looked beautiful and your ring is awesome.. did I say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yet.. Congrats, and well down Shawn.. :-) Leigh great pictures, I'm dying to see more.. :-) Ahh!! Whatever, Tammy at least you found out sooner! Stupid work, stupid, stupid stupid! Trisha, I'm so sorry I'm so late on this. That story is AMAZING. That's so funny that Leigh was on it (Leigh, you're a tricky one! ). That's such a romantic, beaufitul (and well thought out!) story! Congratulations And Leigh... those pictures! I mean, you never disappoint, but they're gorgeous! I'm sure it's not as easy when you can't stop him mid-proposal to reposition them and wait for the right lighting! lol
  11. omg - Anige!! Have a great time, enjoy every last moment, and bring back tonnnnnnnnnnnnnns of pictures!!! Congratulations!!
  12. I don't normally like pranks because often they're so mean, but this is good! How could you not get a good laugh out of this??! That's clever, I like it! Let us know what her reaction is!! lol
  13. Congratulations!!! Jonathan, I can't wait to see those pictures! Post a teaser (or two!) when you get a moment!
  14. Holy crap, that snuck up fast! Am I the only one who feels like Ann just got back from her wedding??! Aww, it's true, we will miss you! How long are you gone for?
  15. lol, those are some pretty good "don'ts" Sarah! I don't really have any do's or don'ts. Just try to make yourself comfortable. It sounds kinda weird since you'll be the only nudy one in the room, but (I think) if you feel uncomfortable (too anxious, nervous etc), it'll show in your pictures. So just relax, and trust your photographer. And omg, girl, HAVE FUN! How many times in your life are you going to do this? Enjoy it!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by RaydensMama Somewhere in the US I think. SHes only charging 3 bucks for shipping of the 2 garters! Wow thats amazing! Shipping anything from the US always costs way too much!! Great deal!
  17. I know Tammy's got my back!! But hey, there are always restaurants and free desserts! Yum!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by amyh lol! we share the same name! (you middle name isn't Haydee is it??) Welcome to the forum! Haha, that's what I thought when I saw the thread!! lol. Anyways Amy, welcome to the forum! Your work is great! (Tami, great choice! )
  19. Well, traditionally the groom's parents pay for the welcome/rehearsal dinner. I really don't think you can ask your guests to pay for it. You can casually say that you are going out for dinner, and "would you like to join us?", and I think I would get the hint - but I can't say you won't look like cheapos either to other people. :| Tough one! I think you might have to nix the welcome dinner idea all together, and if everyone decides to go out anyways, then so be it.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Are you using a TA to plan your disney world trip? My TA specializes in Disneyworld. If you are interested I can give you her info. You can also get a free planning DVD off the Disney Parks page. I haven't watched mine yet, but it came in the mail really fast. We are going in a few years once my FIs nephews & neices are old enough. Thanks, but my TA is Tammy!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by KellyandMatt08 We are looking at the resort too!! I got a quote for $1700 for 4 nights, 4 day park hopper pass, and the regular food pass. Would you mind to explain how the extra dining package works?? I added it on the disney site and it added an extra $1000! Is that just for 30% off? It just doesn't seem to make sense to me. Anyways, I'm still looking into the rates. To me, it seems like the least expensive option, yet still a nice property. Which other ones are you considering?
  22. That's a relief. I know there are a few EDR brides on here that have planned a wedding there. Thanks for the post!
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