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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Welcome to the forum Amy!!
  2. Wow, that's the most distugsting thing I've seen in ages. lol - but good idea!!!
  3. We personally put Aaron's parent's on separate lines since they're no longer together. Chances are no one will notice, but we did anyways.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by trisha0612 I have family from Philly, Phoenix, Maryland..and his family from Maine, Phoenix,..so unless it's in my hometown (which I really do not want) they will have to travel and take off work for the time anyways. I just feel like my some of my siblings are being difficult b/c it's something they don't want to save then spend the money on. Like, if they were saving money..it would be something more for their liking...like..DisneyWorld because they have kids. They are not looking at it like saving for a vacation..they are looking at it as having to spend money b/c I won't get married at home.... Does that make sense?? Ya it makes sense for sure. Just as long as you understand that your location may mean that family members won't go, especially those with children. Don't take offense, just understand that choosing a location other than your hometown or which ever location may be more convenient for others may mean that your family cannot attend. It is your wedding and your choice. If you're set on your location that's great! You deserve your dream wedding.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I am going to go against the grain here and tell you that if your family (and I mean all of your family) being there means that much to you, then I don't think its the end of the world to change your location (that is if you haven't already invested too much into your current location). I was not in a position to pay for people to go, however some of my nearest and dearest friends would not have been able to make it to my wedding (originally planned in Jamaica) and so about 6 months before we got married, we changed our location to something closer for family and friends. I have to agree with Christine here. You have over a year until your wedding, which is lots of time. Think over your location - which is more important to you, having your wedding at your location or having your family there? I don't mean to ask that in a condescending way if that's how it comes across, but if family is so important to you and it could possibly make or break your wedding day, then maybe a location change is in your best interest.
  6. I also find that if sometimes you're too specific in your request, it'll pick something completely random!
  7. Looks different to me, no?? I can donate some points to you if you like so you can give it another whirl...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by leigh miller Second - Have any of you spent time in San Jose del Cabo? We purposely chose this town because it's more our pace ... we like the historical / colonial aspect ... a little less-developed than Cabo San Lucas, hopefully a little less of the spring-break crowd! Anyways - I would love to hear any recommendations on restaurants / shops / etc. coopers has great italian food and live entertainment. and theres a cool bar/restaurant called tequilla. cant go wrong with either. ive eaten at coopers on every trip to cabo, always great. and great fresh mango margaritas I'll second that. When we go back for our wedding in May, we'll definately be stopping in at El Spicey Coopers. Seriously, who would have thought that Fettuccine Alfredo in Mexico was so good? If you go anywhere, go to Coopers!
  9. What?! There is another Calgarian on the forum?!!! Welcome!
  10. Shelley, I'm so sorry. I agree, try not to get stressed out about this (I know, easier said than done) and go see a fertility specialist. I know next to nothing about fertility and ttc, but please know that I'm here for you - we're here for you - and available to talk 24/7 if you need it. See what a fertility specialist says before you worry yourself too much. I'm sorry this news comes before your wedding.
  11. Wow, that's truly beautiful. February - that's so far away! You'd better hurry back and post pictures THE SECOND the dress gets in! Congrats on finding THE dress!!
  12. I would recommend the El Dorado Royale for your honeymoon, it's not too far from Cancun and it's gorgeous! It's an adults only resort. I was there in March and fell in love. Here's their website: El Dorado Royale. El Dorado Cancun resort hotel is perfect destination for your wedding in Mexico, cancun honeymoon, or Mexico vacation Here's a review I wrote from my visit: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ew-w-pics.html And a few other threads from other brides: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...slideshow.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ng-photos.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...iera-maya.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...gh-miller.html http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...le-review.html
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Adamsgrrl Undereye circles have pleged me for years, since I remember. According to my cosmetic surgeon (yes I have even consulted one for this), its a cause of thin skin under the eyes which allow the blood vessels to show through. He recommended using AHAVA, Mineral Eye Cream to draw out some of the mosture from the skin in order to shrink and minimize the blood vessels. Just started it, so I don't know if it works, it typically takes 6-8 weeks to see any difference. I also use Keromask Masking Cream as a concealer. Oldly enough, whenever I'm on vacation on the beach, my undereye circles disappear... I think its being in the sun and drying out my skinn that works (I don't tan). Good Luck, I know its a huge pain in the A#$. Monika That's really interesting Monika, I'll have to give this a try. I get dark circles all the time - it use to get so bad that occassionally people would ask me "what happened" as if I had a black eye! That didn't happen often, but it's definately worse some days and fine others. I noticed that the sun makes a difference too... and I'm like you, when I go on vacation, I come back just as white as when I left. Keep us posted in the next 6-8 weeks and let us know how that worked for you!
  14. Thanks everyone!!! lol, yes I'm 22. On Friday my office threw me a little party, and they guessed my age was 26!! I'm still at that age where I like when people think I'm older, so I was thrilled with that! lol Last night Aaron and I went out for steak dinner (yum!). It's his birthday tomorrow, and we celebrate 7 years together on Tuesday - so September is a big month!!
  15. Happy Anniversary Leigh!! I hope you had a great weekend/anniversary Monday with your husband!
  16. CourtneyV


    Hey Thereisa, welcome to the forum. Well, if you didn't catch the hint already, there are lots of us Cabo brides here on this forum!! Have you chosen your resort yet? Which ones have you stayed at already? Do you have a dew favourite spots in Cabo?
  17. Ok, here's a few. Their responses are in red. I know they're kind of lame, but I love them so much and they're SO much fun to receive. Here's a few responses: RSVP (Mad Libs Style!) Please RSVP by September 1, 2007 We're saving 2 seats for you! Congrats Guys! [exclamation] Devon *** (Aaron's bestman) [guest’s names] Will [will/will not] attend the wedding and will most likely be trying to get [verb] Aaron to relax [adverb] on Friday May 9th, 2008. Don't forget to remember your good times[advice] before you raise your voices [verb] and always kiss [advice] after the fights [noun] RSVP (Mad Libs Style!) Please RSVP by September 1, 2007 We're saving 2 seats for you! Hey! [exclamation] Ritz and Peter (my aunt and uncle) [guest’s names] will [will/will not] attend the wedding and will most likely Celebrate [verb] profusely [adverb] on Friday May 9th, 2008. Don't forget to gaze lovingly at eachother[advice] before you say "I do" [verb] and "thumbs up" advice] after the vows [noun]
  18. Ok guys, I wanted to give an update. I sent my invitations in June with an RSVP of July. A lot of people actually sent back the Mad Libs RSVP, and I have to be honest, it's the one part of the invitations that I don't regret. Receiving these RSVP's was so much fun, and everyone had a different answer. They're perfect for a wedding album or scrapbook. I honestly only expected to get a couple back, but of the nearly 30 I sent back, I'm only waiting for 6!! Granted, most people didn't actually send them until after the RSVP, but I still didn't have to hassle for them either. Like I said, this is easily my favourite part of the invitations, and would do it again in a heartbeat. And some of their responses even gave me ideas for my wedding ceremony!! We'll see if they noticed that I took their advice!
  19. Ok, first of all - I LOVE it when brides-to-be post this stuff before they leave. We've gone through a lot of this journey with you and it's nice to see it all come together. Jill, I can't believe you're posting this already though!! A month until your wedding, can you believe it?? Everything is coming together beautifully. Where did you end up getting your OOT bags. I remember both of us were interested in the same link, but I still haven't ordered mine. Are you happy with the quality and service?
  20. CourtneyV

    Newbie :)

    Hey Jordan, welcome to the forum. I noticed you said "boyfriend", are you still "waiting for the bling"?
  21. Tammy, I'm so glad you like it. It's so true, it's not about the material things - you keep this forum running, and by doing so you keep these friendships going. You're amazing, I'm so glad your family is doing well - you all deserve the best!
  22. Wow, that paper really is pretty.... but I personally don't think it's worth it. I found some paper I fell in love with for $4.50 a sheet, same size, and every sheet made 2 invites. It was WAY too much money. They turned out beautifully, but the time and money invested wasn't worth it IMO. People just look at them once anyways (sorry to be harsh!)
  23. Ok, not only did I see a cesaer, but I also saw Timmies! lol, you represented us well! lol and how cute is the squirrel and Liam??! I can't believe the crowd that gathered by the end of it!
  24. Oh, I love the header on the letters! That's so cute! It sure is nice to check something off of the list (tentative or not), isn't it??
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 I've heard that stores don't want to give out the designer info cuz they don't want you to use the information to find the dress elsewhere possibly for less money! It's another tactic of the bridal industry! Well, exactly.. it's too bad, because if they know anything, they'd know that brides like me look at their potential dresses online every second they can - and that may have made the difference for me. I only saw the one online, and not the other, so it's easy to forget what the other one looks like when I can ooohh and awww over the one! Oh well, I got my dress and I LOVE it! And yes ladies, I'll have to march my butt right back over there for pictures ASAP! I'm sorry I've failed all of you!
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