I've never heard of it either. Here's a little info I just found on a quick search...
Body Sugar vs. Wax
Body Sugar is warm, not hot. Hot wax can burn the skin and cause tissue to swell, making hair removal difficult. Body Sugar is only warm; you'll never burn your skin.
Body Sugar won't stick to live skin cells. It removes dead skin cells so it also exfoliates your skin during the treatment.
Wax adheres directly to the skin cells, which makes waxing painful and irritating. Wax cannot be applied to an area more than twice. Body Sugar can be used over and over again in the same area to remove stubborn hairs.
Body Sugar rinses off easily with water. Wax residue must be removed with either chemicals or heavy oils.
Body Sugar leaves skin smooth and silky!
How often will I require Body Sugaring Treatments?
Your consultant will be pleased to discuss free of charge and without obligation a program of treatments to your specific needs. Typically, appointments 4-6 weeks apart, since individual hair growth varies from one person to another.
Is the Process of Hair Removal Permanent?
While there are benefits of improved skin texture and less vigorous re-growth of unwanted hair after Body Sugaring, it is impossible to determine if it will lead to permanency. Body Sugaring offers distinctive advantages over alternative methods of depilation.
Preparing Your Skin for Treatment
Please do not use a razor or depilatory creams between appointments, as this will interfere with your goal to refine and diminish your hair growth and to have smooth skin. Regularly hydrating and exfoliating your skin between sugaring treatments is just as important as receiving treatment. You will receive the best results if your skin is healthy.
If this is your first experience, please allow hair to grow 5-7 days prior to your appointment. Hair must be ¼ inch long. Hair being removed for the first time may be more resistent. Afterwards, as the root becomes smaller, it will remove more easily as it thins. You may have small red spots on the skin for a few hours after Body Sugaring.
If you are pain-sensitive, please take your preference of painkiller 30 minutes prior to your appointment. This will make you relaxed.
Please shower to clean the skin of any access oils etc.
Do not wear any lotion, deodorant, oils, or other skin care products on the area you intend to have sugared.
Come for your sugaring treatment with clean dry skin.
Do not drink alcohol prior to your sugaring appointment. Do not expose the skin to sun 24 hours prior to your appointment and we cannot treat skin that is sunburned.
After Your Treatment
We suggest you avoid perfumed soaps and products with chemical irritants on sugared skin for 24 hours after treatment. Do not apply deodorant to underarms and avoid make-up for 12 hours after a sugaring treatment.
Reference: Body Sugaring
Here's a "recipe" for it: Body Sugaring - Hair Removal