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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Welcome Stacey!! Beautiful website, I love looking through the photographer websites! In your Hawaii gallery, it says "coming soon", yet there are images afterwards. I wasn't sure if that was a boo-boo or not. I love picture #10 in your California gallery. It's such a graceful, beautiful, yet simple image... and that bride had beautiful eyes!!
  2. For those of you who hired firedancers in Cabo, do you have any contact info??
  3. CourtneyV


    Hello to a fellow Courtney!! Welcome to the forum.
  4. I thouht this was odd as well. I ended up booking a room block which held the current rate (through my TA (Tammy)). The deposit we put down will go towards paying for the wedding in the end.
  5. I know you're gone already and probably sipping a cool drink as we speak, but good luck, have an AMAZING time, and let us know how it all went when you get back! ..and Congratulations!!!
  6. Oh Heidi, I'm so so sorry for you and Reggie. This is so unfair. We're here for you whenever you need us.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MoBride Dear Daughter, Why is there a dirty band-aid behind our sofa? Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Dear Skin, Please stop freaking out on me. I know the pregnancy horomones are making you do it, but back pimples are gross. Let's call a truce? LOL!!! Dear Economy, Please slow down just in time so I can purchase a nice house at a reasonable price, but don't slow down too much so I don't lose my job. --- Dear Cat, Please refrain from puking on my bed. Although I'm thankful this did not occur while I was in it, I would appreciate a more reasonable location in the future.
  8. It looks great! I love the pink and green combo... but I, too am wondering what the three M's mean!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW "Someone from the gyna colleges called. They said the pabst beer is normal. I didn't even know you liked beer". Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Ah hahaha!! Hey, at least Erik gives you messages. I showed up for my OBGYN appt today and the office was closed. WTF. I get home bitching, Brian's like, "Oh yeah, they called on Thursday because they had to cancel. You have to call them back and re-schedule." Grrr. You guys... that's so funny. Drea, I love that message - you need to keep that, and look at it when you need a good laugh!
  10. I bet you've got an extensive checklist of things before Wednesday?!! Well, congratulations... enjoy every moment (even the errands!), and let us know how everything went when you get back! Good luck and congrats!!!
  11. My photographer is also Leigh Miller. I have to be honest, I have no idea how long I hired her for!! I know I have record of it, but I think it's for 8 hours. I hired her quite a while ago, and I believe her rates have changed.
  12. Ya sure... why can't they wear a white or khaki dress to "match" your groom? Sounds like it'd be nice to me!
  13. I'm like you, I'm a chapstick and coloured gloss kind of a gal. I plan to visit the MAC counter a few weeks before the wedding and get a few different colours they suggest and try them out over the weeks to get use to them.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I like #1, but I tend to prefer more casual dresses. It would help if you had pictures of you in the dress. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I voted number one, but without seeing a picture of you in it, it's really hard to tell. agreed! Do you have any pictures of you in the dress(es)?
  15. Welcome to the forum, Pauline!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride For what its worth from a lowly Junior Member...I'm on several message boards and have seen some that truly literally did take up half my page...but its no biggie to me. People want to show off their families, weddings, dogs, cats whatever, its not killing me to flip my scroll roller a couple times. I'm a lazy American, but not that lazy just yet. I say leave 'em. I have four babies to show off, it takes some space so mine is not necessarily an objective opinion. I just don't see the harm I guess. Like someone said, there is an option to "hide signatures" or whatever in the User CP. If it bugs some of us, we can choose not to look at them. I agree! I love seeing the siggy pictures, especially ones like yours. Your four (4!!) kids are beautiful and so cute - brag away!!!
  17. If no one replies, you might want to try to PM beachbride (shelley) or cessyboston (erica). Good luck!
  18. I've never heard of it either. Here's a little info I just found on a quick search... Body Sugar vs. Wax Body Sugar is warm, not hot. Hot wax can burn the skin and cause tissue to swell, making hair removal difficult. Body Sugar is only warm; you'll never burn your skin. Body Sugar won't stick to live skin cells. It removes dead skin cells so it also exfoliates your skin during the treatment. Wax adheres directly to the skin cells, which makes waxing painful and irritating. Wax cannot be applied to an area more than twice. Body Sugar can be used over and over again in the same area to remove stubborn hairs. Body Sugar rinses off easily with water. Wax residue must be removed with either chemicals or heavy oils. Body Sugar leaves skin smooth and silky! How often will I require Body Sugaring Treatments? Your consultant will be pleased to discuss free of charge and without obligation a program of treatments to your specific needs. Typically, appointments 4-6 weeks apart, since individual hair growth varies from one person to another. Is the Process of Hair Removal Permanent? While there are benefits of improved skin texture and less vigorous re-growth of unwanted hair after Body Sugaring, it is impossible to determine if it will lead to permanency. Body Sugaring offers distinctive advantages over alternative methods of depilation. Preparing Your Skin for Treatment Please do not use a razor or depilatory creams between appointments, as this will interfere with your goal to refine and diminish your hair growth and to have smooth skin. Regularly hydrating and exfoliating your skin between sugaring treatments is just as important as receiving treatment. You will receive the best results if your skin is healthy. If this is your first experience, please allow hair to grow 5-7 days prior to your appointment. Hair must be ¼ inch long. Hair being removed for the first time may be more resistent. Afterwards, as the root becomes smaller, it will remove more easily as it thins. You may have small red spots on the skin for a few hours after Body Sugaring. If you are pain-sensitive, please take your preference of painkiller 30 minutes prior to your appointment. This will make you relaxed. Please shower to clean the skin of any access oils etc. Do not wear any lotion, deodorant, oils, or other skin care products on the area you intend to have sugared. Come for your sugaring treatment with clean dry skin. Do not drink alcohol prior to your sugaring appointment. Do not expose the skin to sun 24 hours prior to your appointment and we cannot treat skin that is sunburned. After Your Treatment We suggest you avoid perfumed soaps and products with chemical irritants on sugared skin for 24 hours after treatment. Do not apply deodorant to underarms and avoid make-up for 12 hours after a sugaring treatment. Reference: Body Sugaring Here's a "recipe" for it: Body Sugaring - Hair Removal
  19. Nice work!! I've always liked the message in the bottle invites - yours turned out beautifully! Did you use glass bottles? I've never seen that before, all the ones I've seen were clear plastic bottles. They look great! It's nice to check a project like that off the list, isn't it?!
  20. Oh Edna, I'm sorry for your loss.
  21. I have to say, I don't think I've seen an up-close picture of you before Nicole... you're beautiful! I love this slideshow.. and I agree, Juan, it's nice to see the first dance in daylight and see Nicole's (and Matt's!) guests looking on.
  22. Ya, I agree - your DJ would probably get all the requested songs on their own, unless there is a problem finding them.
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