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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Christine, that's the coolest thing ever!!! I can't believe you get to do an u/s every 4 weeks though, is that typical? When it gets to that time, are you going to want to know the sex?
  2. I'd like to nominate DreaW for organizing the Secret Santa; she did (and is still currently doing) an EXCELLENT job of this!! For the bride to be, I'd like to nominate Kate (LALA). She's always positive, helpful and she cracks me up! And this is the last time I can nominate her for a Bride to Be since her wedding is in like 2 weeks (yay!)
  3. Kim, I'm so sorry you had such crap treatment on your wedding day. My jaw just kept dropping as I kept on reading. Daniela's attitude was unacceptable, I don't care what excuse she tries - the customer is always right, right??! ESPECIALLY on her wedding day. She should have been bending over backwards to make sure your wedding was flawless. She should have been a million times more organized, SHE is the wedding coordinator, not you... if something is forgotten, that should be her responsibility to make sure everything is the way it should be. She should have gone through an extensive list instead of an 8 minute meeting. I agree with Tammy, send them another e-mail and include this link; see what kind of an impact one review can do on a bride's plans. Yes, your review is only one of many, but the continuous complaints about Daniela should be a red flag to RIU. Personally, if I saw a review like this, I'd definately think twice. Oh and Kim, whatever you do, don't give up. You deserve compensation not only for your iPod, but for that sudden $1000 privacy charge, your trashed decorations, any many many other things.
  4. Get it now!!!! Do you have any family or friends that might be able to babysit your dress for a year so you don't have to worry about hiding it?
  5. Welcome to the forum - and congratulations on your engagement!! You should post your engagement story when you have a second here: Share your wedding/engagement story!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 Jessalyn wore this dress! (she is a member of the forum, Jonathan Thrasher did her photos, she got married in Cabo). I love the dress, but you should ask her about it. Quote: Originally Posted by JANET1111 OKay I am dumb. I just saw in your post that yo uknow this already. Sorry..been a long day. Haha, I was totally about to post the same thing!! Clearly I should read posts more carefully!! Anyways, if I were you I'd PM Jessalyn since she's not on the forum as much. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to give you some answers!
  7. SHELLEY!!!!!! Shelley (beachbride) joined the forum 5 glorious months ago, and since day one she's had such a positive impact on the forum. There isn't a doubt in my mind that she'll be a fantastic MOD! Congratulations Shelley!!!
  8. Welcome to th forum!! Well first of all, there are LOTS and LOTS of us Cabo brides on this forum, especially Dreams! But specifically: 1) travel agents The host of this forum is a TA. I know she's busy, so I'm not sure if she's accepting new clients, but I'm sure she'd be able to point you in the right direction if not. 2) planning tips for family/friends coming from different locationsNot sure what kind of tips you're looking for here. This is where a TA comes in handy (rather than organizing it yourself). You'll find a popular suggestion of sending out Save-The-Dates (aka STD's) to give your guests plenty of information to keep them satisfied before the formal invites. You can find some helpful threads here: Invitations, STDs, photos & website 3) obstacles to avoid Hmm, can't think of anything offhand. But you may find some good advice in some post-wedding reviews, or there are some threads entitled "what I would and wouldn't do again", those are helpful. Try looking here: Wedding Reviews 4) oversightsAgain, i think those thread ideas listed above may help 5) paperwork neededI'll see if I can dig up some good threads for ya...
  9. CourtneyV


    Welcome to the forum Dan, let us know if there is anything we can help you with!!
  10. We once bought them for our house, thinking the were a cute idea. Not sure what everyone else's experience was like... but ours sucked! lol. They were convincing from sort of an elevated level (we had them on a ledge higher up on the wall) but eye level and lower they look sort of odd. Also, they didn't last very long. One even "ran out" before the end of the day!! Maybe we just got a bad batch though.
  11. Woohoo, weekend birthdays rule!! Happy Birthday, Michelle. I hope your FI is spoiling you rotten!!!
  12. What.... you're not going to post the site you saw the dress on??!! Good luck finding the dress though!
  13. Wow, it's beautiful!!! I can't believe you found it on your first trip, that's amazing. I'm so jealous you found it so quickly!!
  14. Aww lol that's cute!!! So did he bring the ring with him to dinner, or did he store it somewhere in the kitchen?!!
  15. There use to be a thread on this, but I couldn't find it. Anyways, here's some ideas for emergency things that may be needed during the day: Hairpins Breath Mints Purse Mirrors Safety Pins Hairspray Clear Nailpolish (if she's wearing pantyhose... in case of a run!) Sewing Kit TISSUES! Wet Wipes Advil Some Bandaids (especially if she's just breaking in those shoes! ) Tampons Mini Deodorant Double-Sided Tape (for last minute emergencies) Waterproof Mascara Nail File Ok, those aren't so funny.. but good for the day-of Emergency Kit
  16. I forgot to mention... I totally love the custom map, what a great idea. Do you mind if I ask pricing?? Were they easy to work with?
  17. Wow, everything looks so amazing!! I can't believe you're posting this already; you must be thrilled!! I love seeing all of this, and then seeing the pictures when you get back; like a before an after... seeing it all come together. Very exciting!! Quote: Originally Posted by jak27 Sorry, don't know why it made a dulplicate post? Can a Mod please erase one? Done
  18. Congratulations! Don't keep us waiting too long for the review/pics!
  19. I think that's an excellent idea. I'm not sure what it takes for Tammy to introduce a new section. Maybe somehow it could be a subcategory to the wedding reviews.
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