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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Sharonie As soon as I got home I eagerly opened up the box and took the dress out of the bag and it wasn't what I expected! Then I realized it was inside out, duh! LOL!!! That's something I would totally do!!! I love, love, love the dress, it's STUNNING on you!!
  2. I still don't know what my colours are, but reading your post I immediately thought of Christa's wedding. She had turquoise and I think her bouquets were coral. Let me see if I can find a thread of hers.... ... here try this one for some inspiration! http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4151
  3. Wow!!! They look great! And I'd have to whole-heartedly disagree with you, your's look professional to me! You should be so proud of them. I know what you mean about getting tired, but trust me, it's worth it. Great work!
  4. haha.... I feel the same about Heroes. The writers re-wrote the last episode to act as a finale because of the strike and even the commercials for the last episode look good!! The bright side is with all the reruns, maybe I'll get out of the house a little more!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 Ugh, I'm sorry you've had such awful luck with rude people lately. There are folks out there that just don't care, but I always tell myself that maybe someone just ran over their puppy (or something like that) so I should give them the benefit of the doubt. I just hope you don't get the wrong impression of the U.S! p.s. i think it's so cute how you say "anywho" and "old biddy"... I agree, I've met my fair share of rude Canadians! Never judge a country by the lady behind the desk at Saks!!
  6. I was JUST saying that today!! It's bad here because of the way the economy is, you get bad customer service and there's just nothing the employer can do about it. But its still no excuse. Yesterday, we went to the UPS store, we walked in and another customer off to the side sneezed... so, I said, "bless you!" and he looked at me disgusted, me like I wasn't authorized to say something like that to him and he said, "no thank you". Umm ok.
  7. oh, I wanted to add... I hope you don't mind, but I edited your first post. One of your pictures still had your phone number, so I blurred it out in the photo.
  8. They look great; they seriously look professionally done! What kind of glue did you end up using for your ribbons?? I had the same issues (sorry I didn't see your earlier post). I ended up going to a scrapbooking store and found some glue that is in sort of tape-like form. It's almost like double-sided tape, but it's more flexible (and it is glue, not tape). Ok, it's hard to describe!! This is the stuff: Quote: Continuous Glue Lines are a clear, thin, 1/8? wide line of adhesive on a 25' liner. This one-of-a-kind packaging allows crafters to cut the right amount of adhesive and apply with precision every time. It worked really well and held in place. I guess there is no point in telling you now, but I guess this is more for future brides!! (sorry!!)
  9. Haha!! I saw this on Ellen earlier today. Aaron and I actually talked about doing something like this ages ago. We're all for it, but I don't know if we have the creativity to cheorograph something like this. But I remember a thread a few months ago where the couple danced to MJ's Thriller... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t4781
  10. Our guests booked 8 months ahead of time, but I agree; if you can get them to commit sooner than that, then all the better! Oh, and it seems to be a recurring theme that a lot of guests say they'll go "for sure", I had plenty RSVP to go and then last minute decided they couldn't go. Just be prepared that the number of your "expected" guests can drastically change!
  11. Wow, I always thought Dreams only did one wedding a day. But that just goes to show what I know. When I was there for the site visit, I think there were two weddings, neither of them on the same day and they were both beautiful!! From one Albertan to another, Dreams is a wonderful location. Then again, I don't know a lot about your other locations. For my guests, the price for the week shouldn't exceed $2000 (or if it does, it shouldn't be by much; all depending on where they're travelling from) and that's including airfare.
  12. They look great!!! What a relief to have them done, hey?? How many have you made?
  13. Holy crap!!! They look GREAT! I really, really love them. The background for your label is beautiful! P.S. I fully intend on de-coding the blurring so I can crash your wedding!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by nolaroy724 Thanks! How do I add a ticker? Do I add it to my signature? I was trying to do it through tickerfactory.com but with no luck. Yep, add it to your signature by adding the provided url from tickerfactory. Let me know if you need some help, I can add it for you if you can't get it to work. ...and of course, welcome to the forum!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW there should also be a mood saying HUNGRY. I'm starving right now and lunch isn't till 12:24pm. That is an incredibly random time for lunch!! Why does it start at 12:24??!
  16. Great review!!! Regarding what you said about Mariana; was there anything you'd wished she had brought up that you never thought of?? Did you review everything with her when you got there?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Jtds2713 We are going with REDRUM. It was highly recommended somewhere in this forum. My contact is Luis. He is great. I was told during the time of our wedding will be a great time to fish which would be in November. Since your wedding is in October I think it will be great also. Jessica, How did this go for you? I know Aaron really wants to go fishing with some of the guys...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Otis1230 Thanks for some insight because - I have tried talking with her a dozen times. She claims her doctor said its ok and shes flying to a 3rd world country. I explain everything too her but she seems to want to do her own thing. I just don't want to plan to have her and the 2 girls in the wedding and last minute they can't go I dunno, I guess from here you could ask her to step down if you'd really like to, but that'd just hurt your friendship. I'd just leave it up to her, if she says she'll go then leave it at that... but at the same time, maybe just in the back of your mind expect that she won't be there and have a "plan b" in place!! If I were you, I'd stress that her health and her baby's health is more important than anything and you understand she can't make it.
  19. I like your story, it seems like the initial proposal came naturally!
  20. Wow it's beautiful!!! I love the ribbon detail below the bust, it's really flattering. Are you going to wear a veil??
  21. For our honeymoon, Aaron and I are going to Florida... primarily for Disneyworld, but I know Aaron would love Medieval Times. I went when I was about 8 years old, and don't remember a lot about it - but no matter what I know it'll be a blast. So, here's what I'm wondering, when I purchase my tickets do I buy an assigned seat, or are they assigned when we get there? Is it worth it to purchase the "royalty" ticket?? It's only $10 more, but I don't know what the difference is between that and a regular ticket. Any other insight or tips welcome! Medieval Times Home Page
  22. I can't believe I missed this thread for so long!! Wedding date : May 9th, 2008 Ceremony: Gazebo 5:30pm Reception: Oceana Terrace Food: Aaron and I did a tasting, and chose everything. I can't remember half the stuff we chose, but it was good! lol I'll update when I dig for the info... Cake: We chose the Tres Leches cake Flowers: I have absolutely no idea!!! Music: bringin' the iPod!! Hair and Makeup: Suzanne Morel Wedding Cordinator: Mariana at Dreams Photographer: The fabulous Leigh Miller! Colors: Umm... blue... I think! # of Guests: At this point, we have about 20 booked. The ideal wedding size for us! Stuff I've Checked Off the List: - Sent STD's - Sent Invitations - Booked trip and honeymoon - Did bpics, currently creating album. Also had engagement pictures done. - Finalized menu for reception - Got my dress (and love it!) - Booked hair/makeup - Booked photographer Things Awaiting a Checkmark: - Bridemaid dresses - Aaron and GM's attire - Wedding bands - Wedding day accessories - Get wedding party gifts - Book flights - Order OOT bags/fillers - Research group excursions - Create welcome dinner slideshow - Finish composing songlist - Select flowers for bouquet - Seating charts - Small DIY projects like: guestbook, letters for OOT bags, programs (? not sure if I'm going to do them), I'm also creating a duotang for all guests (one per household) that I'll send before we leave. It'll have things like maps, phone numbers, things to remember, wedding day info, and an "ice-breaker" page introducing all guests attending. Wow, I feel like I've done more than that. Either I'm forgetting something, or I was giving myself way too much credit!!
  23. I always thought that once you entered your third trimester, you can (or should?) no longer fly.
  24. That's a cute idea!! I think they're medium as well. Umm... did you get your engagement pictures back?!!!
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