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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Boo, I'm sorry you're feeling sick - but that's a nice little surprise to get your pics so quickly! I am sitting here, waiting patiently to see more pictures though!!
  2. Wow lots of questions - most of which I don't really know the answers to. I think a blog would be a really good idea, as long as you kept your links up to date (with the proper direction to each entry... eg. Ceremony Info). Regarding the virtual STDs... I remember someone here did their invitations this way. I believe it was Sarah (SASSYGIRL). She showed me a sample and they looked great, plus it kept track of everything for her (yes and no's, how many sent, to whom etc). The site was great. I'd contact via PM her to see what she used
  3. Hmm, well I don't really believe in sharing random acts of kindness that I've done (there's something about doing something kind and then "bragging" about it to me that seems to defeat the purpose - I dunno, I'm weird), but I agree that even the smallest act can totally make your day. That man that helped you with your coffee probably forgot about it ten minutes later, but it made your day!! It just goes to show that the small things DO matter! This has happened to my parents a few times on separate occassions... At the "local" coffee shop (Timmy's for those Canadians!!), my parents have pulled up to the window to pay at the drive through, and the car in front of them paid for their coffee!! It's only a few bucks, but it totally makes their day. I remember once, years and years ago, my mom and I were driving somewhere and the car broke down. It was stinkin' cold outside and blizzarding and I believe this was the time before cell phones were in everyone's cars (lol!). We managed to pull into a gas station, I can't remember if that's where we broke down, or if we managed to haul our butts there - this guy worked there, but he went out into the freezing cold for easily an hour and helped us on our way. I know he worked there and all, but he could have just called for a tow truck and shrugged us off, but he was literally outside freezing for so long to help us. NO ONE wants to be outside in Canada in a blizzard, but he did for two strangers!
  4. OMG!!! Your dress is amazing! Laura... I love love love LOVE that dress on you - you look so perfect! Ahhh - so exciting. Thanks for posting pics!!
  5. CourtneyV

    I am new

    Welcome to the forum Tammy!! You'll find a lot of information on Dreams, but I think a lot of it is on Dreams Cabo. I didn't even know there was a Dreams in PC (I think I need to get out of my Cabo bubble every once in a while!). Please let us know if you have any questions - and happy planning!
  6. Wow!! I think that's the longest review BDW has ever seen!! lol. I love how much thought and detail went into your wedding - your guests will be talking about this wedding for years! Out of curiousity (and maybe I missed it somewhere), how many guests did you have?? Also, you mentioned that you'd attach your ceremony that Ryan wrote (plus some cutting and pasting! lol). I'd love to see it! Congratulations Jill - you looked stunning!! When you get your video, are you going to share some (or all) of it with us?!!
  7. Welcome to the forum!! When is your wedding date set for?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG Wow, wow, wow! Those are stunning. I was going to tell you which ones were my favorite, and I loved too many to keep track. Those are amazing pictures, you must be sooooo happy with them. I can't wait to see the ones from the wedding day. I was about to say the exact same thing. Normally I have a few favourites that stand out right away, but I love them all!! Everyone is right, they look like they're straight out of a magazine. Your wife is gorgeous! You two look like you had a blast with this!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Uh Oh Court, are you a flames fan? No way!! I actually couldn't stand them last year, and I made an agreement with Aaron to cheer for the Oilers this season!! It's actually quite fun to be an Oilers fan in Calgary! ETA: Just in case you thought it was; the jersey I'm wearing isn't a Flames jersey. It's the Hitmen Teddy Bear Toss jersey (see the teddy on my shoulder!).
  10. That's pretty nasty. I'm trying to think back to when I worked in a hotel (at front desk), I'm not sure what they did... but I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same thing. My manager at that same hotel told me she always brought her own bedsheets when she went to hotels; I think that's gotta tell you something when management doesn't trust the cleanliness!
  11. Haha, Carrie, your kitty is so cute!! He's clearly in the Christmas mood! Mine is from the annual Teddy Bear Toss with the Calgary Hitmen, the local Junior Hockey team. Every first Sunday in December, when the Hitmen score their first goal, everyone throws a teddy bear on the ice...which all end up at the Children's hospital on Christmas day. It's my favourite game of the entire year. This year we broke the new record wtih almost 27,000 bears! yay!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN That is great. Is he holding angry eyes? I was wondering the same thing!! They look really great!! If you don't mind my asking, how much was it?? Do you have any contact info?
  13. Welcome to the forum!!! Choosing a location can be one of the most difficult decisions for a DW (there are so many great options!), please let us know if there is anything we can do to help!!
  14. I really hate it when someone in customer service complains to you. I always get it when I'm at a restaurant. The waiter will ask us how we are and we always say, "good, and you?"... and they're response is, "oh well, I have to work a Saturday and my shift just started and my day is going really slow..." etc. You know your customer service rocks when you complain about your day. Or when two employees complain about other customers or other coworkers RIGHT in front of customers... no thanks.
  15. Laura... I love them both!!! Your dress is gorgeous, I love everything about it... when are you getting the pictures sent to you??! I can't believe you'd tease us like this!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR ugh - this reminds me of one of my pet peeves. i often hold the door for people when coming and going, even if they're a few steps behind me. about half the time, people will just walk through w/o saying anything. i always say, loud enough so they can hear ... "YOU'RE WELCOME!" it embarasses Paul, but hey - gets my point across. usually they just look at me, and i give them a smirk. i'm especially annoyed when it's someone who has school-agfe children with them - i mean, what are they teaching their kids about manners!? I seriously do the exact same thing. How difficult is it to say "thank you"?!!! It embarasses Aaron too, but I don't care! I also hate it when the person in front of you goes out the door, but doesn't hold it open they just try to quickly sneak through without touching the door... so the door closes in your face. Lovely.
  17. Woohooo!!! Congratulations. That's a big thing to check off the list, definately feels good, doesn't it?!
  18. I'm not sure whether or not I want to do a trial either. There is one thread where a few brides have mentioned they never had a hair trial and were happy with the outcome. I think her services are trustworthy; maybe just book the appointment early enough so you can thoroughly explain what you want done. Here's the thread with the best/most responses: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3612
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by MelissaH I know this is a really awful thought, but wouldn't it have been hilarious if it weren't really a live feed and you didn't see anything at all? I'm sorry LOL that's really bad of me... It really is a cute way to propose! I love it I was thinking before if someone else saw it and thought it was for them!! Quote: Originally Posted by MANNEY To be honest....He had proposed 3 years earlier in Cancun! Then we broke up for a year and jus recently got back together....I didn't really know if we were automatically engaged again or what!!! Do i get another purposal? OOOHHH Or better yet another ring?!?!? whoohoo!! I just never mentioned it. I kept the ring from before, but am thinking now, perhaps its time to upgrade!! Start everything over fresh!! Including the ring! wonder if he'll buy it?! Sure, a fresh start deserves an upgrade!!
  20. One more thing checked off your to-do list!!! I love your details, they're not only cute, they're hilarious! Gotta love the pie topper! And I still thoroughly enjoy the Muzzafoos theme!! I can't believe you only have a week to go. I'm so excited to hear about everything; I feel like it's my sister that's getting married next week!! I only wish I had gotten the chance to meet you on our site visit's (I think you were avoiding me!!). Congrats Kate!!!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by MANNEY It happened las weekend...and didn't get to save it...ahh well..its a good memory! Thank you all for the congrats!!! And congrats to all of ya's as well!! Were you expecting it at all?? Wondering when he was ever going to propose??
  22. Aww, that's such a nice story!!! How long ago was this (obviously fairly recent?) Congratulations!!!
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