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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Hmm, it works perfectly fine for me. Maybe Tammy is working on more updates...
  2. Wow, your FI did well!! So, he arranged for the carolers as well??! lol and I love the Sportscenter part. What, was that his attempt to throw you off, or just his way of having fun with it?!! So funny! Congratulations!
  3. Welcome to the forum!! What have you checked off your list?? Trust me, before you know it, your wedding will be here. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by for me!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR I totally agree - #1 is by far my favorite. And I actually think it photographs well, I prefer the "matte" dress to the shimmery-ness (is that a word?!) of dress #2. But that might just be me! The #3 dress almost looks too heavy to me. Oh, and I added a poll to this thread for you! Hope it helps. As if you needed the 19th vote for the first one! Anyways, I completely agree with Ann on this one...
  5. Ok... I love that train!! It gives the dress such a beautiful, delicate look; absolutely stunning!! I love the corset back too, that was on my list of "must haves".
  6. Wow, that dress is gorgeous on you!! It fits you like a dream!! Not sure what you're going to do, but I like it without the cap sleeves. I know it's a weird compliment to give, but you have very nice shoulders! The dress is amazing, I LOVE it! Congratulations!!!
  7. Welcome to the forum. Please let us know if you have any questions!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva They're both very pretty, but when you find a dress you love, that's the one you should buy.. I was going to do that too.. take the top of one dress and use the bottom of another, etc.. but then I found the right dress and didn't need to "fix" a thing.. keep looking.. I agree, you don't sound completely sold on either dress. I think you should keep looking until you find one you love!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Pam Thanks for the warm welcome! I was shy to start as this is the FIRST forum I ever joined So this is what we know for now: - We've been to Punta Cana once before and LOVE it. so we're thinking of going back there, but we heard that Mayan Riviera is beautiful too. No Cuba, as we will have Americans in the group - Our group should be approximately 20 - 30 people travelling from Montreal (our home town), Edmonton (our new town) and Vancouver (my birthplace) - Oh and definitely a beach ceremony - most likely a renewal of vows since we want to avoid too much paper work I'm so excited!!!! Don't be shy to start, this was my first forum too - Please ask if you have ANY questions! I'd second the Dreams Tulum suggestion; it's a beautiful location and there is a ton of information and newlyweds to help you out. I've only done a brief site visit, but it's an outstanding resort. What did you like so much about PC that you'd like to incorporate in your wedding? I'd have to agree with Ann, chosing the location was THE hardest decision. At least with a local wedding you can scope it out ahead of time, with a DW you have to trust what other people tell you is great... or shell out for a site visit. Check out the newlywed's reviews, I find those to be the most helpful and honest - and it can give you an excellent idea of setups and how things can look.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston i forgot i ordered these lol i have to stop shopping but look they are so cute...... Hehe, that's funny! Where'd you get them?
  11. Wow Jill.... Wow, wow WOW!! Now thats the true meaning of "teaser" pics!! Fantastic. I can't wait to see the rest!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by amym567 Congratulations, Jessica!!! From that pic, he looks a lot like his Daddy! So glad everything went well for you! Amy That's what I thought too! Congratulations Jessica, he's so precious. I'm glad he decided to show up a little early, even if it is only by a few days. What a way to end 2007, hey?!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Leticia uhhh... you can't beat the price of the "cloud" ones! $19.99! I just showed it to FI (i'm trying to get a sense of what he is wearing for the wedding, he's so secretive) he said he that wasn't what he was going for, too bad, i like them! Maybe he's just trying to throw you off!!
  14. I added a poll for you, Tara. I voted going back to where it all started. I think that really adds to the pictures and the story the images are suppose to tell. Then again, Aaron and I had our pictures done in Mexico and they were a BLAST to do. We met on the internet though, so our pictures from our roots would have been boring! lol
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus thank you so much. and just so you know i still have your week open if you ever want to discuss the big day Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus k heres what i dont get. hahaha. im so trying to learn this forum thing still. but if this is MY forum and i leave a message saying i have someones wedding date open in my forum how is that me spamming them? im doing my best here Jean-Marcus, This isn't YOUR forum, this is a forum for our members who are looking for information to help plan their wedding. When you say "just so you know, I still have your week open" you're putting the bride or groom in a tough position where they feel like they have to try to explain themselves to you. THEY DON'T! As it states in the vendor rules: Quote: 4. Please do not actively or aggressively solicit our members (PM-ing them or emailing them directly). If they would like information from you, they will contact you. If you want to discuss this further, please send me or another moderator a PM.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley BTB: Courtney (courtneyV) because she is a busy little bee and still has time to be here Aww you're too kind, but I think my name should be withdrawn since I hardly ever post anymore!! Can I still nominate?? Bride - I'd like to second the Rachelle (redwards) nomination. I just love her to death; she's pretty much the nicest person ever. She's been an active member to this forum for a while - she's always positive and always has THE BEST advice to give. BTB - Ok, I have quite a few in mind... I'll have to come back to this when I figure out a way to narrow it down!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa What a fun day for your birthday! Basically the whole world celebrates for you! Don't you feel special? Haha, no doubt!!!! Happy Birthday!!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Sharonie I am with Julie. A 1 tier and plain veil probably will be better. The veil is there to compliment you don't want it to take away the attention to the details on your dress. I agree 100%. The veil shouldn't take away from the dress at all, it should only highlight the dress. When I look at the second picture, I see veil right away - I think it'd be too much. I like the first one, but again, I agree - I think something with only one tier and simplified a little, even if it's not completely plain, that'd ADD to your dress in the end.
  19. I think Aaron's GM will be wearing something similar and they will wear light khaki pants.
  20. Congratulations!!! There is nothing like finally choosing the date - what a weight lifted off your shoulders, right?!! I found the location and date to be the hardest decisions to make. Now the "real" fun begins!!
  21. Well, the good news is that it looks like we're all on the same pages... the bad news is we're all freaking out a little!! I just visited my uncle this weekend (who is my officiant) and he was asking me all kinds of details I had NO idea about. Is it sad that I don't know what my province requires for my marriage to be legal on May 9th?? Ya, research project numero uno for tomorrow!! Anyways, here is where I'm at: Things I've checked off the list: * All guests have booked * BMs dressed have been ordered * Bought my wedding dress * Booked and confirmed resort/ceremony/reception/welcome dinner and honeymoon * Booked flights * Booked Hair/Makeup * Hired photographer * Finalized menu Things In Progress * I'm slowly adding songs to my playlists for the reception and welcome dinner * Actually considering an AHR... * BD pictures done for Aaron's gift, I've created the album it just needs finishing touches Things that are desperately awaiting the checkmark * Order all OOT bags and fillers * Purchase groomswear * Research some possible excursions * Purchase wedding bands * The dreaded seating chart * Figure out centerpieces * Get bm's gifts * Decide on bouqets * OOT bag welcome letter * Info doutang to send to guests ahead of time * Write Vows (yowza!) * Create luggage tags for OOT bags * Make programs (not sure if I'm doing this or not) * Figure out what I need to do to be legally married in my province! * Purchase cake topper (not sure if I want/need this) * Create welcome dinner slideshow * Purchase wedding day accessories * Find welcome dinner dress * Make guestbook (as inspired by Nicole's polaroid guestbook!) I feel like I've done more, but I can't think of anything else. Lately I've done a lot of honeymoon stuff. I still can't believe how quickly this wedding is sneaking up on me! My goal is to have everything completed by March, so that April is left to tie up the loose ends. We'll see how well that goes!
  22. Oooh a horse-drawn carriage - I like it!! Is that what both your sister and best friend did? I bet that makes for a beautiful, dramatic entrance AND fabulous pictures!! Welcome to the forum Terri. Please let us know if you have any questions!
  23. Ya, that'd rub me the wrong way too. I can't see how she could possibly not think to include your name. If I were you, I'd sign the card "From Brian, Aiden, and of course, Jessica".
  24. Oh Heidi, I'm so happy for you!!! Is this the same job you did the telephone interview for?? So, you're going in tomorrow to get more details on the job? That's a huge compliment all in itself when they CREATE a position within the company for you!! It sounds like a fantastic opportunity, and I'm sure at this rate, any boss would be better than the one you have now.
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