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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Welcome to the forum Colette!! Please let us know if you have any questions.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan I thought when I was there too that baracuda closed earlier and the only one open late was the lobby bar...I could be wrong though It was like that when I was there in August. Not sure if this changes seasonally, but it closed at 8pm and the lobby bar stayed open.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Yes, you can set up playlists with the IPOD, the only thing I'm not sure about is the borrowing part. When we plug our IPOD into our computer it recognizes it as our IPOD, I'm not sure how it would work if you plugged someone else's IPOD into your computer, I think I tried that once to download some songs for someone and couldn't get it to work, but that was also before I had an IPOD so I could have been doing something wrong. That's right, once you plug the iPod into another computer, it'll synchronize with YOUR computer, it won't merge playlists. So, what I'd suggest is downloading iTunes (it's free), and adding all your music to your desired playlists and synchronizing it to your computer. It'll delete all the old files from your friends iTunes/computer, but just make sure your friend is ok with it if they're deleted. iPod and iTunes are SO easy to use, you'll have no problems with it. Your iTunes will recognize the iPod. Aaron's named ours "The Little Black Box of Death" (I know, I know..), no matter what computer I plug it into, the "Little Black Box of Death" will be recognized, it just won't merge playlists from two computers.
  4. They look fantastic!! Who made them?? Do you have any contact information you can share? Your guests are going to love them. I really love the map; nice touch!
  5. I voted for the tattoo ones too; those are so perfect... I really love the Mom and Dad tattoo hearts. lol Hey Laura, where did you get his outfit from??
  6. Welcome to the forum!! There are tons of us Cabo brides on the forum. More specifically, there have been some amazing weddings at the Sheraton. Here are some threads (reviews/pictures) that may help: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6394 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t9564 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6519 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11819 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7711
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka hey Courtney, when are you leaving for Disney? We leave for Disney when all the guests go home, two days after the wedding on May 11th! Quote: Originally Posted by JHillHolmes13 It relates to Cinderella's Castle, and while I'm not sure if they do this for all newlyweds (but I would hope they do), this is what happened to us: We had meant to book our breakfast at Cinderella's Castle within the reccommended time (90 days ahead of time), but we completely forgot and when we finally got around to it about a month before, there were no openings. I was disappointed, but wasn't going to let it ruin my time there, so I pretty much forgot about it. Fast forward and we're finally on our honeymoon, and I've already reverted to my five year-old self and having a blast. We'd been there for about two days when Timm decided to try calling again to see if anyone had cancelled at Cinderella's Castle. It was a long shot, but he figured he should at least try. As luck would have it, someone had cancelled for the next morning. I was so shocked and excited, I believe I may have started jumping on the bed (I told you I had reverted to my five year-old self!). So the next morning we were up nice and early, and let me tell you, the Magic Kingdom at 8:30 in the morning is quite surreal, the place is EMPTY, and so peaceful! We made it in for our breakfast, and man, is it worth all the hassle. You get your picture taken with Cindrella in the lobby (the price of which is included in the cost of your meal, a nice touch since every other picture that gets taken around the park can cost you a pretty penny), then you walk up a windy stone staircase into the eating area. The breakfast is your standard breakfast fare, but tastes really really good. As we were preparing to leave however, the final surprise came our way. A waiter came towards our table with a box (about the size of a shoebox), looked at us, and said "Newlyweds?" We nodded, he placed the box on the table, said "Congratulations", and walked away. We opened the box, and inside were two champagne flutes with Cinderella's Royal Table printed on them. Needless to say, I highly reccommend doing whatever you can to get in to Cindrealla's Royal Table, they really do treat you like royalty! Those are beautiful!! I don't think I'll have any problems flaunting my newlywed status - hey, I can only do it for a short amount of time, might as well have fun with it. We did manage to book a dinner at the Cinderella Castle, but Cinderella won't be there. I'll try your cross-my-fingers-for-a-cancellation method. Oh, and just for the record, they recommend you reserve 180 days ahead of time (I'm not sure if that's new or not). When I called 177 days beforehand, they only had TWO spots left!!! Craziness!
  8. Umm excuse me?? You'll TRY?!! We live for pictures!! You can kick Amos out for a bit while FMIL snaps a few pictures, purely for our selfish needs of course!
  9. Ok, you know what I hate about you?? You're SO naturally pretty. And I'm so jealous that you planned pretty much the coolest, most unique (in a very good way) wedding ever! You put SOO much thought and detail into your wedding. Your wedding review was one of my most favourite to read and the pictures completely reflect everything that I loved about your review. And did you post your OOT bag list in that one OOT bag thread?? Yours are completely stuffed full!
  10. Umm, ok the picture where you and your dad have pulled out the tissues and are wiping away the tears, right before you walk down the aisle; ya, I got a little misty-eyed! lol *still looking through them...*
  11. omigosh, those are totally NOT lame!! Seriously, for a mock-up (or even for a "real" invite), those are awesme! Nice work!
  12. Of course you can have a ring bearer an no flower girl, why not?! DW means the "rules" are thrown out the window.
  13. Then I would assume your photographer pays it. What's in your contract?
  14. I'm with ya there. That is why, out of frustration, I started this thread a few months back.... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5892
  15. Are you sure your resort will charge for vendors? I know Dreams said (at least to me) that they won't charge vendors on the wedding day.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Wow, some of you ladies seem to be starting your fitting awfully early. I checked with the salon a few weeks ago and she said based on our wedding date (April 19) that my first fitting should be the first week in February. Am I waiting too long for fitting #1 My salon told me 3 weeks for my first fitting, before I leave on May 1st. I wonder if I should request it a bit sooner?! lol, I can believe some of you May brides have done your first fittings already!
  17. Haha, I saw this in a catalog I got last weekend from a party store. So funny. Bu I have to agree with my mom, it's just one of those things that you'll probably cringe about when you're showing your wedding pictures to your children!! lol Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Hey, not to hijack Heidi, but I just saw these: This is called "Now I have you" The Knot Wedding Shop: Wedding Favors, Wedding Cameras, Bridesmaid Gifts and more! I believe Christine had this at her wedding. They had a really funny picture of her and her husband recreating the cake topper!
  18. I don't know if it's bold of me to say, but 15 minutes is a LONG time for a slideshow!! Unless it's sort of a thing in the background, I think people will get bored after about 5. I don't mean to be rude, but that came to mind when I say 15 minutes. Anyways, I'm using Rob Thomas' "Little Wonders"
  19. Well then I think you have every right to kick up a fuss; you never saw a proof, which was specified on your part, and you're not happy with the outcome. Did you also keep the copies of the e-mails you sent?
  20. Wow, could you imagine eating a cake that looks back at you?!!
  21. I was going to use them too (for tumblers). Is there a certain spot where you request a proof/sample? Do you have to order them first in order to do that?
  22. Tami, there's a chance you mentioned this, but I was wondering where you got them?? Discountmugs.com?
  23. My place is holding my dress until I leave for the wedding. They have some sort of specially temperatured room for dresses (who knew?!!), plus if it's in their hands, then it's insured in case something happens. I'm not sure if all places offer this though. It's worth it just to call and ask what they will usually do.
  24. I got mine at a scrapbooking place. They had tons with a metallic look to it in sooooo many different colours. The lady that worked there told me that that kind of paper was standard for them. Mine was a little darker blue, but I bet they had at least 50 different colours in the metallic. She said it was called "bling paper". It also came in a lot of different sizes; I got mine in 8.5x11, but they had larger too.
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