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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Interesting mix of replies. I actually did two site visits; one was piggy-backing onto a cousin's DW, I just visited a few sites including the PDC area. At that time I was already considering Dreams LC. My second site visit was at Dreams LC, I had already reserved my date and gotten a room block, and got a few nights free as a result of the group block. Honestly, the only thing the site visit helped me was the food, we got the opportunity to do a tasting and we had surprising results in our decisions. But quite honestly, in the long run, it probably wouldn't have made a big difference. All the food was good, and we would have been happy with what our original choices were. If you're strapped for cash, I'd say skip out on the site visit. It was a nice vacation, and it was nice to bring back pictures to show the guests - it really got some of them pumped up for the trip, but I don't think it's necessary. I visited 4 resorts total, and it didn't end up changing my mind. I knew no matter what I chose, I would be happy with it, my guests would be happy and we'd have an amazing time. That's all that matters.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I would email the hotel WCs. I don't think they would do a non-religious ceremony in a church. Maybe it's different if the hotel chapels are just a location for weddings. But, I couldn't see a real church allowing a non-religious ceremony. I don't know, I could see them going ahead with it. Doing the legal thing at home and just making the Mexico thing a symbolic ceremony. It's definately worth contacting the WC about though. Let us know what she says.
  3. I think it's well worth paying for the phone call for your peace of mind. Call her, tell her you're going to talk to her about everything NOW. Have your previous emails with the other WC on hand and go over everything you can think of. You can always send her emails while you're talking to her, or if not, tell her you'll send them and will need a response by x date. Just get yourself organized. I think the most important thing here is to bring all your existing emails with the old WC with you and make your new WC aware of all the arrangements that have been made.
  4. Welcome to the forum Rhonda!!!
  5. Welcome to the forum Laura!! There are TONS of Cabo brides on the forum, and lots of information. Has your mom joined the forum too?? non-brides/grooms are always welcome as well!
  6. Have you emailed her to follow up?? Maybe she did think it was 2008. I think I booked mine about a year before. I think just go ahead and double check that you're both talking about 2009
  7. Crystal, I'm sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family. Have a safe trip.
  8. Everything looks fantastic Paula!! I really can't wait to see how everything turns out. Have a BLAST! Oh, and I love your welcome books. I'm going on a hunt right now for a thread I'm hoping you posted about them...
  9. I danced with Chuck Norris because Big Bird said to and he's my leader. And Aaron's.... I danced with a squirrel because I'm sexy and I do what I want
  10. Welcome to the forum! I would have to agree, the location is by far the hardest decision to make!! I was all over the board before settling on Dreams LC. There is tons of great information here, but please ask if you have any questions!!
  11. Welcome to the forum Erin!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JackieB UM NO! When the heck did that happen. Well theres my problem. Oh good I feel a lot better now, I was starting to worry that she was ignoring me or something. Thanks. Haha, sorry I completely forgot about that. I have NO clue when it happened, but when she replied to mine, there was a little note at the top stating that it had changed.
  13. I'm not sure if they ever ask for secondary ID (but it wouldn't surprise me). It doesn't hurt if she changes her drivers license just in case!
  14. CourtneyV


    Welcome to the forum Mandy!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw Thanks!! Go figure the dress shop is in the Mexican neighborhood! She's used to dealing with Mexican-American women who don't speak a ton of English and I dont know about in other cities, but the upscale bridal shops in Chicago tend to be pretty racist. I'm not Mexican, but my FI is, and even sometimes I get racially profiled because we're together and because I have dark hair, so people sometimes just assume I'm Mexican too. The shop owner was telling me about how so many brides she has tell her about being discriminated against just because they're Mexican. Hello, but just because people are Mexican doesn't mean they're poor. There's no reason to discriminate in a bridal shop -- they should be begging for our business, not being rude to people and insinuating they go elsewhere. For crying out loud look at my FI's family. So because the shop owner sees so many people get taken advantage of, she's really nice and accomodating and doesn't try to pressure people or rip them off. She knows that when you do that, you just push the person away from buying your dress there. She was telling me also that she does a lot of bridal shows in Wisconsin because there's a big growing Mexican population there, but hardly any vendors who speak Spanish. omigosh, that's so horrible. How frustrating that must be for a Mexican bride. I'd want to go all Pretty Woman on their asses and show them what they missed out on!!
  16. Your pictures are fabulous!! The colours are delicious in your sunset pictures and I love the starfish on your chairties, nice detail. Congratulations! You looked beautiful! I can't believe you got your pictures so quickly! I can't wait to read your review; we'll be holding you to your promise!!
  17. Oooh, I really love it!!! I can't believe you got it at such an amazing deal, I'm seriously jealous. It sounds like you went to the right bridal salo; they'll take good care of you. One thing I was wondering about, was the pickups. You mentioned that you wanted her to add more towards the bottom, but will there be enough material to do that?? Haha, I did the same thing with my mom for pictures. I told the lady that my mom was going to help me with the dress, she'd come in and snap a few pictures... and because we're paranoid freaks, we'd talk the whole time. My mom would say something like, "oh this is a tight knot!". lol.
  18. Welcome to the forum!!
  19. Wow Tami, that's great.. congratulations!!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka My only thought it did you make sure the width and length don't need to be switched in your custom settings? Or switch it literally by doing a landscape print out? That's what I was thinking too. It may need to be switched from a portrait to a landscape (or may need to be done in your customized settings). P.S. The thread title is too cute!!
  21. Not sure if you're aware or not, but this occured to me in the middle of the night last night (lol!)... Before my email two weeks ago, I hadn't emailed Mariana for months, so I didn't know her email address changed. Is this the email address you're sending to: [email protected]
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