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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Kayte, your bump is so perfect and cute! I can't wait to see what it looks like in the coming months! Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 Our "official" US is next Monday, the 24th, but we have ALSO snuck a peek at the little one last week in the ER (while my husband was working)-- and we're thinking GIRL!! We also did one of those silly Intelligender urine tests that also pointed to girl... I am waiting on official word before I start painting the nursery hot pink though! Ooh, fun! I've heard the intelligender has pretty accurate results. I wanted to take it after I had already found out just for giggles, but I was already past the "cut-off date" (32 weeks, I think?). I can't wait to see if it was accurate for you... although, by the sounds of it, you may already have it confirmed!! You girls are such cheaters with your ER sneak-peaks!! Quote: Originally Posted by Mrs. Martin I hope everyone is doing and feeling well! I'm just counting down until we find out the gender so we can get started on the nursery. Also, I know this is my 2nd (and both pregnancys are super close) so it's a given that I was going to show a lot sooner, but I'm seriously huge. I was looking at my belly pics from last time and I'm as big right now as I was at 6 months with my son (plus 10 pounds that I didn't lose before getting knocked up again!). I don't even want to imagine what I'm going to look like at full term I've heard that in 2nd+ pregnancies, you show much sooner, but you need to milk this and use it to your benefit!! Pregnancy is one of the only times we have a legitimate excuses to be cranky or lazy when we feel like it; when you're not showing yet, people just think you're crazy!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan Hello hello ladies! We haven't had our "big" u/s yet. It's scheduled for May 26 and we had planned on finding out the gender of our little monsters. However, last night at work in ER we were pretty quiet, not a whole lot going on, sooooo my ultrasound tech friend dragged me into one of the exam rooms and we did a quickie u/s. The BOYS look great! No glaring abnormalities, everyone's organs are where they should be and are functioning just fine. So crazy to see them both jumping around in there. I haven't felt any distinct movement yet, so it was nice to have a look-see inside and make sure they're both okay. I can't believe we're having boys. I'm so excited! Courtney: 3 weeks to go, eh? How are you feeling?! Feeling great, thanks for asking! I thought by month #9 I'd be cranky, uncomfortable and ready for this to be over. But so far I still get a good, sound sleep (and I'm enjoying it while I can), and I'm not as sore/uncomfortable as I thought I would be! Yay! I started my mat leave on Friday and I'm already bored though! lol I can't believe you found out the sex of your twins... while at work! I'm so jealous! Does your DH know that you found out??! Did you have a feeling one way or another as to what you might be having beforehand? Quote: Originally Posted by seaprincess My DH and I have been discussing our timeline since before we were married, and have planned to start trying in and around our 2nd anniversary. Recently, we have both decided we are ready to be parents and have decided I will go off the pill in September. YAY! That's so exciting! September will be here before you know it!
  3. Hey Preggos! Just checkin' to see how everyone is doing! Our little miss Evelyn is doing well and right on track. Only 3 weeks left until the due date! Yikes!!
  4. Welcome to the forum! There is a ton of information here on Mexico resorts, especially Dreams!! When I was planning, I found other member's reviews of the resorts to be the most help; you get to see pictures they've taken and here first-hand how their experience was! Enjoy the planning process... anticipation is half the fun!!
  5. Those are great! I agree, the theme is cool! Do you know approx. when you'll get the rest?
  6. There have actually been quite a few brides who have experienced this. You should try to search the topic and see what comes up.
  7. Maybe they used the money to help with their money problems! I'm not sure it's fair to give someone a gift and then judge them how they use it.
  8. I definitely agree; she's probably just embarrassed and upset to have put you through this. My aunt and uncle did the same thing to us - my cousin (about 10 years younger than I am) was going to be one of my bridesmaids. They were totally on board until I called to follow up with them because they hadn't booked by the deadline. They didn't even call me back, they called my mom to explain that they couldn't go! It was upsetting at first, until I thought about it and realized that they were probably just too embarrassed to talk to me in person/over the phone about it. To this day, they still haven't brought up the whole thing. I don't think your friend is trying to offend you, she's probably just unsure how to/when to approach you now for fear of offending you even more (even though it sounds like you're completely understanding!).
  9. Welcome to the forum! I used BDW's own Tammy for our wedding; she's located in the US and every last one of our guests live in Canada! With the right TA, it works out beautifully!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Did you do a search for "welcome letter" I did, and a ton of results came up! I would try that first. Betsy is right - there is more than enough out there for you if you just use the search function!
  11. Hi Charity, There are several threads available for you to do your research. Please use the search function at the top right-hand corner of your screen and post questions in the applicable thread. Thanks!!
  12. CourtneyV

    New Member

    Welcome to the forum Alison!
  13. There are already several threads on this subject. Please do a search for ideas and post there. Thanks
  14. That's because the option to add/edit the mood is gone (as per the previous posts in this thread!!)
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren idk where you can find them, but you can be sure that they'll certainly melt quickly.... That was my first thought too. Is there a reason why you want to give these to your guests?? They melt easily enough as it is, let alone in PV!
  16. I know this has happened to several other brides on the forum... some of them switched resorts, but for those newlyweds that didn't, a lot of them had a blast spending that extra time with their family. Especially since all of the wedding stress and anticipation is gone, you can finally relax with them! Also, given that it's his parent's timeshare that you're using, I think it's kind of tough to do anything about it unless you choose to switch resorts!
  17. Please do a search before starting a new thread. Most topics have already been discussed at length. Here are a few threads on your topic to help get you started: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-please-51238/ http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...wording-49124/ http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-guests-46100/ ... those threads were on the first page of my search, so there are many, many more to choose from.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TLC4Rock There may be a thread already with this detail; you should try to do a search. If I find it I will lead you in that direction. Yep, you've got the right idea! Please do a search next time. There are already several threads on the topic.
  19. Hmm, tough situation. I understand both sides, but I think I agree with the majority here. I think it'd be different if it were a local wedding where a parent could find a babysitter, but given the fact that they are forking over thousands of dollars to attend your wedding and they can't even bring the kid to the wedding would bother me... especially since there will be a kid/your flower girl there for a portion of it. I might feel slighted if I made arrangements for my kid that I may not be 100% comfortable with only to find that you made an exception for someone else, KWIM? Also, I don't think it's unfair that the FSIL asked you if she could bring her kid... obviously they'd want to attend since you're immediate family, but they may not feel comfortable leaving their kid with someone they don't trust. I wouldn't miss my brother's upcoming wedding for the world, but if he asked me to leave my kid with a stranger in a foreign country, I would probably feel like I was in an uncomfortable situation too. If you did allow kids, could you offer them a buffet-style dinner option to cut costs? I don't know too much about adding kids to the guest list - we only had one kid attend, so obviously it didn't make a big difference to our guest list/budget! We just did a plate of chicken nuggets for him, I know it was cheaper, but I can't remember how much cheaper.
  20. Congrats on the start of your new business, that's really exciting!! I think Trish has given you some fantastic advice especially when it comes to pricing; customer referrals are the best type of advertising and you don't want to suddenly piss off your new clients by jacking up the prices. A limited time discount is an excellent idea! I think the great thing about this forum is how close we all become and how truly supportive we all are of eachother's business ventures, but I need to bring out my inner mod for a moment and quickly remind you of the vendor rules so you are aware http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...4-11-09-a-921/
  21. Congratulations Mrs. Martin!! That's so exciting! And Kayte, I missed the news before but TWINS!! Congratulations! I have a friend who had twins and was absolutely terrified about it, but now that they're here she's so happy that it worked out this way. She said she felt like it would be more difficult to have two kids at two different ages because they're at such different stages in their lives and to her that would be more stressful. Plus, her kids (and your two!) are going to be the best of friends and have a connection like no other sibling has. Do you know (or could they even tell?) if they are identical twins?
  22. Yes, we did the 3D ultrasound and it was AMAZING! I would recommend it in a heartbeat!! I couldn't believe the detail we could see and we got soooooo many great images of her. Plus it was nice to watch her and focus in on the cute things about her, not necessarily the medical stuff (which is also cool!). The ultrasound was about $200, but was a gift from my parents... although, had I needed to pay for it on my own I would have in a second. No regrets whatsoever and definitely worth the money IMO. If you're considering it, DO IT, you won't regret it!! Oh, and we had it done at 25 weeks, which they told me is the earliest they like to do it since that's when they start getting cute and chubby.
  23. I voted for you too! And yes ladies, it was very easy to register!! I can't believe you've known your FI since you were in Kindergarden! Crazy!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan LOL. We thought about doing it just for the u/s too! Just to have a quick peek at the little one! 18 weeks is going to feel like forever for that first u/s! It does feel like forever, it's just cruel when they make us mommies to be wait so long! 18 weeks is pretty much the mid-point of the pregnancy! If you do go, it'll be worth it IMO. They didn't tell us much about what they were seeing during the ultrasound anyways, just the cute stuff (look, there's his hand etc) that we wanted to see. A couple of weeks after they sent us a letter in the mail detailing what the ultrasound found, most of it I couldn't understand anyways, but there were some pretty cool stats like the heart rate etc that were in the letter. We're putting the letter and the pics in baby's keepsake box - I think it's pretty neat to look at, and I think she'll find it to be pretty cool to see what her stats were when she was only a little 11 week old fetus!
  25. Wow, I haven't visited this thread in so long! Congratulations to all of the new mommies and new pregos!! Quote: Originally Posted by jmb0902 So I was having my first appt and US on March 8th- but after blood tests on Monday they moved it to today! So I am both excited and scared... my hCG was 51,000 and my Prog was 44,000 - which they said is kind of high. The RN said that could mean a few things - my dating is wrong, a molar or ectopic pregnancy, or multiples. So I understand they are just trying to give me options- but when my husband and I looked up numbers I am totally within normal range for 7 weeks! Why would you even say the words ectopic or molar pregnancy to a first time mother?!?! My husband is an ER physician and said that numbers would be in the hundred thousands for molar pregnancy and prog would be low in an ectopic. I am kind of upset with them b/c all I've done is worry and cry the past two days - and I know that's not good for me or the baby! Sorry, I just needed to vent a little bit Sloan I know your appt is today too- can't wait to hear how it went! Happy thoughts your way =) I'd be super pissed off with them too - what's the purpose of worrying a mother like that? Maybe she just mentioned that so you understood why they moved your appointment? Who knows, but it probably would have been a better idea to just say they wanted to move your appointment up just to check in on things and not go into grim detail! And not to worry about to feeling the nausea... count your blessings! I've known more than a few people who have been lucky enough to experience very few symptoms (or at least the bad ones!) throughout their pregnancies. Kayte, honestly I could have cared less about the results from our 11 week prenatal screening ultrasound, it was just fun to see the baby before 18 weeks!! That's the ONLY reason we did that ultrasound!
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