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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. I'm sure you would have won without our votes anyways, your story was a beautiful, inspiring one! Congrats on winning!
  2. lol congratulations!! I was excited for my 1000th post too... then you look at people like AnnR - last I checked she was somewhere near 9000. I wonder if she celebrates every 1000 posts?!
  3. Congratulations Tara! It's beautiful... and somewhat similar to the last one I remember you posting. At least you knew you were on the right track!
  4. CourtneyV


    Welcome to the forum Laurel!! St. Lucia is a beautiful location for a wedding. How are the plans coming along?
  5. Lol... "wrong color choice". When is the wrong color choice "in"?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Oh I knew you wouldn't let us down with pictures, Court. That's cool that you guys call it the paperwork day, that's what me and J said too. So, where did you go out for steak? My tummy is craving some Alberta beef. Was it the Keg by chance Mmmm Well, May 9th is the big, important one... right?! No, not the Keg. We went to Cattle Baron - Cattle Baron Calgary - Welcome . I think it's only in Calgary, but OMG... SOOO good. We usually only go there for special occassions, so we thought this was a good excuse to go!
  7. Thanks guys!! It was a pretty cool evening if I do say so myself! Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG Congratulations Courtney and Aaron. I know its just "paperwork", but its still pretty cool You could even start the name change process now if you wanted to. Just a thought I know I did it the day I got my wedding certificate in the mail from Cuba. I probably won't start the name changing thing until we get back from Mexico... for passport purposes! And just for fun, one more pic - this was our way-cool cake/cake topper my parents got for us...
  8. SHUT UP!!! Martha, that's fantastic news! OMG! I'm totally going Valley Girl on this one, but I don't care because I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!!!!! I'm like a week late on this thread, but I don't care, I'm so excited for you! Congratulations!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Christa Did I see this right? The BDW calendar says your legal ceremony is tomorrow!!! How ya feeling? Excited? Plans? Quote: Originally Posted by Christa I know - where art thou Courtney?? I actually was hoping you would see my post & confirm or deny. Hello?? Are you out there?? Confirm!! Yes, you're right... legal ceremony was yesterday - aka "paperwork". We didn't want to make it a big deal, so that's what we called it, Paperwork! Quote: Originally Posted by becks oooh! So exciting!!! Does it feel like a big deal or is it more of a formality? Sort of a mix of both. He just doesn't feel like my husband JUST yet... not until I get to walk down the "aisle" (or beach!) and see him standing just ahead. Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Ooo Thought I would try and bump again, I see she's on now LOL! Melissa, you know me so well. I'm slowly working my way through a few thousand posts, it would have taken me ages to find this one! Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 YAY! We want pictures! Ask and yee shall receive.. Aaron had school yesterday and I had to work, but we wanted to start out our long weekend as an officially married couple. The ceremony itself wasn't until 7pm. It was really low key (again, it was just paperwork!). I found a marriage commissioner that I liked and the ceremony was at her house. Aaron and I went with my parents, my brother and his gf. Afterwards we went for steak dinner, which was the perfect first married dinner. The marriage commissioner provided some bubbles for my family after she pronounced us Husband and Wife. Aaron is easily distracted... ...notice in the background, she even decorated her treadmill! LOL!
  10. HAHAHA... dumbass Matty. I hope he gets the boot, he's such a loser.
  11. Aww, Kate you (and TammyB) are my hero!! Just think about how that man would have felt when he got back to Vancouver. I really am interested to know why you keep pigs ears in your office though...
  12. I sent STDs out about 1.5 years away from the wedding, and the invitations with a little less than a year to go. The main reason I wanted to send them out was to get people booking.. and I wanted to give them the maximum amount of information for them to base their decisions off of. On the STD's I included our website, which had a lot of info on it, the wedding location, the dates we'd be traveling and our contact info. Not much more info than that. On the invitations I included specific locations (oceana terrace, gazebo) and times etc. I have to say, on the forum people had warned me that if my guests received their invitations too early, they'd end up throwing them aside because they had a lot of time to book; they just wouldn't feel a sense of urgency. This may be true for some guests, but it lifted a HUGE weight off my shoulders. My guests booked on time (for the most part) and with everything determined 9 months ahead of time including bookings, menu selections, exact # of guests, it was so much easier to get things done earlier on. So I'm all for sending them out nice and early!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Jtds2713 Juan is responsible for this! Jess LOL, Jessica that's too funny!! You must be standing on something in your siggy pic??
  14. Welcome to the forum!! There are lots of us Canadian brides here... and some great DIY ideas from all brides. Please let us know if you have any questions!!
  15. I always liked Fugly, as used in Mean Girls... makes me laugh every time for some sad reason!
  16. Ok, I have to say... gay porn scandal aside, I actually like James. My mom and I were happy to see him voted back into the house. I'm trying really hard not read the live feeds/spoilers to see who won. I only have one more day to go, I think I can do it! I guess I don't really care who wins too much... I don't like Natalie. I feel like I lose IQ points just watching her, she's a flippin' idiot. 'nuf said. Matt aka "Matty" (why would he allow people to call him this?!) is a disgusting lowlife pig. I don't think he even cares about the money, he just wants to sleep with all the women in the house. Natalie is dumb enough to fall for it. Since I'm off spoilers, is there anyone else he managed to bag? I guess those are the only two people who I wouldn't want to win HoH. I don't like Sheila, but just because she complains too much. She can make catty remarks about anyone else, but as soon as someone makes one about her, all hell breaks lose. If I were a "houseguest" I'd want her out just because she's always changing her mind, she doesn't stay true to her promises. Just look at her dramatic episode with Allison... who was possibly the only person who had her back.
  17. Ok, how adorable is she?? She's beautiful!! I love that name. Did they not know the sex before she gave birth? A few more cute pics...
  18. So, you don't want to post the pictures yourself under the poll?? Am I undertanding that right? You'd rather someone else posted it for you anonymously? Otherwise, to post pictures you need to upload them to a source like snapfish or photobucket and the post the URL (found in properties when right clicking on the pic). To post the URL, click the little yellow icon with the mountains on it, paste the URL and post away!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by DreamsDreamer Thanks! I appreciate the info! Congrats to you Courtney! Your day is right around the corner! Dee Thanks Dee! I'm pretty excited, only two months to go!! Quote: Originally Posted by JackieB Just thought I would add the link to my word document brochures in the Dreams Cabo thread incase anyone is doing this and needs the template or info. Jackie, that brochure is great. I was working on mine last weekend and didn't get very far! I might use some of your template for inspiration if you don't mind! Quote: Originally Posted by cabobridetobe23 Hey ladies! I got married at Dreams on Saturday, February 23, 2008. I just got back yesterday. I promise to write a full review (very tired) My advice is don't stress!!! Don't stress about all of the small stuff. You are in good hands with Dreams. Just enjoy it, it goes by so quick. Just savor every moment...the more you stress, plan and worry...the less fun you will have. Remember it's YOUR wedding. At the end of that day, what will really be important?? For me it was just being married to my husband. I did use Juan Carlos Tapia, Suzanne Morel, and Marianna...just trust me everything will be beautiful. These people are professionals!!! I have pictures, however, not a huge fan of posting them on a website. I can email them to some of you if you are interested. I use snapfish. PM me and I will send them to your email. Nicole Nicole, I'm glad everything went so well!! I have to agree about just relaxing and enjoying your day, the small things aren't worth stressing over. All of those vendors you used have had fabulous reviews, so I'm not surpsied to hear that you're happy with them, it just confirms what everyone else said... which is always nice to hear!! Have you gotten a chance to post a review?? We do like pictures, but if you're not comfortable posting, I understand that... but it's always great to read a bride's review!!
  20. Haha, oh my... what a sad excuse. Really, who uses a camera phone for their business card?!! She sounds like she's really annoying to put up with, but as long as you trust your FI, there's nothing to worry about. Even if your FI talked to her, she seems like the type to play dumb and continue the defense that it was another accident. There really isn't a point to turning this into a big dramatic fight, just to confront her on her transparent scheme. She's not worth your time and energy. I think you and FI need to do your best to ignore her lame emails and move on with your happy life! Oh ya... and I'd have to agree, you probably want to delete her pic from the thread... just in case!
  21. That's awesome. The Buy It Now price is quite the deal!! lol
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