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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by happygilmore We got them done mainly because we don't have a lot of pictures of us...FI hates pictures but he sucked it up for this and we'll use one for the local newspaper to announcer our engagement. I don't think it's a formality but just something fun and nice! Same here. Aaron and I don't have a lot of pictures of us, let alone candid pics. We didn't put an announcement in the newspaper, but it was just something for us. It definately isn't something you need to do.
  2. Tammy, you're a genius. You come up with the best threads ever! My worst gift: A litter box Pooper Scooper for my 13th birthday. The previous one had broken in two, so I had the ongoing excuse that I couldn't do the kitty littler without a pooper scooper. So, on my bday my parents gave me a pooper scooper and told me I had to do the kitty litter before I got the rest of my presents!!
  3. Savannah, that dress is amazing... I really, really love it! It's so beautiful and so elegant! And how great that your sister lives so close, I mean what are the chances?!! And so the wait begins. We'll expect a prompt response in June!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan Courtney I have been having issues with Suzanne Morel....a lady named Elsa is now helping me...I confirmed everything the other day finally. Do you have her email? I need to update my plans this weekend sometime...I have 2 months left and a lot to do. Courtney I bet you are getting excited about everything...let us know if you need any help with anything!! Ya, that's who is helping me too. She emailed me a while back to let me know that she is helping Paulina out - fine, no big deal. I don't actually need to communicate much with them except my final payment is due right away and I had a few questions for her, so I replied to HER email and I haven't heard back since. That was just last week, so I guess I could settle down and be a little more patient, but still!!! You know, I don't really feel like it's only a month away. I could look at my ticker and it could say "5 months" and I'd believe it!! It's sneaking up so quickly! Two months! How is everything coming along?? Do YOU need help with anything? What are some of the bigger things that you have left to do?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR Disney was our number one destination choice as we are both huge fanatics. I was not overly impressed when I went for a site visit and met with the WC last September - it was going to cost us $40,000 for a 50-person wedding... Ya, the $$ is a big reason why we decided to honeymoon there instead of get married there - which I think worked out for us in the long run. Although, the disney weddings I have seen pictures of all look amazing!
  6. I'm going to take this moment to hijack this thread and vent about the annoyance of trying to get in contact with vendors! Seriously, Mariana is usually really, really good about replying, but the last 2 months or so I've had a lot of trouble. It's not just her though, name a vendor (thankfully with the execption of my lovely TA, Tammy!) and I can't get a response. Even Suzanne Morel - there's some assistant that's handling all of Paulina's emails... ya, NO RESPONSE! It seems as I get closer to the wedding, I get less responses. I leave in like 3 weeks and people seem like they're heading for the hills! UGH! Ok... vent over. How's everyone else's plans coming along?
  7. Hmm.. I wonder where I read it! Thanks for finding that for me!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Leticia I like the low ponytail! you look alot like the model i thought it was you! Ok, you're officially my favourite!! Completely untrue, but thanks all the same! Quote: Originally Posted by Raeka Court you have such a beautiful hair color, I'm jealous. lol How does your hair hold curls? And what does it do in humid weather? Mel, I wish I could say it's my natural hair color, but it's not! So, you too can have that hair color for 11.99, purchased at your local drug or grocery store!! Quote: Originally Posted by Nrvsbride I think #4 goes best with the casual vibe that you want but still fanciness of the dress, however by the looks of your hair I have a feeling that #4 would not hold up as well as #1, so I'm going to say go for #1. I also think to make a better assessment I need to see your jewelery. Did you post your jewelery somewhere. If you are wearing a big necklace than I think you should do an updo to showcase it. But if you are keeping it more simpler than one of the low ponytails could work too. It depends on how much you have going on. Are you wearing a veil? A flower in your hair? I'm not wearing any jewelery. The bust of the dress looks to busy with a necklace, IMO and I don't really wear any jewerly anyways. I am wearing a flower in my hair though.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Is she here yet? Did I miss her? I feel like Paparazzi Heid! Over here! Show us your dress! How did the BD photo shoot go? How did Reggie wear his hair!? Heidi! Heid! Stephanie, you're too funny!! Heidi! Welcome back - we missed you!!
  10. My mom was talking about this a few weeks ago - she loves it and it's working for her. I have yet to see an episode, but it sounds really interesting.
  11. Welcome to our world, Melissa!!
  12. Happy Birthday Jill, my mod sister!!! Ok, how cute of DH with the cake. LOL... thinking it's a trap. That's totally what Aaron would think too.
  13. Definately meant to be!!! That's so exciting! Is she sending it to you right away? Will you post pictures for us when you get it??
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Yari I would still go! Experience Paris and Florence in the winter, then you can go again and see it from a different season. I think it would be romantic to stroll away the streets of Paris with your DH in the rain. Well said Yari! You've nearly convinced me to change my honeymoon location!! Quote: Originally Posted by Tammy Host leia, i LOVE your sig! Me too!!! Everytime I see it, I can't help but smile. Your dog is an excellent model and such a trooper!
  15. What a great review Rachel!! I'm impressed as to how much you remember, in such great detail. I think my wedding day is going to be one big blur to me. I totally laughed by butt off when I read what your dad said about the music! LOL!! That's something my dad would say too. I'm so glad everything went so well. I can't believe you were so laid back about burning a hole in your DRESS!! Not many can say they (a) burnt a hole in THE dress; and ( immediately got over it! Props to you!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa are you doing a hair trial? I am doing a hair trial, but some of the pics range so much, I decided I needed help narrowing it down. I had to narrow it down to just four for this poll! Tough choices! BTW - the half-up I'm thinking will be more like TammyB's if that makes any difference to you guys. Her's was more clearly half-up and tighter curls too...so pretty!
  17. Alright ladies (and gents!)... I need your votes. I have a few hairstyles that I really like and can't choose between them. So, please check out the pics I've bookmarked and let me know what you think!! I think my dress is fancier than I anticipated, so I'd like to keep my hairstyle somewhat simple... definately not fancy like an up-do. If it helps, this is my dress (only white - and I'm not a model!!) And the pic in my avatar is fairly recent, but here is a picture to give you the length of my hair (and yes, I had Aaron take a picture of the back of my head!!)
  18. CourtneyV

    New Memeber

    Welcome to the forum Amanda!!!
  19. I found this Knot article and found it really helpful: The Knot - Wedding Vows & Readings: 20 Tips for Writing Your Own Wedding Vows I didn't following all the steps... I just used some of them for inspiration and went from there!
  20. Yep, same here. When I booked with Dreams (in Cabo) they didn't need me to do anything like that either. Only when I wanted a room block did I put down a deposit and sign a lovely contract... all done through my TA. FYI - I'm just going to move this thread to the DR section so future brides can easily find it!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah Wow Trisha! Seriously? Already? I can't believe it! It seems like we just got over the surprise of your fabulous proposal in NYC! It's amazing how quickly time flies. I'm sooo excited for you. Your day will be perfect, take time to relax and enjoy absolutely every single second. Have a safe trip and CONGRATULATIONS! No kidding, I was just thinking the same thing!! I can't believe it! Trisha, I'm so incredibly excited for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world!! Congratulations!!!
  22. I can't wait to see some pictures of the Dreams Punta Cana weddings... not sure when the first member on the forum is getting married there - you may just be the one!! Anyways, welcome to the forum Shannon! Edited To Add: I just noticed you're a fellow Calgarian!
  23. CourtneyV

    Hi All!

    Welcome to the forum Kathryn!!
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