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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. I've definately seen them at Michaels... they have a few different sizes as well.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Jackie Good job. Love the sig drink theme Me too, that's such a neat idea!!
  3. No, you cannot bring your bouquet back over the border. BUT, a few girls have managed to sneak theirs back home. When we flew out of Cabo, they searched everyone's suitcases before checking them, so it may be difficult!
  4. Congratulations Loni!! Escaping Alberta in early April is definately a good idea!
  5. No, I don't think it closes too early. Aaron and I went to enjoy the live music one night and probably hung around until about 11:30 and they were still playing.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan This is exactly what I am doing instead of doing a welcome dinner....we are doing it at the bar in the lobby. They are open the latest and usually have music, the fire pit lit! Rendezvous is the name of it! That's where I was going to suggest to have it. Plus, when I was there the Barracuda Bar closed fairly early (around 8ish). It's a really nice place to have it. As an added bonus, they have some great live music.
  7. Clearly no one understands the sheer stress I am going through!!! I leave May 2nd and have been frantically trying to figure out when the season finale is. lol! I'm pleased to announce that the finale airs 3 days before I leave on April 29th! Phew, that was close!! Anyways, is anyone else in shock that Natalie and Adam are still in the game. Seriously, I could count their combined IQ points on one hand and they're 2 of the final 5.
  8. I'm super late on this (and thanks to Abbie who bumped the thread so I could see it! ), but I really like your BM bags. The books are such a great idea. You're a genius!
  9. Mine just matched by accident, but I don't think you need to worry about making sure it matches. I do agree with Rachel though, when it all comes together in a photobook or scrapbook then it looks really nice when there is a nice color theme. ETA: I also like invite #2!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Thanks ladies!!!! That's exactly why we're doing it this way. We don'ty want it to take away from our DW in any way ... so really this won't even "feel" real to me ... b/c we both know it's not when we will exchange vows in front of family and friends. And I think this way it makes it easier to justify to people down the road should anyone find out. That's exactly what we did, we called it "paperwork"... that's all. I wore jeans, and didn't take my jacket off! lol. It was SOO much fun, but totally seperate from our actual wedding day. And although Aaron has called me wife a few times (which is so cool to hear!), it doesn't feel official at all. Congratulations Tami! Are you taking any pics or anything? Either way, you'll have to tell us about it when you get back!
  11. I feel the same way Ann does, I can't believe you're already moving in!! Your house looks fantastic! But you really do need to post pictures of your beautiful back yard view. If I remember correctly, it's pretty stinkin' impressive!
  12. Juan, great work - as always! I love the sunset shots at the end. What a beautiful and truly genuine couple. Congratulations to them both!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by cabobridey If you like very simple, contemporary invites, and dont want the hassle of ordering from the US into Canada... look no further! Service was QUICK... and my invites came in about 10 days. You can customize color, font, wording etc. I am having probs putting a photo in here, and dont want to attach it. So either go to their website, or PM me and i can send you a copy of mine to look at! Invitation Expressions - Stylish Wedding Invitations and Wedding Stationery Holly posted this site in another thread and (obviously) gave it a great review. Thanks Holly!
  14. Looks great!! I'm going to quote you in the Canadian thread since they look like an excellent resource... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t5892
  15. I love your dress, Maura, it's gorgeous!!! P.S. I can't believe you're already picking up your dress. You're so ahead of the game!
  16. If you use the search function located at the top right hand corner of your screen, you'll be able to find many ring bearer threads. Here are a few to get you started: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t16423 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13745
  17. Of course, after I posted this Mariana and Elsa both emailed me... and within MINUTES of eachother! lol. I understand that it's busy, it's just getting so close and I don't want to have to stress about details once I get there. Everytime Mariana writes back, I can't help but think how great she is... even with delayed responses, she's amazing! And then I guess it's just Elsa, who initially emailed me about payment and then took FOREVER to reply. Boo. I was just having an anger moment! All my vendors have been so amazing, this is pretty much the worst of it, which isn't much at all!! So, we leave in less than three weeks and I'm soooooooo ready. I've packed a stink-load of stuff, including most of my summer clothes since I wouldn't be wearing them now anyways! I'm getting really, really excited to get there, enjoy my time with my family, and have an amazing wedding day! I can't believe it's almost here! Eek!!!
  18. Maura, that so kind of you... and what an excellent idea!!
  19. Yay, Amanda!! Just imagine where you'll be one month from today! Quote: Originally Posted by BeckyN That is so exciting! I wish I was down to 1 month... instead of 9! Trust me, it'll be here before you know it!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Rachelle E. oh no! don't say that ....freckles are awesome!!! I seriously LOVE freckly skin...I've always wanted some freckles and tell my DH that I hope we have a baby w/ freckles! lol! Anyway, I think they're pretty so don't hate them! lol! Me too, I love freckles - I SO wish I had them!! There is a Dove commercial out right now, and there is this woman on there COVERED in freckles - I think she's gorgeous because of those freckles! Quote: Originally Posted by amyh I think its b/c so many of our men love asses, lol. When I first met hans I was wearing a short white mini skirt (yes I was on a mission, lol) and he said what first attracted him to me were my legs and my ass. Now I don't think either are very nice, but if FI loves them then I have no problem showing them off! I like that philosophy! I totally have a J-Lo booty, but Aaron likes it! If it weren't for him thinking that, then I'd definately think it was my worst feature!!
  21. What?!! Lucky girl! Didn't you just go on a site visit in October?!!
  22. Heidi!! Welcome back, girl - you were missed! I'm so glad everything went well for you, you so deserve it!! You look so beautiful and so incredibly happy in every picture, I can't wait to see more. ...now get crackin' on that review!
  23. I love it! I tried to do a haircut like that about a year ago and it totally did NOT suit me - but look at you work that haircut! And I love the glasses, you look great!
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