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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Thanks Jason!! I'm actually going to the Riviera Maya in two weeks for a vacation and you have no idea how thankful I am for all of that info!! Thanks for sharing what I'm sure took you hours to find. I got a lot of great ideas from it
  2. Yay, it's always nice to see a fellow Canadian join. It only seems fitting that we'd be DW Brides since we have to put up with some of the coldest, snowiest, crappiest weather!!
  3. Haha, I know what an excellent word. I originally wrote "Woot, woot- so excited", but quickly decided I sounded too much like a train! That is not a good first impression!!!
  4. CourtneyV


    Yay, welcome!! I have to agree with Glenda... once you do get engaged you have all of us to celebrate with!! I'm a "noob" to this forum too (less than a week) and I already feel at home. Everyone is sooooo nice. Welcome, welcome!!
  5. Lol its an old english tradition and part of an old nursery rhyme for days to get married: _____ Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health Wednesday best day of all Thursday for curses Friday for crosses/losses Saturday no luck at all _____ ... I'm not sure what it means if you get married on Sunday though!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by BEACHBRIDEMA Just something to be aware of in Mexico you must be there 3 full days (weekends do not count) before you can be legally married. I am not sure if you are having a legal ceremomy or not. We arrive on Saturday and get married on the Friday. The guests leave the next day. We dont have flight times yet but I hope its not an early flight, I am sure it will be a late night Sarah Ya, Aaron and I are going to be going a few days earlier so we're not running around trying to finalize everything while mingiling with friends and family. However, I wasn't aware that weekends don't count under the 3 full days residency. Is there a reason for that? Hmm, that might change things a little bit!! I kind of agree with having time alone with Aaron after the wedding!! I felt a little bad for wanting to get away from my guests who so kindly took time out of the schedules for me (even if it doubles as a wedding)... but I feel better now that I'm not the only one!!!
  7. Hey pinkchick, I'm actually going to EDR in two weeks (for a vacation, not a wedding). We haven't decided on any tours or anything, but I too looked into the swim with the dolphins. We're going for a week, and my family looooves to do tours and all kinds of stuff with maybe one or two (tops) downtime days. I'll keep you posted on the tours we liked. I've read a lot of mixed reviews on the resort itself. Sometimes I think people post complaints because they don't have anything else to do with their time... posts like these need to be taken with a grain of salt! But like I said, I'll let you know. Pictures on the 'net look great. Canadians like me drool over the idea of hot, sunny Mexico in the winter... so I may not have too many negative comments!!
  8. Rebecca - I actually stumbled onto Juan's website a few weeks ago (before my discovery of this forum) and saw your pictures. I was so disappointed because I thought everything was fake!!! I thought he set up a fake wedding staged just so he could post them on his website. Haha, I was convinced you were a model! When I saw that you were one of the [real] brides I was in complete shock... and now I plan to hire him as my photographer! Your pictures are stunning and could easily be straight out of a magazine. I haven't booked him yet, but I am convinced there is no better... do you know how far ahead I should book? I still have lots of time (about a year and a half). Thx.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon to be Mrs. Hull a lot of people chose their date for special reasons, like dating anniversaries, engagement anniversaries. My date is the day after our 4th anniversary. We originally planned to get married on a thursday which was our anniversary, but the friday worked better for most people including our wedding party. So now we always have to go out of town for our anniversaries!!! Try this thread-http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t2949 Hmm, thanks... I guess a little forum research on my part wouldn't hurt - that thread isn't even that old!! Thanks for your help. Tammy - you said some guests were leaving on the Wednesday... Does it bother you that people leave early? Will you do anything else with the guests on the remaining days as a group, or do you expect everyone will go their own ways? My family just noted that after the wedding the "climb" to the event is over and it's not as exciting for guests.
  10. FH and I are trying to select a date, and we've narrowed it down to three - which are all in different months. The flights look like (but nothing is finalized) they will be on the Saturdays. My question is this: What day of the week/day # did you decide to have the wedding? I like the idea of having the week lead up to the wedding on the second to last day (or last day), but one of the options is also the middle day that we'll be there. Is getting married in the middle of the trip anticlimactic for the guests? Did anyone else fuss over this (what I thought was a) insignificant detail?! I'm curious to know what everyone decided and why...
  11. Lol dreams are funny. I've only had one wedding nightmare so far, and like so many others it was dress related!! I dreamt that it was the day of the wedding and I still hadn't purchased my dress... but that's ok, because I had one on hold at the mall. When I got there it was like neon blue (not pretty tropical blue!) and it was like 4 sizes too small. If anything, I learned not to buy my dress same day! I think I had that dream a few days after I went shopping with my mom for a dress!!
  12. Lol thanks guys!! I could probably sit here all day and read everyone's engagement stories. It's hard not to smile when reading them! The only downside is this thing called 'work'. *sigh* I wish I could plan my own wedding full time and get paid for it!!!
  13. Ok.. so my account just got activated about 20 minutes ago and I couldn't wait any longer to share my story and dive right into this new forum! I'm terribly sorry, I already know this is going to be a long post - no one has to read it all, it's just nice to chat... it's the perfect therapy!! So, having said that I'll launch right into my story!! Aaron and I met when I was 14 years old on a teenage chat site (clearly all parental controls were unlocked!!) I think we started talking because we lived in the same province (we both live in Alberta, Canada but he lived a 9.5 hour drive away from me), but was coming to my city in a few months for a paintball tournament. We talked constantly, and I think it really got on my mom's nerves because I was taking over the only household computer for hours and hours each evening. The time finally came that we were going to meet in person. We'd sent pictures, but I was still really nervous... and I was kind of afraid he was going to be a 52 year old pervert, so I made sure to bring friends lol. We got to the paintball tournament, and I saw him instantly and immediately regretted bringing friends because I just wanted to spend all my time with him!! That day couldn't have gone any faster, and before I knew it he was on his way back home the next day. A few years past, we saw eachother as often as possible and when I turned 17 and graduated from high school I moved in with him. 5 1/2 years into the relationship he proposed!! My story is a little like Rebecca's in that we had the "commitment fight" a few nights beforehand. I was just upset because it'd been so long and we'd been "hint shopping" numerous times with no avail. He came up with some lame excuse like we couldn't afford it or something (which was moderately true - I had just gotten a new job etc). On June 30th, 2006 we both worked (shift work - arg) and we got home super late, but he was in a really sweet, romantic mood. We were talking about the good old days and he brought out a box of memorabilia he'd kept throughout our relationship (pictures, e-mails, ticket stubs etc). I don't remember his exact words because once I figured out what was going on I started bawling, but he said something to the effect of "we've shared so many great memories, and I want to share so many more". Of course I said yes!! Yay - I'm so happy!! So anyways, we thought we'd decided on St. Thomas USVI... but lately I've been thinking of Mexico. Has anyone had a wedding in St. Thomas? I'd love to hear feedback. I've seen so many great things about Mexico. Please feel free to weigh in, I'm going crazy over here!! Also, Aaron and I are completely laid back about the planning, and love creative, fun ideas - so I'd love to hear those too!! Anyways, thanks for listening to my long story.
  14. Howdy, howdy everyone!! My name is Courtney and I am the future wife of the most amazing man in the entire world (sorry ladies!!), Aaron. We're getting married next year (if I say "next year" it sounds a lot closer than it actually is) in November 2008. We planned on going to St. Thomas, USVI... but I'm slowly considering Mexico. I'll be going to Mexico for a cousins wedding (aka my own wedding research!) in two weeks so we'll see if I change my mind!! Anyways, I'm super excited and I'm glad to have found this amazing forum. I have about a million questions, and I've hardly even started planning. I feel so disorganized ... I may just be the only bride on earth that hasn't done everything but place payment 7 months into an engagement!!! Thanks in advance for your wonderful answers to my million questions!!
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