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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Yep - we can see it where it says 'photo'. At least all of the celebs you look like are young, pretty females!! I got a few male celebs and a few "mature" (aka old) women when I did mine ...
  2. Haha... What were some of the songs? If I let Aaron choose the songs, he'd have Metallica playing. Yikes!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Courtney, there are also rules about how many days you have to be in mexico prior to a legal wedding, you should check with your TA about all of this. Ya, I do know about the residency rules, blood test etc. Thanks though... if there is anything else you can think of please share!! I don't have a TA yet - we've just started most of the planning. I'm sure I'd find this out when I do get a TA, but its still nice to know before I plan too much!!
  4. Yikes, its a good thing I have you guys - I never knew that!! D'oh!!
  5. What so.... what?! If I want to get legally married in Los Cabos I have to have a judge marry us before our officiant?? This concept is new to me, and having my own officiant is an important part for me (we are having my uncle do it). Is the judge mandatory... how does this work? AHH - confused!!!
  6. CourtneyV


    Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen I'm moving to the north west part of Florida. It's about 5 hours from Miami. It's by Pensacola and it's on the Ookaloosa islands (if you've ever heard of them). It's called Fort Walton Beach. I'm sooo excited to go swim suit shopping. I look out into my backyard and theres about 4 feet of snow. hehehe Haha, Melissa... as a fellow Albertan I can only tell you how jealous of you I am!! When do you move to Florida?
  7. Hey Jackie!! Welcome to the forum. Why doesn't he want a DW?! Well, we can help convince your FH!!
  8. Lol, that's cool!! I've been told I look like Julia Roberts (quite a few years ago when my hair was darker and longer). I don't think I look ANYTHING like her!!
  9. Ya... I love that idea!!!! I'm a terrible cook, so I'd love to see what actually works... I can use all the help I can get!
  10. Ya, I agree... a nice mix would be great. I'd personalize things that don't necissarily have to do with the location (e.g. a waterbottle, lip balm etc). I like the idea of personalizing items for the OOT bags, but it is way more expensive... I'm not sure that we'll do it for that reason.
  11. Wow, those are beautiful. I really love the back on the second one.
  12. Howdy howdy, and welcome to the forum!! We'd love to hear details about your wedding.
  13. ..sorry, correction... **ladies and gents!!
  14. Hey Denise, welcome!!! I am also trying to narrow down my choices for Mexico. I started with a huge list, I've managed to delete quite a few from the list... but I've also added a few!! These ladies have great advice and ideas!!!
  15. Well, I apologize.... I don't know anything about Rincon Weddings - but I just want to welcome you to the forum. It'll just be a matter of time before the ladies start piping up with information that you need!!
  16. CourtneyV


    Hey Amy, welcome to the forum!! I've been to plenty of forums, and this one is by far the best - I'm addicted!! That's so cool that you got engaged on Christmas day... be sure to post your story (and pictures if you have them!). Let us know if you have any questions...
  17. I don't think its tacky... but I would make sure to put my own twist on it (e.g. different colour/style flowers, centerpieces etc). Give it your own flare. You don't want to look back 10 years from now and wish you had your wedding somewhere else but didn't because of what people would think!! If you love it, go for it.
  18. Tammy, DEFINATELY yours!! I love that it has a blue tinge to it (or is that just my eyes tricking me?). It's beautiful. Go ahead and tell Cain we all out-voted him!!
  19. CourtneyV


    Hey Maggie, welcome!!! I have the blessing of planning with my mom too (she is my MOH). It's nice to finally meet you!
  20. Aww that's such a great story. I love cats... I'm pretty sure I would have noticed the kitten before the ring though. I probably would have been holding the kitten for hours and hours and then said stupid like "Oh... there is a ring on his collar"!!! Thats areally nice story though, congrats!!
  21. So he asked you before you went to dinner? Did you end up talking 'wedding plans' the entire dinner? Lol, I would have!! Were you expecting a proposal? That's a really cute story. I love finding out about all of the behind the scenes details.
  22. Can anyone give me easy to read, dumbed down instructions on how to post pictures? I tried this the other day and couldn't get it. Also, I tried it with my signature, below my wedding ticker (that won't actually start ticking for another 9 months lol). Also, I don't understand the "point system". How are points determined? What does it mean to bank them? etc etc etc. Once I catch on, I'll post all kinds of pictures and you'll wish you never taught me!! Also, I agree about the welcoming of the noobs (as I still am one)... it was really nice to receive a welcome from a number of people right away. It really made me feel at home! You guys rock!!
  23. Wow, that's incredible. I don't think I could ever pull that off - I am horrible at sewing. Unless your guests know that you're making it, I bet they wouldn't be able to guess. If you don't mind my asking - how much did you end up saving by making it?
  24. - Let down your long... or short hair?? I recently got this awesome new haircut, and its the shortest I've had since I was a child (a few inches higher than the shoulder). I really love the kinds of updos that can be done with long hair, so I'm considering growing it longer (about mid-shoulderblade). Are any other brides struggling with the decision? Is there a reason you're growing/keeping your hair at a certain length? I just can't seem to find hairstyles I like for shorter hair... and I love the way Rebecca's hair was done for her wedding (I'm slowly copying her entire wedding :| ). So, what did you decide and how did you come to that decision?
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