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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Wow - it's kind of neat to read everyones!! Mine is: When I was 13 my mom convinced me to enter a world-wide poetry writing contest, and I won! My poem was to get published in a book, but before that happened the company went belly-up! Oh well - I didn't actually like the poem that much! haha.
  2. Hey Janelle (and fellow Albertan!), I don't have any advice for that resort, sorry... but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum! What made you choose Feb. 6? Wahooo - less than a year to go!!
  3. I know - it's weird when we already live together, but after giving it further thought, I really like the idea of separate rooms the night before. I also like the idea (sorry I forgot to check to posted it) of having all the BMs spend the night with the bride. That's cute! I'm not sure what we're gonna do, but anticipation is half the fun, right?
  4. Aww, cute story! Did he seem nervous? Did you guys go "hint shopping" for a ring ever, or did he choose it completely himself? I agree with the other girls - we love pictures!
  5. Leigh, I think that's an excellent idea! Not everyone remembers to save room for dessert (even if it is wedding cake!), putting it in a small box is SUCH a neat idea. I might have to "borrow" that idea! The only thing is that if you have children at the wedding, they might dig in right away - not sure if thats something that might bother you (some ppl like things done in a certain order!). That's the only "downside" I can think of. Awesome idea!
  6. Aww- Lindsay, I actually got a little misty eyed when I read that! I love that you kept everything a secret - what an excellent idea! And isn't that what every bride wants to hear after their wedding - that their wedding is one the guests will never forget? Congratulations on your wedding... we still want to hear your review!
  7. That's kind of what I was hoping! lol... I don't want to jump to conclusions and take things personally. How does it relate to my account tho? Maybe I'm confused about this... I don't understand computers very well (shhh - don't tell my boss!)
  8. CourtneyV


    Quote: Originally Posted by frzinco Hi I'm new. Getting married on las Caleta Island in Puerto Vallart May 4th 07. I am sooooooooooooo excited!!! WOW - less than two months to go! Do you have any advice for US?! lol Congratulations... and welcome to the forum!
  9. ... sometimes I get that message when I use this forum. I first got it at work and I thought it had something to do with my office's automatic website tracking or w/e. Today I got it at home, so I asked Aaron about it (who is computer savvy - it's what he's going to school for), and he said it shouldn't have anything to do with how many people are on the server at once - it's to do with my individual account. Anyways, does anyone else get this? Do I post to much?! Is there a way to prevent it?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MikkiStreak A great source for photos also is TripAdvisor---- when you look up a resort, right in the info is "Candid Photos" that were taken by guests. I like it because then I get to see the resort through the eyes of the guests, not through professional photos the resort paid to have done... I love checking out the candid photos too - you know what you're seeing isn't the dressed up, staged version, it's the real thing. I just hate tripadvisor because they all complain sooooooo much. It seems they must look for something to report back about thats negative.... just chill out and ENJOY your vacation!
  11. Ya, our scouting trip happened by fluke. I'm not actually going with my FH, I'm going with my parents. Its a vacation we planned a year ago and decided to turn part of it into a scouting trip! Anyways, I'll try to remember to PM you the link to my review when I get back.
  12. Welcome Kaley Let us know if you have any questions.
  13. Hi Annie, I'm going to Mexico next week on a scouting trip and will be visiting Riu Palace - I'll be sure to post a review and pictures when I return. Until then, welcome to the forum and happy planning!!
  14. Wahoo Alissa! Congratulations, and welcome to the forum!! Did Rob propose in Mexico? You should definately post your engagement story!! Have you set a date yet? Anyways, everyone here is so helpful, so let us know if you have any questions!
  15. Christine that looks really great - they did a nice job .... and a limo?! Sounds like fun!!
  16. Wahooooo... Congratulations!!! Does it feel like the fun is just beginning?
  17. While I would normally agree with you, Ann... I just know what it's like to deal with office politics at its worst. I guess I'm one to avoid conflict though. At the same time, I will not be inviting certain family members that I KNOW will be offended, but (as sad as it is) they're really the last ones I want there. I guess it depends on the degree of the relationship. If they're there will it affect your day? If yes, then I'd agree with Ann... if you think that it won't make much of a difference then I'd casually invite them. Ahh - does this count as a conflict, Ann?! lol, Sorry!!! Friends?!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I actually have that same issue. Only my team is 6 people and I don't like one. I think that would be WAY too obvious! Perhaps that one person doesn't think fondly of you too? In which case they wouldn't come anyway? You could set out an invitation in the office, kind of open ended, but send a formal invitation to the 3-4 people. That way, "everyone" gets invited, but only the people you really want there will probably come. I think that's excellent advice!! I wouldn't even bring a formal invitation - I would just state on some pretty letterhead (or whatever) the date, time, and location. Maybe even say something like well wishes appreciated from those who are unable to to attend so that the people who may feel mutually about you don't feel obligated to attend... and THEN send out the formal invitations afterwards.
  19. Ok, I typed this out before - but the page didn't load... so I will try it again (and maybe save the text just in case it happens again!!!) My FH will be wearing Khakis and a tropicalish shirt (maybe white linen) so I'm not much help for the suit rental. But regarding the Private Messages - if you go into User CP at the top left of your screen, in the following page there is a menu bar on the left side with options for private messaging, let me know if you have troubles with that.
  20. Wow, someone had a productive weekend!! Everything looks really really great. I like that you carried the same colours/theme through everything - you did a really good job. Do you have a lot of DIY projects remaining? Really, honestly - nice work!
  21. Ahh, you must have been wondering why no one was contacting your TA??!! Well, at least its all sorted out now! Plus, its these things that (maybe not right now but down the road) make for funny stories!
  22. Haha, OMG Those are great!!! His expression is priceless! That's just the reaction you'd want too!!
  23. Ya, I'm pretty sure I was in the aisle with the pre-made woodwork (birdhouses, mini mailboxes etc) and woodburning kits. Be careful though, they had different 'levels' to purchase, depending on experience. I guess you can go into some pretty mad detail when engraving!
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