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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. I LOVE that coffee table book, it looks really nice. Glenda, you have to show us pictures of the book when you get it! ... Did he say how long it takes to make? I probably won't get it simply because its over 2k!! Maybe it can be a 1st yr anniversary gift to ourselves or something. I was also thinking about going to Costco to have something similar done - they do it on high-gloss paper (not in sleeves), but I still think the coffee table book would look better! I'm jealous Glenda!
  2. Ooh, Sherri - that site is awesome. Was it expensive to order items in bulk, or could you get a deal? I love that you can sort by fragrance for bath and body items. Do you mind telling me which items you selected? Have you received them yet? Were you happy with the product? Sometimes I feel like the items I order online will end up being disappointing because I can't see them in person first. I'm a nervous online buyer!
  3. CourtneyV


    Hey Jen, welcome to the forum! Happy planning, and let us know if you have any questions! P.S. Post your engagment story!!
  4. Hey Amy, welcome to the forum! That's awesome that you have so much time to plan. I've been engaged for almost a year and it has gone by SO fast, and now I have a year until my wedding... I'm halfway there!! (it sounds better if I say it like that!!) Plus, by the time your wedding comes around you'll be so organized and such a pro your day will be flawless!!! Just curious - is there a reason why you're waiting two years?
  5. Woot, thats exciting isn't it?! I took Aaron "hint shopping"!! Lol, we were at the mall one day and I would say "Oh Aaron, I just loooooooove that ring!" - we both knew what I meant but it kept the surprise in it a little more!! It was fun though - and I think he was nervous about picking the wrong one, which was silly... afterall diamonds are a girls best friend, we aren't going to send them back!! Anyways, congrats on this step - I can't wait to hear about the proposal!!
  6. We'll be naming our tables after something that meant something to us. For example "Sugar and Spice" was (unfortunately) the first movie Aaron and I saw together, so we could name a table after that.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by redwards Ummmmm, is it just me or is it entirely unfair that Sol and Matt have so much talent and cuteness between the two of them?! lol! Lol Rachelle, I'd have to agree!! Haha, you're funny!!!
  8. I couldn't agree more, your work is amazing. My mom actually has your website bookmarked and she checks it every once in a while lol!! Welcome to the forum!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride18 Thanks for your quick responses! Nini_Bride: How was the beach at the El Dorado? I am a beach lover and I want my pictures to be nice and be able to walk the beach The beaches were nice - the giant (and I mean GIANT - I'll post pictures if I can tonight) sandbags were a bit of an eyesore. When we were there the resort was at 100% capacity, but there were still plenty of beach chairs - it honestly didn't FEEL that busy! Also, if you choose the gazebo for your ceremony, there aren't any sandbags on that part of the beach so it won't ruin your pictures! Did you have problems with reservations at the resort? Vie heard unless you have a Casita you have to make all dinner reservation before you get there in order to be accommodated, seems very inconvenient. Yes, this is definately a complaint for a reason. You can only book your first 3 nights BEFORE your arrival - we did this, and they messed it up and we had to rebook. All other bookings are through your concierge... and even this isn't the greatest system. We ended up going back to our concierge a number of times to reconfirm bookings. Make sure to get the little print out for every single meal. We put in a formal complaint about this, and were told that they're trying to change it (by maybe even eliminating the reservation system, which would be the best I think) I am concerned that they do SO many weddings per day it would be like a wedding factory. That is one thing I liked about the Iberostar complex, they only allow one wedding per resort area (with the new Grand, that mean 3 weddings total and it is a huge complex so I doubt you even see the other wedding parties). When I was there I really wanted to see how they did the weddings, so we tried looking for some - and couldn't!! I ended up asking Sandra (I think thats her name - the WC) if we could casually stroll by one, she told me locations and times. They have enough locations for the ceremonies and receptions that I honestly had to be at the right place at the right time to see everything. I don't think multiple wedding is a problem for EDR - You might want to contact the WC (I think I have her e-mail and phone # at home) and ask her how they time everything. The plus to having multiple weddings at the same locations is you might be able to contact the other bride(s) and split the cost of decorations! I think tonight I will post a complete review, I just can't now because of coworkers who keep walking into my office!!
  10. I just came back from the El Dorado Royale two weeks ago.. I wasn't there for my wedding, but I saw a number of them while I was there. I LOVED this resort, and if I didn't have children attending my wedding, I'd have it here in a heartbeat. I also spoke with the WC while I was there. I was a little bummed out that I couldn't have my wedding there by the time I left!! I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have about EDR!
  11. Welcome Chris!! Yay, a Christmas wedding - I love those, they always seem so magical! Have you selected a resort yet?
  12. Aww, Mishi... I love that story! Haha - probably wise that you didn't jump around while in the hot air balloon, but I'm sure it was tough not to! Is the picture that you've posted from before, or after the proposal?
  13. Hey - welcome to the forum!!! There are plenty of PV brides here - so ask away!!
  14. Christa, I love the picture of you and R facing eachother, I love emotional pictures like that - they're so genuine. 20 years from now you can look back on those pictures and remember exactly how you felt by looking at pictures like that. Love them, they turned out great!!!
  15. Ahhh - no Christa, show us more! Those pictures are great, you look so wonderful!! PLEASEEEEE show us more - that's such a tease!!
  16. I think thats an excellent idea!! I have no idea what Melissa's dress will look like today - and I'm super curious... and I'm sure if I looked through all 115 pages it'd turn out that she never even posted the dress anyways! lol. Good idea Mishi!
  17. I agree! Clearly it is more work, money and stress to have her there. She can save her "efforts" and stay home. A good friend should have your best interests at heart for your wedding day, and she clearly doesn't.
  18. Hey Denise, awesome site. I was on there for like 2 hours last night working out designs and font sizes. I thought maybe it'd be cool to add the monogram, but I'm not sure how that'd turn out. This is something that will definately go in my OOT bag. I almost ordered them last night... but then I'd have to find somewhere to store them for a year!!! Thanks for the site! Good find!
  19. Woohoo - that's quite a nice surprise!! Try it on!! Show us pictures!! YAY!
  20. Woot!! Congratulations Melissa!! Hurry back and show us all the pictures - I can't wait to hear alllllll about it!
  21. The instructions were super easy - as you can see from my new signature! I've done like 6 other monograms since then... omg, I need a life!
  22. Ok - wow! That location is so nice! I agree, I always love how floating candles look.
  23. We are leaving to Disney World right after the wedding. It was either have a Disney Wedding or a Disney Honeymoon - this worked out to be cheaper for everyone! I actually think the honeymoon in Disney is Aarons favourite part... is that sad?!
  24. Ick, I hate when they try to weazel their way out of it and not take responsibility. It's like "Ya buddy, I did this on purpose just to see what you'd do!!". I'm glad they'll be taking care of it - and hopefully soon!!
  25. Yep, I'm doing this. It's gonna be like an "info central" thing. I was going to do it in a binder since its nicer but I thought that would be too heavy for the people who want to bring it on the plane with them, so it'll probably be a doutang or something. Since I have a small guest list, I'm also including an "intro page". I'm going to get all of the guests to give me a small fact about them not everyone knows and we'll write a short bio. Hopefully this will act as an icebreaker for those guests who don't know eachother. I don't have a template yet (wedding is still a year away), but I am slowly working towards it. If anything maybe we can swap tips! lol.
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