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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Wow 30 days!! Congratulations! You must be so excited! What resort are you staying at? Be sure to post your wedding info on the Calendar for us. Woooohooooooo 30 days! What do you have left to do? Any advice for our DR girls?
  2. Wow Jess, that looks so pretty! And when most people think of tropical vacation it's exactly whats in those pictures that they see - nice beaches, blue skies, calm water ... hammocks in a secluded location. lol. Very nice. Thats such a good idea to do a ceremony a month before, just the two of you. Are you going to tell anyone that you've done it ahead of time? Even if you don't have anyone there, or a photographer... get a passer-by or an employee to get pictures.
  3. Hey Laura - woohoo, your wedding is less than two months away!! Welcome to the forum - and let us know if you have any questions, although with only 2 months to go we'll probably be asking you the questions!
  4. Hey Cathryn! Welcome to the forum. Do you know what resort you're going with?
  5. Haha - I love your story, and its one that makes me laugh! I definately agree, after all of this work to get the perfect ring CUSTOM made, you should post pictures!
  6. Aww Carms, I love that story! Do you think he turned to you earlier in the day and said Happy Anniversary because he was worried your were getting pissed that he hadn't mentioned it?! I love this line, it gave me goosebumps: Quote: Originally Posted by carms End of Story, Beginning of new life together! Do you have pictures? We lurve pictures!
  7. Ya Carms, I've heard really great things about RIU, I've never been myself though. Picking the resort was one of the hardest things for me - at least they made it nice and easy for you!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by lryates76 Courtney - You are cracking me up today!! Still bored, huh?!?!? lol Lisa - I'm ready to talk about anything today, hense the "Inner-man" thread... really sorry about btw, I just couldn't resist!
  9. P.S - Post your engagement story - they always make me cry! Plus, I really need a reason to have an emotional breakdown at work if I'm gonna try to get off early today!!
  10. Hey Carms! First of all... what a cool name!! Is it short for something? Second - woot, I love when there are more Canadians on the forum (let alone a fellow Albertan!) Welcome! Is there a reason you're going with RIU? Have you been there before? Just curious! Wow, Novemeber 2008 - you've got lots of time to plan. I almost had the exact same date as you! Welcome to the forum, Carms!
  11. Yay, ya I'm excited. Did you girls all go right to the DW dress section, or did you literally try on everything, regardless of how heavy it might be? I like the advise about not getting caught up in everyone else's opinions, Jess. I could see myself listening to everyone and thinking "oh ya, that is neat/cool/pretty". I definately won't buy on Saturday even if I think I've found the one! I'd have to sleep on it, and try it again after a few weeks to make sure it really is the one! Thanks ladies for the advise!
  12. Yep, I think that answers it. I'll find out when I start making my invitations in the summer - I might have to harass you later about it though. Also, I'll disregard your "messy" room if you disregard my amazing ability to not understand simple instructions and to make things more difficult than they actually are!! Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by host mmmm....cupcakes haha Tammy... are the cravings kicking in?! Quote: Originally Posted by Cabo Wedding Coordinator There were like 140 persons there!! it was a big wedding! 140 people?! Wow. Omg, she looks so great. What a gorgeous dress!! You should really post a few more pictures for us!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by CABOBRIDE200 And finally, the inside of the invite: [ Ok, so this part that is like the folder part of it - where you insert all of the invites - that's just made of the cranberry paper and batting, nothing else? It just looks like it has some kind of strong backing (like a book). *so confused* lol. Sorry to drag you into my confusion!
  15. Hmm, Jess - I was actually wondering what you have "inside" to keep it from being so flimsy, but it still folds very much. Ugh, crappy wording. ... what did you put under the batting?
  16. So Jess, give us an update! How did people react to those invitations? I'm dieing to know since I'd LOOOOVE to get that in the mail. You did an awesome job! I hope you don't mind, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to steal your idea! lol. What did you use as a backing for them?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by akh i honestly don't see any issue w/having different #s on each side ! i say have whoever you want in your wedding, that's what it's about -not having "matching" numbers! I agree... plus you look more popular! If you're worried abour balancing it out, I like the idea posted above (sorry - I don't remember who said it) about putting a groomsman on each side and then 3 bridesmaids on each side so its 4 and 4. Personally, I want my people standing up there next to me - I'll be a sobbing, emotional mess so to have my closest friends/family standing behind me is a good feeling, they're there for support...
  18. W.O.W.!! have you ever thought of having them reduced?
  19. Ok, seriously... crying my eyes out a work! Not even a little tear here and there, "hard crying"!!! You two are such a great couple, such contageous engery. I love that story, thanks for sharing it! *sniffle sniffle* I'll be ok!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by akh of course you girls would pick the 2 most expensive. sheesh. ok, who is pitching in to buy me the earings now? hmm? anyone? Haha, notice that before you said that you got 36 replies.... after you said that - silence!!
  21. Haha, its true - mullets are great. Having said that, if Aaron had one I'd probably bug him to get a different haircut ... at least before the wedding! My cousins had the sort of mullet where the mullet part is only a small section at the back, kind of like a ponytail (does this have a name?!) - they seriously had it from toddlerhood to about mid-teens. Brave souls to go through Jr. High with that hair style!
  22. ooooh, Melissa - I LOOOOVE that idea too! Haha, I might have to extend everyone's stay so we can do all of these activities! What an awesome idea though. Are you just going to get the photos of the net first? Is it just gonna be around the resort? Ok, its settled, I'm gonna do this!
  23. I love ideas like this since complete strangers that are about to become family are about to spend a week with eachother - ice breakers definately help! Good idea - hopefully it'll get some conversation going to.... "no way, you went to Australia to work for a year?.." etc.
  24. I honestly don't like the idea even for bigger weddings - sorry if anyone here is doing it, but I just think its a little cheesy. Watching 10 grown adult women fighting over a bouquet and pretty much ripping it to shreds just to be "the next one to marry" is embarrassing to watch! I've been to weddings where they give the bouquet to the couple that has been married the longest and consider it good luck to do so. No one breaks a nail, and they all still have their dignity!!
  25. Yay, I'm so excited, I get to go dress shopping on Saturday! I went once already the day after I got engaged my mom was super excited so we went dress shopping just for fun. THIS TIME, however, we are going to actually look! Yaaaay! Anyways, I was wondering if anyone has a sort of guideline for body types? Also, are there any good tips that I should know when looking for "the one"? I need all the help I can get, I'm pretty style-challenged! Don't worry, Tammy - If the salon will let me, I'll get pictures!!
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