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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. I made my own - in fact I made like 10 of them lol. I got some instructions from Maria (Mikkistreak) I'm not sure if she still has the instructions but they were super easy. I'm perhaps the least creative person on this earth and I could do it - and after making all of them, I made one that I really love. I think Paula V made hers through Maria's instructions if you want to see an great example. SUPER easy, and free!
  2. Wow, does it always happen this way? Without a word of a lie I checked my e-mail before I posted this. Afterwards I checked again and bingo - a reply from Fuller Edge! This forum is magic!!
  3. This is getting really frustrating!!! I've gotten in contact with several photographers - all of whom responded quickly to my first e-mails or phone calls, but when I try to follow up I don't hear back anymore! Most recently, I contacted Fuller Edge Photography - the one that I found via this thread, and it's almost two weeks since the last time I've heard from them. 1) Is this common not to hear back? I called or emailed and was enthusiastic, and mentioned that this would be something in the near future (hopefully even for our "pre-anniversary" on May 9th) - so I thought there was a slight sense of urgency 2) Do I give off some bad vibe to people? lol. I don't get it. 3) Maybe when I suggested May 9th, it was too soon? But wouldn't they say that and suggest a date they're available? AHH - Please help me! This is starting to piss me off!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jthrasherphoto.com lol, we better not be hearing about you on the 6 o'clock news. I can see the headlines now. "Virginia teacher seduces student with boudoir photos" lol that's true - you might not want to bring them to work to show some of your work friends. Next thing you know, one has accidently fallen out of your bag, a student picks it up ... and insert the 6 o'clock news here!
  5. Tammy, didn't you say before that you'll be taking pictures before, but also (because of the guest list size) afterwards too? Maybe for your pictures on the beach you could do unbustled and then for some sunset shots you could have it bustled?
  6. Omg, that second picture where she's trying to look all innocent is straight out of "Precious Moments" I swear. She's adorable!!
  7. Ok Sorry if I repeat any.... Hair Spray Static Guard Dental Floss Hand Mirror Deodorant Clear Nail Polish (for runs in nylons too) Extra Nylons Mini brush/comb Chalk works really well for stains too Safety Pins Lint Remover Advil
  8. Ann, unless my computer is messed - the pictures didn't post Can you retry? I wanna see Paul's cute nieces!!
  9. Holy cow - they are SO cute. How old are they? I want two little sisters that are that cute. All I got was a grumpy older brother. Although when I was young I asked for a little sister for my birthdays!! Omg, I want a flower girl so bad - do you think I can borrow one (or both) for my wedding?!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by tob1kanobe ...and even worse, my FI ex girlfriend who we were friends with but who has decided she wants nothing to do with us since we got engaged - her mom thinks she might be invited...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? uhh - ya, weird!! My jaw seriously dropped when I read that!
  11. lol Sherri "Cuss anyone out". I like that advice!
  12. Yay Jess, it's always good to save $400!! Phew, what a relief, hey?
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by mgreen hahahahah must be an Albeta thing. Everyone else must think we're crazy but in all seriousness it's such a fun game!! A good way to pass a summer day drinking a beer and having a good time with friends. I've never heard of Beersbie!! How does it work? I feel like the geek Albertan lol. ... so left out!!! Other Melissa - I've seen lots of websites for this, and I think it's an awesome idea. If we can work it into our budget we'll be doing it. Unfortunately, I don't know of anyone that has seen them first hand yet. I'm not sure how you could screw up a frisbee though - I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  14. That definately sucks. I don't get where family gets off thinking this is their wedding to plan. Would you be incredibly upset if they didn't go all together? I think the people who know this day is important to you will be there (unless $$ is an issue), and for those who want to play crybaby can sit and home and miss an amazing wedding. I can't give you much advice on what to do - but hopefully it helps to just vent!!
  15. Oh my gosh Amy, I can't believe people ask to be in your wedding party!! I would be so shocked! That kind of happened to Aaron - he and his childhood friend had a deep, meaningful talk (who knew guys had these?!) a bunch of years ago and he promised Devon that he could be his Best Man. Fast forward to telling Devon about the engagement and he just assumed Aaron still wanted him as his best man! (Aaron barely remembers this conversation). Anyways, he wanted his dad as his best man, and Devon as one of his groomsman, so he just made both of them co-best men. It didn't really bother Aaron because he and Devon are still friends. I can't imagine having people who don't even know if they'll even be invited ask to be in the wedding party though!
  16. I honestly couldn't agree more... just get legally married at home - but honour your ceremony date. That's what we're doing, but we'll legally get married once we get back to save on stress. I just see it as putting the seal on the deal, and I consider my Los Cabos wedding the REAL one.
  17. Wow, Melissa - great deal!! I'm so jealous of you right now - I want a flower girl so bad, they're so cute!
  18. Welcome! Ann has started you off with a really great list of questions to help narrow down the options. Another altnerative (which some people on this forum are doing) is a cruise ship wedding, having a wedding at one of the ports of call and the reception on the ship afterwards. Again, I think if you answer Ann's questions you'll get a pretty good idea of what kind of a DW you're looking for then we can help you more from there!
  19. Heidi, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't even imagine how I would be able to get through something like that. You and your FI are a strong couple and it definately makes the both of you extraordinary people.
  20. I've had a few people ask me - but I think they were saying it in a kind of joking tone. There will be family members "close" friend who I will not be inviting and I expect a bit of flack then. I am only inviting relatives that I acutally like and ones that I have spoken to within the last decade! They sort of have to meet those standards, otherwise I really don't see the point on my or their end. Having said that, I have not been told that they will be "hurt" is I don't invite them. As a geeky kind of side note, I have actually prepared answers and jokes for when the situation comes up!
  21. Great, thanks Jennette! I like the idea of having to make an appointment actually - that way I know I'll get service! Do you have to book for a certain amount of time? It seems like time just slips away when dress shopping! Seriously, 2 hours felt like 20 minutes. So, do you suggest I mention an amount of time I plan to be there? Also, do you have their contact information?
  22. Jenetta, how'd you come across this site? It looks easy enough. The only thing I don't like is the loose-paper cover that goes on top of the hardcover books - I always take those off of books that I buy - they're annoying! These are inexpensive enough that they'd make good gifts for guests or for mom and dad / grandma and grandpa at Christmas. Good find! Thanks. Consider it bookmarked (and probably the one website I will spend the majority of my time on tonight!!)
  23. Jess, those are pretty cool! Lol - normally they don't list prices for a reason though.... $$$$$. Still, I managed to pick a favourite!!! I like this one:
  24. Yikes, I'd ask for it more than 2 weeks ahead of time if possible. At least you could make your decision and then get back to them at the 2 weeks - but I'm a control freak and aim to have everything done like 2 months before the wedding!! Still, two weeks to choose, and make some personal changes to it doesn't sound like very much to me!
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