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Everything posted by CourtneyV

  1. Ok - I was about to respond, and then I read Amy's reply which is even better than what I was going to say! I do think that you should enjoy your day - and go ahead and wear some wedding attire! I don't think it needs to be a full-on gown, but maybe a shorter dress. Like a cocktail dress. Something like one of these:
  2. Hey Ava - I've heard really great things about Baja Cantina, but haven't been myself. Tammy (host) posted info about it a while ago: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t767 And if I remember right, Christa (A10CALGAL) was JUST there while there for her honeymoon. Here's her review: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t3895
  3. I think it depends how formal your wedding is going to be. I like bridesmaid dress #3 (in the cream that you mentioned before). If you're leaning towards more of a formal wedding, I'd go with #2 or #3 - they're pretty similar, and both gorgeous!
  4. Those a really great recommendations that Melissa gave you... If you want to go completely green, you could always do e-mail invitations w/RSVP. I know a few girls have done this, and it's worked like a charm. Also, it's FREE!!! You can design it yourself, choose colours etc.. That's an alternative if you're willing to give up actual paper, material invitations.
  5. On the flip side of this... Aaron just had a friend contact him this weekend that he hadn't seen in years. He said he would love to be able to "have a big smile for us on our wedding day if [he] was invited!". Aaron never thought to invite him b/c he hadn't talked to him in so long, but is actually grateful that he received the e-mail from his friend - and we'll be inviting him to the wedding now!!! He wouldn't be there if he hadn't contacted Aaron, and now Aaron is super excited to have him there!
  6. Wow, good thing you brought this up - I was going to do this too but will nix that idea now!!
  7. oh lol - no I don't mean that I don't like it. I just wasn't sure if I'm comparing it to other styles of dresses? If I'm using this dress to get an idea of style w/colour... I like the mango and cream combo. But I think a DW is definately the best place to use mango colour in your wedding... so I'd probably vote that colour no matter what the dress style is!
  8. I definately don't think programs are necessary. If you're feeling like you don't really want them then I wouldn't do it. Personally, for a program on a wedding day - I normally use them to figure out how much longer until the ceremony is finally over lol (I know, that's horrible to say!!) Having said that I will be making them for my wedding. lol. I would like to introduce everyone, and create a sense of organization (I'm a freak about that stuff!). I'll putting them on fans, so they'll have a multi-purpose. That's my plan for now... who knows, maybe I'll get papered out like Tammy did though.
  9. So, is the red dress the one you're definately getting in the cream or gold??
  10. As far as I know they're pretty strict about it since Dreams doesn't use wristbands to "track" their guests. In my honest opinion if they make the choice to stay somewhere else, the day pass is their expense (wedding or not!) - but I'm kind of bitter like that!!!
  11. Hey Jessica - welcome to the forum. Let me just tell you right away that I have the exact same fear. I think having a dance might be awkward with so few people. I'm afraid everyone is going to pack up and do their own thing after the dinner (at like 7pm!!). We're looking into hiring some local entertainment... like Lindsay (Feb14bride - I think that's her username!) hired a firedancer and it looked SO cool. We might do something like that, not sure exactly what though. Also, I know some people are having the dinner and then hitting some nightclubs in town. I hope that helps!
  12. Hey Tina, welcome to the forum!! That's awesome that you'll be taking a scouting trip in June - it's a really great opportunity for you to get all kinds of details straight. You should post a review and pictures when you get back!! Were there certain resorts you have in mind? Are you going to Cozumel with your FI in June? I'm jealous lol Anyways, let us know if you have any questions!
  13. Agree - send out a card to each. I can't help but feel bad for that girl though. wow - right in the middle of a vacation! I would have kicked him out of the room if he's so anxious to leave anyways! How were things during the wedding - or did you even notice them?!?
  14. Ok - 1) You are way more adventurous than I am... I think we'll do some snorkeling, maybe a few tours on foot but no canopy tours or hiking or anything lol. 2) I'm sure you've seen most of these but I'll attach the links anyways... oherwise, yes you are asking too much. lol j/k. I haven't been to PV, nor am I going to PV but these are just places I found just now. Have you thought of doing a search for the time you're going to be there? Maybe they have some special festivals or activities during that time. Puerto Vallarta Jeep Tour - Sierra Madre Jeep Safari Hiking https://puertovallarta.net/tours/tou...and&sortvalue= Scuba Diving Sites in Puerto Vallarta Mexico and Vallarta Adventure's diving services Cuale Waterfalls | Puerto Vallarta | WCities Destination Guide Ok - this might not be adventurous, but it comes highly recommended. - Tequila Tasting!!!! About.com: http://www.lduhtrp.net/image-1764876-10419516?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.viator.com%2Ftour s%2FPuerto-Vallarta%2FTequila-Six-Pack%2Fd630-2895PVTEQUILA
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by sandyroo Thanks. Yeah, I figured they might not let you do a tasting until the ink is dry, but was hoping I might be able to get things done all in one shot. Oh well. I honestly don't know if you can do a tasting - it's worth asking though! The worst they can say is "not until you sign on the dotted line!"
  16. Hmm, I can answer one of those questions lol. I did a few site visits in the RM and they averaged about an hour. I didn't do any tastings or anything (and didn't even think to ask). I also didn't meet with any vendors b/c I knew my wedding wasn't going to be in the riviera maya... but I wanted to see how the resorts set up everything (I saw Dreams Tulum at my site visit, but am going with Dreams Los Cabos - it gave me an idea of what to expect) I don't know if they'd do a tasting until you booked though I dunno, that's just a guess. lol, sorry that wasn't a very helpful answer!! Definately post a review when you get back!
  17. ooh - I haven't even clicked on the links yet, but I like the word "wholesale" lol
  18. Does anyone know any sites where I can order some starfish and sand dollars from? I've tried a few, and they won't send to Canada (issues with customs), and others seems SO expensive even w/o shipping expenses. Here are the ones I've tried already: Sand Dollars, Starfish and Seashells These guys have the really good prices, but don't ship to Canada b/c of customs Starfish TammyM posted this one a while back - but the billing address is different from shipping address? I can't seem to add Canada in the billing info. Am I misunderstanding something?! I don't want my visa receipt to go to someone else lol Starfish, Sea Shells, Quality Sea Shell, Rare Seashell, Beach Seashells These guys ship to Canada, but seem to be the most expensive - so if I could find something cheaper that'd be good!! Anyways, I'll keep searching, but I thought it's probably a popular purchase amongst us DW brides so maybe one of you girls has a good site? If you have any other than the ones listed above that'd be appreciated!! Thanks guys!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicomelissa I dreamed that I picked out the PERFECT dress...it was my dream dress! I sent it away to have it altered....they'd turned it into a size 6 (ya right i'm fitting into that hahaha), dyed it red, and cut it to just below my knee. It was the day before we were leaving for Mexico, I had no time to find another dress, so I had to suck it up...I ended up walking down the aisle looking like a big fat red oompa loompa with the back of my dress undone because it was way too small. I had a kind of similar one... Right after we first got engaged, like 2 days after (aka 9 months ago lol) I dreamt that I had planned everything, but never thought to get a dress. So, the DAY of the wedding I decided to go to the mall (of all places!) and I found this really hideous neon blue dress and it was the only dress in the mall that came in my size. So I had to suck it up and wear it - I don't think I got far enough into the dream that I actually saw myself walking down the aisle... I'm pretty sure I woke up in a cold sweat lol. That's the only one I've had so far... which is weird since I talk 'wedding' ALLLLLL the time. I'm pretty sure people are going to start avoiding me so that they don't have to listen to it anymore. I'm pretty sure I'll be adding to this thread again in the future lol...
  20. lol "Ok, I know I've got the ring here somewhere"... did you hear that when he said it? My heart would have dropped lol. Ya, I love the part where the mariachi band bursts out in song when he pronounces you husband and wife. It's true Melissa, you've spoiled us! (keep 'em coming lol)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicomelissa I just got the CD with that picture on it today...here it is....don't laugh OK? we look like big dorks LOL That's actually my favourite picture!! When you look back on that picture years and years from now you'll remember how you felt from pictures like that! It's hard not to smile at that picture, and not because you look like dorks, but because it's so genuine!
  22. YAY!!! I know what mulberry paper is!!!! Jess, I'm ready for measurements. What size of mulberry paper did you buy? Did you double side the invite, or one sheet of paper/invite? Some of the paper I looked at was incredibly faded on the backside, which might look weird, so I'd have to double side it I guess? Thanks for your help!!!
  23. Ok Jess, I'm going to start my invites soon. I hope you don't mind if I pretty much completely steal your idea, I'm not that creative lol. I also don't know what mulberry paper is, so I'm off to the craft stores to look at some paper and maybe to some fabric stores for inspiration... questions definately to follow!! I'll try to leave you alone as much as possible - I've already done some research on mulberry paper (apparently don't cut - moisten and rip!) - lol, but just an FYI, my questions get annoying after a while so I thought I'd give you some time to prepare for them!!! Wish me luck!
  24. Aww, Melissa - beautiful pictures. I love your bouquet. I agree with Edyta, that picture where John has his jacket over his shoulder looks like its out of a magazine. BTW, I didn't see that picture where you apparently look happier than when you were a 5 yr old at Disney!!!
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