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Everything posted by soulmates

  1. You look beautiful, can't wait to see some more pics.
  2. soulmates

    First Post

    Welcome!!! Let us know if we can help in any way possible.
  3. Here is a pic of me in my dress sitting down waiting for a coke, my sugar was a little low. Everything_044.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
  4. I think you should get the one you love the most. You only get married once, so enjoy it.....
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by mexicobride We used "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Your's" by Stevie Wonder. It was appropriate for Mex since you have to sign docs and do thumbprints as part of the ceremony. Also, the crowd loved it! They thought it was fun, upbeat, and very clever. That is a very cute idea!!!
  6. Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to hear all the details when you return.
  7. That's such a cute idea. Thanks for sharing with us
  8. We are either doing "Better Together" by Jack Johnson or "Over the Rainbow" on the 50 First Dates sound track. Probably leaning more towards Better Together.
  9. All it gives me is a tracking number. How do I look that up on line, where do I go.
  10. Thanks for sharing and welcome.
  11. I'm glad it came in. That's one thing you don't have to stress about anymore!!!
  12. Your absolutely right!! I'm going to call...Thanks
  13. I'm sorry that he hasn't been helping you out!!! Its supposed to be fun, but apparently he doesn't feel like having a little fun I guess!!! I wouldn't worry about the fight because its so obvious that it's his fault.
  14. I am putting a flower on the side, it's a pretty good size flower. I bought mine, not very crafty...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride Follow up about the passports. The only way you can get it done is if you babysit them!! Do you have a tracking number of some kind? If not, call them and let them know that they are already 9 days late and you need it ASAP! Get a tracking number if you can (although, you might have to pay for a rush to do this, I'm not sure if the US is different from Canada!). Also, see if you can confirm details over the phone so there are no mistakes. If your first dress fitting had minor details, you should be ok on your last fitting, I think. When do you leave? We are leaving June 4....I do have a tracking number for both of our passports. Should I wait to see if they come next week or should I go ahead and call?
  16. We applied for our passports at the beginning of February!! They told us that they would be here at the 1st of May. What should I do? I've had one other fitting other than this final one and it was minor things that had to be done.
  17. Okay, I just went and picked up all of my travel arrangements and stuff from our travel agent. I'm now starting to panick. I haven't gotten either one of our passports yet and I don't have my final dress fitting until May 21. So I am really starting to stress out. Plus I have showers almost every weekend until we leave.
  18. Can't wait to see them!!! I bet you are so excited.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by jilly76 Good Job! You've been really good about working out twice a day! I wish I could get myself to do that too! Thanks. But I find it easier for me to split of up my routine. I get bored easy. I like to work out for 30 minutes or more in the morning and do some type of cardio for at least an hour. You've been doing great! Keep it up....
  20. Welcome!!!!! Let us know if you need any help...
  21. soulmates

    Hey Girls!

    Welcome!!! You've got almost everything figured out, that's great. Let us know if we can help out in any way.
  22. I think this is a wondeful idea. Keep me posted. Thanks.
  23. Welcome to the site. Let us know if you need any help.
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