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Everything posted by soulmates

  1. I like the shot glasses. Thanks for posting, I know everyone appreciates it.
  2. Your pics are amazing. Thanks for posting them and you look beautiful.
  3. Okay, I just got off the phone with this girl who my mom found that had this red (not bright red) lipstick that I absolutely love. Well guess what, they no longer make it. And she doesn't have any left. Anybody know of a nice red lipstick?
  4. You could wear the first choker, if you were having a nude wedding!!! You are so funny. Those choker's are hilarous!.
  5. Okay, so I did work out yesterday, but this morning I got to go running and my power was out. So that didn't go as planned. But I did go running during lunch today and plan on working out after work.
  6. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their help and for your continued help until we leave.....
  7. We got Jonathan tan linen pants and a white linen shirt. He will not wear a jacket, I tried, but it's okay with me. He looks really good in it.
  8. PaulaV - I like how you have it down to what's in each bag. I love that!
  9. I'm glad that you two spoke. I hope everything works out.
  10. Thanks for keeping us updated and I hope everything will work out in the end.
  11. I'm so excited for you guys. I know you are just ready to leave now....
  12. TammyM, you need to enjoy your honeymoon. Don't get on the computer, make everyone wait until you get back. They will understand.
  13. I agree I would just hand them the bill and make them pay for everything if they decided to crash your wedding!!!! You are such a strong person, remember to stand your ground and do you what you want.
  14. I love both of them, its hard to choose!!! But I think I would go with Gerbers, just because they are unique. But I haven't seen your dress, so not really sure.
  15. I know it will be really quite without Ann and TammyM here posting things......You girls will have to take their place until they get back.
  16. We are going to pay for the two guests that need a day pass. Check with your resort. At ours the day of the wedding the day pass is cheaper. Its $75 regular and for the weddign they are cutting us a deal its only $50.
  17. I agree you should calm down before you speak with her again. And tell her how you feel and that you think she should step down.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by laura b Yikes! They're all sneaking up on us like this month and next (crap, my own included). I'm so excited for you guys! Sorry I left you out!!! When do you leave?
  19. Lisa, I'm sorry she's acting this way!!! You are right, she should just stay at your hotel since she doesn't have enough money to stay for a whole week!!! I don't blame you though, I would pissed too!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Nini_Bride I love that this is the first thread I clicked when I signed in, and it's clearly not addressed to me! I'm so excited for all three of you. Maybe I need to get a life, but I feel like its my best friends/family thats getting married.... not some people I met on a forum!! lol, I've said to Aaron..."Ann's wedding is so close, I'm so excited!!" and he just looks at me like I'm losing it!! lol That's so funny. I say something to Jonathan on a daily basis about someone's wedding on here or about seeing someone's pics. He's like you talk about them like you know them. I was like I do know them!
  21. Your right her's is that week!! Sorry to leave you out. I know you must be excited as well.
  22. Yes I'm excited!!! But starting to stress about everything that I need to get done!!! I've got my dress already, thank god!!! That's one less thing to worry about.
  23. Just wanted to see if you guys were ready!! I know you two are getting excited. I know I am!! TammyM when do you leave? Akh when are you leaving?
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