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Everything posted by beachlover

  1. We had looked at rings together but when the time came to buy he did it with out imput from me. I probably would have picked a round soliate but he knows me so well and got me a heart shaped solitare. It's perfect!!!
  2. Thanks for the welcome girls!!! I've never been to the outter banks but I've heard good trhings about them. I'm very excited about going.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amyhmartin Glenda, i think that sounds like a great idea (having a private church ceremony) I wish the church wasn't so strict and allow priests to marry us on the beach!!! UGG! Me too!! This is why we are getting married at home and then doing a private beach ceremony for us.
  4. I have the same problem!!! (except he wants we to tak his last name) He keep trying to find a way to keep mine though too. Have you thought of making your maiden name a middle name and using his last name as your last name, that way you get both.
  5. beachlover

    I'm New!!

    Hello!!! My name is Rebecca and my FH is Brian. We're getting married July 7th here at home but our dream wedding would be on a beach. We're not going on a honeymoon this year b/c he has class the monday after our wedding so we are hoping to take an anniversary trip to the outter banks (that's where we're thinking now) for our first anniversary and have a vow renewal on the beach. I know there isn't a NC section on this board but I'm really interested in seeign how you girsl are planning from far away. Our ceremony won't need as much planning as an original weddin. It'll just be the two of us. I'd still like to have some nice flowers and find someone to take pictures of it for us. Okay, so I just realized that was a very long intro.
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