Christa, teenagers are such a joy to behold! Not!! When my kids were that age they were constantly trying to manipulate every situation. I was remarried and constantly dealing-or not, with my guilt over the divorce and my bad choice for a stepfather and husband this time around. My situation was different from yours and Maria's in that their stepfather was abusive, verbally and emotionally. I was so torn between protecting my kids and trying to keep peace in the house. I ended up coddling the boys, and despising my husband. There were so many things I could have and should have done differently. To this day one of my boys has done very well. He's a wonderful husband and father and a great son. Another one not so much. He has had many struugles throughout his life. He's a very loving daddy to his 2 girls, but his self confidence was crushed into the ground by his step-dad. I wish I had had the strength at the time, to fight back, but I didn't do enough. I wish I had had someone to advise me, like we have in this wonderful group of women (and a few men). Take heart Christa, you are being pro-active and that is the best thing you can be. Be firm in what you want, expect and need.
I wish you all the best, I really do!