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Everything posted by Lizzy

  1. Mel, you will have a wonderful day. Keep your eyes on your man and block out any negativity. If anyone is naughty we will all sic Robin on them! I know there won't be any problems...just love and joy and happily ever-after! We will all be thinking of you~~~~~~~~
  2. Hey Jenetta, where did you get your little tree by your memory photos and placecards? That is something like Maggie wants for her centerpieces, with the orchids on it.
  3. Well, I don't think counseling will hurt. I do think that Rafael is going to hear some things he doesn't want to hear or actions he does not want to take. But that happens in any type of counceling. Would it be so horrible for the young man to go back to his mom? You and R haven't even had time to adjust to being married! Whether he is coddled or not, he will still want to get his own way. Did you know he would be living with you b4 you got married? I mean, it is going to take a long time for the kid to learn that manipulation and threats aren't going to work anymore, especiall after they have worked for 16 years! I certainly do not mean that you can throw the boy aside because he is causing turmoil at home, but jeeze, you cannot let him get betwee you and R. Maybe you should start making some phone calls and see what kind of help is out there for all of you. I have a question for you, if riding the bus to school is so not cool, why is having a stepmonster drive you to school, when you are16, cool? My kids would have died first! Just wondering...
  4. Christa, teenagers are such a joy to behold! Not!! When my kids were that age they were constantly trying to manipulate every situation. I was remarried and constantly dealing-or not, with my guilt over the divorce and my bad choice for a stepfather and husband this time around. My situation was different from yours and Maria's in that their stepfather was abusive, verbally and emotionally. I was so torn between protecting my kids and trying to keep peace in the house. I ended up coddling the boys, and despising my husband. There were so many things I could have and should have done differently. To this day one of my boys has done very well. He's a wonderful husband and father and a great son. Another one not so much. He has had many struugles throughout his life. He's a very loving daddy to his 2 girls, but his self confidence was crushed into the ground by his step-dad. I wish I had had the strength at the time, to fight back, but I didn't do enough. I wish I had had someone to advise me, like we have in this wonderful group of women (and a few men). Take heart Christa, you are being pro-active and that is the best thing you can be. Be firm in what you want, expect and need. I wish you all the best, I really do!
  5. Welcome to our happy group! And congratulations on your engagement and wedding planning. The ladies here are wonderful, talented, and more than willing to help.
  6. Post your pictures of how your tables will/did look at the reception. This will be great for the future brides and those of us who are already married, to see what others do.
  7. I will take the flower! PM me and let me know how you want it paid. Thaks so much!
  8. This is another good site for candles and such Personalized "Personality" Travel Candles - Discount Candle Wedding Favors - IdealFavors.com
  9. Susan, I hope you had a ball at your shower! Lots of beautiful gifts, how fun! I forgot to ask you what font you used on your quotes for the tables. Would you mind sharing? Thanks a million
  10. Edna, I am very sorry to hear of your grandmother's death. Please accept my condolences and know that I am praying for you and your family and for your grandmother as she enters heaven. XXX1/2 Lizzy
  11. Susan, you are going to have a gorgeous wedding! Your guests are going to feel very special when they see all of the work you have gone to by adding your personal touches. Have a great time, we'll talk to you when you get back!
  12. Angela, how pretty you look in your dress! I know it isn't easy to lose weight, especially with a deadline coming up, but you have done a wonderful job!
  13. Thanks ladies! I knew it had something to do with a shower. Maybe the original post should be bumped up?! :h ug2::hug2
  14. Didn't someone post about supplies for the bride on her wedding day? I remember something about white chalk in case she gets something on her gown. I thought it was an OOT bag for the bride, but it could have been a shower gift too? Anyway, I cannot find it. Does anyone remember this thread?
  15. Tami, they are very nice! I had made some for Maggie and Tadd, but they had something else in mind. I really love this style of invite for a DW. You did an awesome job on these. Your friends will love receiving them.
  16. Great find Steph. What store did you buy it at? Was it on Grand Avenue? It is so pretty!
  17. Anny, you and your husband are absolutely beaming in those photos! Your album is great and something you will always treasure. Congratulations, Lizzy
  18. Hi urbangirl! No, not getting married there. We are staying at Dreams Tulum and having our rehearsal/welcome dinner there on the 18th. Then while you are getting married at Dreams, my daughter will be getting married at the Ana Y Jose Beach Club. It is about 15 minutes south of Dreams. As the time gets closer, we should try to figure out a time to meet at the hotel. It would be great to get to meet you and your family.
  19. Hi urbangirl! No, not getting married there. We are staying at Dreams Tulum and having our rehearsal/welcome dinner there on the 18th. Then while you are getting married at Dreams, my daughter will be getting married at the Ana Y Jose Beach Club. It is about 15 minutes south of Dreams. As the time gets closer, we should try to figure out a time to meet at the hotel. It would be great to get to meet you and your family.
  20. For Maggie's wedding she wrote on the wed-site that they requested everyone to please consider wearing white, off-white, beige or taupe to the wedding. Then she said something about "unless they wanted to stick out like a sore thumb." This guest list is only family and very close friends, so no one has been offended, except her father -- not at all surprising!
  21. Tami, I have my mom's pearls too. She bought hers in the orient. They had never been, so after her death I took them to my brother the jeweler. He has an Asian woman who did the stringing for us. Check around with the jewelers and ask what they suggest.
  22. Nice job! I love the colored ribbon on them. This is a very unique invitation. You should be very happy with them! You did a beautiful job on them
  23. I work for Lauder at Macy's. We do walkups if there is enough coverage at the counter, otherwise you can call and set up an apt. I agree that it is best to have some idea of you want to look and how you don't want to look. When asked if a purchase is necessary, we tell them that we hope they will make a purchase, but it is not expected. Hope this helps. Oh, and when couples register at Macy's the bride is able to sign up at that time for her complimentary makeover. She then works with the private shopper to set it all up with us.
  24. Heidi, please accept my sympathy. I was married to a wonderful man for 7 years. He, like your dad, chose booze and drugs over me and his two small sons. For years I was furious with him that he could be so selfish! Then one day, after much soul searching and help, I realized that he had been fighting demons for years. He was unable to win any battle against them. Gary died 2 years ago. My sons struggled with many of the same feelings you and your siblings are feeling today. They are slowly coming to realize that their dad was who he was. I have almost come to the place where I know he has come back to the real Gary now. No more pain, no more demons, just peace. This is my wish for you. It is a journey, but I know you will find your way. You are a strong and compassionate woman. Much love to you, my friend. Take care.
  25. You look terrific in those pictures! Your FI is gonna feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Beautiful!
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