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Everything posted by Lizzy

  1. I really think you will regret it in the future if you dont continue with your china. I know you don't think you will ever use it, but some day you will love having it...even if it is just for those special times. I have been over this sooo many times with dear Maggie. She feels her white Pottery Barn dishes are all she needs. I will talk to her again when she is planning her first formal dinner party! So my friend, I say keep them and build on them.
  2. Does anyone have any idea where to find some Day of the Dead paper? I went to Archivers after work tonight and they had some skulls on paper, but no DOTD specifically. Please let me know if you have any finds or thoughts. Lizzy
  3. Have you tried Michael's? Or try a place that sells landscaping rocks.
  4. Mornin Lizz. I am going to give you a list of what we have: Apple Green Mash: 9 Pink 16 Navy Plaid 6 Yellow Plaid 6 Navy Solid 2 Solid Yellow Mesh 1 They are really nice bags! I hope someone can use them. Lizzy
  5. If you do a google search for Sand Ceremony, you should get a bunch of options. If you still don't find anything let me know. I may have saved some in my files. Good luck, Lizzy
  6. Hi Tami, you probably forgot you were getting a package cuz it took me so damn long to get it to you! I am thrilled that you like it. I ordered the size I did because they advised that these tanks run small. Please do not be insulted! At first I thought to get you the armband. I went into the apple store and they said I needed to know what iPod you had...I dunno! So plan B. Again, I am very happy that you like it. Have a very Merry and blessed Christmas with your brave soldier boy. Buzz and I appreciate his sacrifice for our country!
  7. OK ladies, I realize we were asking too much for the OOT bags. So now I am asking for the best offer. Maggie really needs to sell these and the wedding is in 6 weeks! Please look at them again and if you need bags, make an offer.
  8. Dreams Tulum is beautiful too. Have you checked that out yet?
  9. Oh my Gosh, that is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time! What a great idea. Tell the artist they are fantastic! Lizzy
  10. Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday Dear Anny! Be careful with the celebrating, but have a wonderful day! Lizzy
  11. Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday Dear Anny! Be careful with the celebrating, but have a wonderful day! Lizzy
  12. Your dress is gorgeous! It looks like it it was fitted just for you! Congratulations Sharon.
  13. Dear Secret Santa, I am sorry to say that I have been a very bad lady! I have been working so many hours and getting so tired that I have not thanked you for my wonderful gifts. Please forgive me for being so naughty! I have received two darling gifts. The first one is a tote bag for the MOB. It is so damn cute!! It even has my name on it!!! Then a few days later I get another gift...this is an ornament for my tree which is a remembrance of Maggie and Tadd's wedding. My Secret Santa is so thoughtful, she got me exactly what I asked for...something to remember Maggie's wedding by. Thank you SS, you rock! In one of the packages was a slip of paper with the name Elizabeth Moran. Could this be Lizz? Sorry this is so blurry. It is so cute with the printing done in metalic colors!
  14. Hey you two Mrs., congratulations!! I am so glad you posted...I have been thinking about you and wondering how your wedding went. It was gorgeous! You are both so lovely. Did you ever get the ketubah? I am so anxious to see a photo of it. If you did buy one, did you bring it with you to Mexico? I am very happy for you Brooke and Gen! Best wishes!
  15. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Michelle, happy birthday to you! Just imagine the music accompanying those words... Hope it was a great one!
  16. I don't think that would be a problem. I think you are wise to have them hold the date as long as you don't have to exchange any money.
  17. Thanks so much everybody! We were supposed to go and meet her for the first time today, but both Poppy and I are sick :{. We have to wait awhile.
  18. Ladies, we have some beautiful bags for sale! I do not have a count on them yet, but I wanted to show you what they look like. They are so cute! Some of them are mesh, some have pattent leather. I will have Maggie give me an accurate count and a price she would like. As a guess, I would say she probably has about 60 bags all together. Most of the bags, if not all of them are from Target. The bags are $5 Maggie promises to have the count for you later tonight and the prices.Stay tuned! These may be sold. I'll let you know ASAP 9 solid green & 6 yellow plaid 16 solid pink & 6 blue plaid 2 solid blue & not sure about the others Patent may be sold, let you know ASAP 2 solid yellow Let me know if you are interested and I will get back to you right away. You can post on this thread or pm me if you prefer. Thanks for looking!
  19. OK, I got a picture of my grandbaby to show you all. I would like you to meet Izabella Marie. Is'nt she sweet?
  20. Thanks again everbody. We will drive up tomorrow night, spend the night and come back Friday evening. I have my trusty Canon digital so I will get lots of photos to post.
  21. Thanks so much! But this is not Maggie and Tadd's baby, it is the baby of my stepson and his wife. Maggie is thrilled to be an auntie again! So now we have five girls and two boys. Wow!
  22. Can you beleive that BDW finally has another girl baby? This morning at 1005 baby Izabella Marie Di Marco was born. She weighed in at 6.11 lbs and 21 inches long. Last time I posted about expecting her at any time, she decided to make Granny wait for awhile. Her poor mother was so uncomfortable...no wonder, at 21 inches! The doc induced her this morning. Bella was quite happy where she was, thank you very much, but her mom gave one big push and there she was! Buzz is beside himself, he is so happy. Now I just have to figure out how to get a couple of days off so we can drive up to the north shore to meet her!
  23. Natalie, that is teriffic news! His name does sound like he will be some kind of a dignitary.
  24. If I can get her to stop over here long enough, I will take a picture of it! She is working such long hours, always at one store or the other. But she's being honoured at her first shower on Sunday afternoon, so maybe I can get a photo then
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