Ladies, we have some beautiful bags for sale! I do not have a count on them yet, but I wanted to show you what they look like. They are so cute! Some of them are mesh, some have pattent leather. I will have Maggie give me an accurate count and a price she would like. As a guess, I would say she probably has about 60 bags all together. Most of the bags, if not all of them are from Target. The bags are $5 Maggie promises to have the count for you later tonight and the prices.Stay tuned!
These may be sold. I'll let you know ASAP
9 solid green & 6 yellow plaid
16 solid pink & 6 blue plaid
2 solid blue & not sure about the others
Patent may be sold, let you know ASAP
2 solid yellow
Let me know if you are interested and I will get back to you right away. You can post on this thread or pm me if you prefer.
Thanks for looking!