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Everything posted by Lizzy

  1. Thanks you guys. I will try your suggestions and see what happens. L
  2. Does anyone have a clipart of a starfish that has a transparent background? OR, can someone tell me how to make one w/a transparent background? Every one I have found has a little white border around it and I don't know how to get rid of the border. Christine, you usually know a lot about puter stuff, can you help me? Lizzy
  3. Ann, it is beautiful! And I agree about the alterations making all of the difference. Once it is taken in so it fall from your "bodaciousness', it will hang at the right length. Not to worry. It will fit great, stay up, and you will be even more gorgeous than ever!
  4. Anny, you are so amazing! BEAUTIFUL work. I think when you decide to sell handmade items you are supposed to triple your cost and then figure what your time is worth, add them together, and you have an amount to charge. You are always so generous in taking the time to show us your photos along with instructions on the how to's. You are a real asset to the forum and I vote you for Queen For the Day! Do I hear any yeahs? Lizzy
  5. Matt, your story was beautiful. What a great way to surprize Sol. Best wishes to both of you on your upcoming wedding. Be certain to post more photos cuz all of the girls will be on your back if you don't. Thank you for letting us in on your engagement.
  6. Well, I must say I was kinda hoping he would be wearin' the tartan and dancin' at the Ceili I am not familiar with your tartan, but I do have a tartan book so I will take a peak. We are from MacDonald Lord of the Isles. So, have a wonderful time and be happy! Lizzy
  7. Anny, thanks for posting this site. I loved their work. Lizzy
  8. Melissa, what did your dad decide about his kilt. If he does wear it be sure to get some pictures!!!! What clan is he? Best wishes to you on your wedding. You will be beautiful! Now I know how terribly shy you are, but I hope, on this one occasion you will be ablt to climb out of the box and have a little fun for a change. Black and blue-toed bride, you have a ball! Lizzy
  9. I like the 2nd one too. It sounded more sincere to me. Lizzy
  10. Melissa, LOVE the new photo!!!!! You look beautiful! Lizzy Sorry I interrupted the thread.
  11. Thanks for the thread. And thanks also to Anny. This information is very helpful. Lizzy
  12. Would anyone be willing to give an approimation of what they paid/are paying for the photographer they contracted with? I am not trying to be rude in any way. We are just trying to figure a budget. I know Maggie does not want to skimp on photography. Thanks for your help. Lizzy
  13. Melissa, would you email me your document? I don't have enough points to open the attachments when posted. [email protected] Thanks so much, Lizzy
  14. Lizzy

    Yep I'm a Newbie

    Hello Lucky, glad you stopped by. Meester Jason is such a nice man. I went to his site and saw his photography . Very talented guy. He is so thrilled about you and your wedding! I hope you come back again to talk with us...the ladies and guys are very helpful and nice. Lizzy:
  15. Is there a thread for people to post their DIY templates and instructions? If there isn't can we start one? I just think it would make searching for DIY projects so much easier if they were all in one place. I love looking through the Wedding invitations and all, but it takes forever to find what you think you saw posted 2 weeks ago. You know what I mean? Lizzy
  16. 'Morning! Maggie is looking anywhere from PDC to Tulum. They are going to do a scouting trip on the 19th of April. She is hoping to have an off-site wedding and reception, so right now it's hard to say. Even though it will be a drive, we could pick them up almost anywhere. $135 sounds like a huge amount for delivery! But then, like all of you, we have never done this b4. Lizzy
  17. Is it OK to have a bonfire on the beach? I have read about the Cabos girls having them after their rehearsal dinners, but I haven't seen anything for the RM brides. Another couple of questions. We need some non-resort sites for the rehearsal dinner. Any suggestions on restaurants? Finally, Maggie and Tadd are going to the RM on April 19 to do some scouting of resorts. Should they make appointments with the hotels they are interested in before they arrive? Or can they just visit the resorts and ask for the WC if they want information? Again, I thank you all for your help. Lizzy
  18. Has anyone researched any bakeries that do cupcakes? Maggie wants cupcakes instead of cake, but doesn't know where to go from here. Any suggestions? Lizzy
  19. Ann, my daughter Maggie, for whom I am on this forum, lives in South Mpls. I think they are on 42nd and 25th Ave. So. It is a small world we live in! Lizzy
  20. Ann, are you moving back to Minnesota? If so, what part? I live in West Saint Paul now, but have always lived in the city of St. Paul before this Two different cities in two different counties...go figure. I think you did a wonderful job with your invites! Lizzy
  21. Jennifer, it sounds like his parents have been like this for a very long time. Unfortunately, there are some very negative people in this world. From the conversation your fiance had w/them about how he was always treated, I'm afraid that no matter what you do, you two will never be able to please them. As much as it hurts you both, maybe concentrating on the positive people in your lives will serve you better. Giving too much energy to something that is impossible to change can drain you. This is your precious moment in time. Being in love and planning your life together takes prescedence over everything else...for the time being, anyway. Be happy, be in love, and don't let their bad energy harsh your mellow (as my kids would say). Lizzy
  22. Hey you guys, I want to see the boarding pass too! How come I am not allowed to see any of the attachments? HELP! Lizzy
  23. Melissa, your hair turned out beautiful. You are going to be a lovely bride! Lizzy
  24. Welcome Kim. I enjoyed your story of finding the love of your life at this point in your life. It has some similarities to mine. I was also married for 12 years. I had 4 children. After being divorced for 4 years my niece set me up with a gentleman she knew. We fell in love that night and were married 5 months later. Buzz said he was hit with a thunderbolt. I was, and still am, just crazy nuts over him. It took me 41 years of life to find the man of my dreams and I thank God every day. All four of the kids were in the wedding. I am very happy for you! I know you will love the ladies on this forum. Lizzy
  25. Hello Dee, and welcome. I am Lizzy and mother of the bride also. My daughter is Maggie (bMaggieb). The girls on this forum are really great. If you need any kind of info, they will find it for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help...although I am fairly new too.
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