OK, now I am going to speak to you Drea, as a mom.
What the hell is Eric's deal? Does he or does he not want to marry you? The plans for the wedding have changed and it is begining to look as if he's looking for reasons to pit you and his mom against one-another. I'm really sorry that this is happening to you guys, but it can be stopped. In my opinion, which you certainly can disregard, Eric is a spoiled young man. Aren't kids supposed to leave their parent's home to make a new home with their beloved? AND, as parents, aren't we supposed to allow our children to leave the nest and become independant of us? If this is truly, and I am certain it is, the man you wish to spend the rest of your life with, there will have to be some big changes in your relationship and in his relationship with his mom.
Please forgive me if I have crossed a boundary. I have read all of your posts and I am worried for you. All of you kids deserve a happy beautiful engagement and marriage. This mess is just bull**^^.
OK, I'm done.