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Everything posted by Lizzy

  1. Ann, best wishes to you and Paul on your wedding day. Lizzy
  2. Hey Kash, you look lovely, truly lovely. Very 30-40's Hollywood Glam! Who is the designer? I missed the threads about your dress hunting, so I am just wondering. It isn't Monique Llhuirierre or however it is spelled, is it? Honey, you are gonna knock his sox off! Lizzy
  3. Thanks ladies, those are great ideas! I shall pass them on.
  4. Hi Glenda, just checking to see if you received my PM from last week. You can PM me if you like or just answer on the thread. Thanks a lot, Lizzy
  5. Does anyone know of a party rental store that would have a website? I did a google search that turned up nothing. I thought maybe Anny would know of some, or one. Any help would be wonderful. L
  6. Do any of you have any ideas on how to make the the bridesmaids recogniseable at the engagement party? We want to let everyone know who they are. I thought little tiarras or something like that, but Maggie said no way. We don't want to do a corsage or a nametag. There has to be some way to do this w/out a sign that says "look at me, I'm a bridesmaid!" Help!! Any ideas? The party is this Sunday! Lizzy
  7. This is for Court and anyone else interested. If you are having an AHR and inviting people who did not attend the wedding, these guests would be sent an announcement of the wedding ALONG WITH the AHR invite. Does that make sense? The AHR is almost always for guests who weren't invited to the DW or just couldn't go because of cost to them, or cost to the bride and groom. A lot of the girls on the forum have chosen a DW because they don't want to have a lot of people they never see at their wedding in paradise. But then Mom and Daddy say they want all of their friends and relatives to come and celebrate the nuptuals when you get back. So these people get an announcement that the wedding has already taken place and they are invited to come and celebrate. So, that is the ettiquite (sp?) according to the Mother of the Bride! LOL Lizzy
  8. Sorry, but everything I have read says that you do not invite folks that will not be invited to your wedding. My daughter's engagement party is this coming Sunday and her hosts only invited guest that will be on the wedding list. Are you sure you don't want to celebrate with everyone at an AHR? It doesn't need to be fancy...a barbeque or cocktails and appetizers? That is really the only way you can have all of the people you want, by having the 2 parties. Lizzy
  9. OMG! In the 2nd photo you look just like the woman who plays the coroner on CSI Miami. WOW! Anyway, both gowns are beautiful on you. Which one makes you feel like a bride? Lizzy
  10. Thank you my darling girl. I couln't wait to see it! Men are so predictable! Don't we love them for it though? L
  11. I can't find the picture of Jeff's reaction to the bpictures. Where the heck is it? I reallllly want to see it, help! Lizzy
  12. Tammy, I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, thinking about you and Ann and Sarah, and all of you who have recently married or are about to get married. This ole mother of the bride is feeling rather maternal about all of you! How weird is that? I hope you have the most wonderful time of your life. Cherish the moments, cherish your love for Cain, and come back safe and sound and blissfully happy! Much love to you and all of the brides I have met since signing on to this forum. Lizzy
  13. OK, now I am going to speak to you Drea, as a mom. What the hell is Eric's deal? Does he or does he not want to marry you? The plans for the wedding have changed and it is begining to look as if he's looking for reasons to pit you and his mom against one-another. I'm really sorry that this is happening to you guys, but it can be stopped. In my opinion, which you certainly can disregard, Eric is a spoiled young man. Aren't kids supposed to leave their parent's home to make a new home with their beloved? AND, as parents, aren't we supposed to allow our children to leave the nest and become independant of us? If this is truly, and I am certain it is, the man you wish to spend the rest of your life with, there will have to be some big changes in your relationship and in his relationship with his mom. Please forgive me if I have crossed a boundary. I have read all of your posts and I am worried for you. All of you kids deserve a happy beautiful engagement and marriage. This mess is just bull**^^. OK, I'm done. Lizzy
  14. Natasha, your invites are beautiful! They are so unique! You did a fantastic job on them...I would not have guessed they were DIY at all. You should be very proud to send them out to friends and family. Lizzy
  15. Hi LeShay, this is Lizzy. I am so happy you had a great time. Azul Beach is one of the places Maggie was thinking about, too. Without seeing your other reviews yet, have you pretty much made up your mind? Again, glad you are back and that your visit accomplished so much! Keep us posted!! Lizzy
  16. What a cute idea! You could try to get a 5 day forecast and just fill it in. Thanks for the idea. Where are you in St. Paul? I live in WSP. Lizzy
  17. Sarah, your pix are going to be gorgeous! This is amazing. How did Jeff feel about doing the TTD session? I've been curious about how the husbands feel having a camera capture some pretty intimate moments of him and his new wife. This is such an interesting concept for me. I love seeing the artistry in which these pictures are captured. Thank you sweetie for sharing this with us. Lizzy
  18. Laura, what a find. Those bags and the frames are really cute! The $ stores are a great place to get those little odds and ends you need. I went to the $Tree the other day and bought a bunch of paper lanterns for Maggie and Tadd's reception. They were a package of 2 for a buck! You can't beat that! Anyway, your stuff looks great! Lizzy
  19. Andrea, tell him that the girls ALWAYS win! He should have learned that from his Mom. BTW, have you personally heard from his mom on the subject of guests since he talked to her? Hang in there honey, everything gets too weird when weddings are being planned. Lizzy
  20. My daughter is having an all white or beige/khaki wedding. I told her how Sarah had worded it for her guests, and I paraphrase, Please consider wearing white or off-white to the wedding. Is that right Sarah? There is no way a guest can misunderstand a request like that. Lizzy
  21. Andrea, did Eric really say that about us?
  22. Jess, have a wonderful time and a wonderful wedding too. We will all be thinking about you while you are gone. BTW when do you return? Lizzy
  23. Hey Glenda, thanks for posting so quickly. Maggie is looking for a taupe, a palm green (?) and I think a watermellony-coral color. She only wants 3 at this time....don't worry she doesn't expect you to make another run for her. She just wants to see them first. Does that sound terrible? How do we pay you? I would want to get the money to beforehand, along w/postage, of course. You have absolutely earned your way into God's graces by your kindness. Yippee for GLENDA!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Tammy you do look lovely. You are such a movie star! Don't feel too bad about the money you spent tonite...I did a makeover this evening and the lady spent $553.00! You won't have any trouble replicating the look. Did she draw it out for you? The secret is to just keep blending those shadows until it looks the way you want it to. Its a wonderful look for you. Lizzy
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