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Everything posted by Lizzy

  1. Lizzy


    Elizabeth, congratulations on your engagement and welcome to the forum. You will find many very helpful people around here. They are always willing to help and offer ideas. Why don't you tell us a little more about what you are planning and hoping for your wedding? Best wishes and again, welcome aboard! Lizzy
  2. Enjoy your wedding! That is the most important thing. Have a safe journey and come back with all of the wonderful wedding details. Lizzy
  3. [font="Comic Sans MS Hey birthday girl, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Tell Jeff that we are all very impressed at how well he takes care of his beautiful wife. He really is a sweetie! Hope you enjoyed your day, Lizzy
  4. Jamy, you were a beautiful bride! You both looked so happy. Thank you for putting the slide show together for us to view. Lizzy
  5. Toby, hi. I found this birdcage while searching for alternate ideas for my daughter, Maggie. I'm sorry, I do not remember which site it came from, but a couple that have been posted on this thread look real familiar.
  6. Best wishes and congratulations, Melissa. Enjoy your honeymoon and come home safe and sound. I hope all of your bridal dreams came true! Lizzy
  7. Jess, have a beautiful WD. Best wishes to you both. Lizzy
  8. Hey Stephanie, you will have a beautiful wedding. You have done all the work. Enjoy the day...it's your's and Jay's. Best wishes, Lizzy
  9. Your pictures are lovely! I absolutely love the one where you two are laughing! It looks like you had a wonderful time at your wedding. A beautiful bride, and the groom ain't half bad either! What more could there be? So happy for you, Lizzy
  10. Jess, aren't you one of the girls who claimed she wasn't at all creative Not! Your work is lovely. Have a great time at your wedding. You will be exquisite in your gown! Your guests will love all of the detail work you have done to make the day special for them as well as you and Tony. BTW, who is the little man with the hat in your picture? I must have missed a thread along the way. He is adorable! Thanks for posting all of your details. You ladies are all so tallented and generous in the sharing of ideas and how to's. Again, happy wedding and safe travel. Yippee! Lizzy
  11. Have you tried the Wedding Shop on Grand Avenue in St Paul? They have a wonderful young lady named Kathy who is in charge of the bridal gowns. She's had years of experience and knows her stuff. Not at all pushy. This is one of the most helpful shops in the Cities. Lizzy
  12. Tammy, thanks for the posting of the pix. You remind me in some of the pix of Kelly Rippa. What is the deal with Cain's mom? At times she looked really relaxed and happy, but other times she looked really uptight. His sister looked so proud and happy for you and Cain! One more question...were those guys twins or just brothers? You look like you had a gas of a time. I am so happy for you both. Lizzy
  13. Karla, you and your husband should be models! What a gorgeous wedding! What a talented photographer! What a great combination. Someday your grandkids will look at these photos and see what beautiful people they came from. Congratulations, Lizzy
  14. Denise, your wedding was lovely. Elizabeth had a great looking couple to work with. You and Mark look so happy. I wish you a lifetime filled with that same happiness. Lizzy
  15. Heidi, they are great! I wish I knew how to use PowerPoint. I am sure there must be a tutorial somewhere online. Thanks for sharing your creativity! You Rock Lizzy
  16. Jaimie, as you have read, we are all VERY happy for you and Martin. Best wishes to you and congratulations to Martin. Happy birthday, kiddo! Lizzy
  17. Great job! You are getting a lot done. Although, you are also planning to get many things done next week, just don't get frazzeled, you have a wedding coming up and you are the star! Lizzy
  18. What the heck is going on with me? tw If this doesn't work, it is tulumweddings.
  19. Does anyone have any menu ideas for a not so fancy dinner? Maggie and Tadd have reserved Anna Y Jose Beach Club for their wedding and reception. They have gotten the menus but don't want a fancy dinner. They are thinking more of having different stations with different foods at each one. Mag asked me to get some ideas from all of you. Have any of you received this type of option from your reception site? Have they sent you a menu? She is still going to have seating and tables, but wants a very relaxed party. No buffet tables. This is the addy for the hotel and beach club. tw Take a peak and let us know what you think. [i think it is in Spanish. The gallery photos are there if you click on the Beach Club. Thanks for any ideas! Lizzy
  20. Wait a second, didn't anybody see those gorgeous B-pics? She is not only talented, she's beautiful! Jay is going to think he died and went to heaven! Great job on everything, Lizzy
  21. I cannot help but wonder what her mother thinks of this. I agree, she is ballsy. Court, write her a note and tell her how you feel. Talk about TPT! You know, we should have a "Ms. Manners for the forum". Good taste and manners never go out of style! Lizzy
  22. Hi Yazmin, thank you for the information you sent. We are having the wedding in Tulum, so Cancun is a little further, but if they have more to choose from, we may stop there or ask Jackie to fiind out for us. Gracias, Lizzy
  23. We are looking for some non-electric chandeliers to hand at the reception. Also, just wanting to see what is available for weddings and receptions. Thank you for responding, Lizzy
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