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Everything posted by MrsV-to-be

  1. Im not doing Save the dates. I'm just doing an invitation with a wedding resort information insert. They will be done in a week or 2 and I will send them out right away. We promised everyone about a year's advance notice - and I don't have the time to do both a STD and a invite!
  2. I think they are really cute! Will give you some nice height!
  3. I hear what you are saying that it is rude to charge a cover into your wedding. But the same logic can be applied to flight and hotel. These are necessary costs for the guests to come to your wedding (unless the bride and groom are in a position to pay for it) and thus essentially meet the criteria for a 'cover charge' By having a DW, you are already asking people to shell out money. I just don't necessairly see the difference between passes to the resort or a flight down, unless there is special circumstances. The way that FI and I look at it is this: we are going to get married in this resort, and this is the cost. We want as many people who can come, to come. We hope to spend the time at the resort celebrating all of our different family bonds or friend bonds. We did not even give an option to stay at another resort. We would completely understand if some of the individuals can't afford the cost and thus can't come (and appreciate them even considering to come). However, if a couple decides they are going to come, but at a cheaper resort - that's fine too, but I think they are the ones who should be calculating into their budget the extra expense of not staying at the resort in making the decision to come. We are not demanding or even asking people to come. We are simply extending the invitation to join us. If individuals would like to come, but decide they don't want to stay at the same resort as us, and thus effectively not spend the week or time with us - that's fine. But in my opinion, I don't think it is necessairly fair then to ask the bride and groom to pay for their entrance into the resort. I am not saying in all instances that this approach would work - but that this is the way that we will be approaching it. But also we did not have to consider local guests in the area. We are also lucky in the sense that everyone that we need to have with us - are in a position to afford to stay at the resort. All I'm saying is - that I don't think it is fair to say as a general rule, you Bride A and you Groom A are rude if you don't pay for the passes. It is a matter of circumstance.
  4. When I first read this post - my first reaction was - well they should pay for it - totally agreed with Courtney. However, after reading some of the posts I hear what some people are saying about some people not being able to afford it - but really wanting to come and so are choosing a less costly option. However, there is also couples, who you know for a fact can afford it, but have just decided to stay at a different resort. I don't think that you need to pay for them - it was their choice to go to a different resort. Therefore - I agree with Kate - I think you need to go with your gut on it. and I also think that it is tough to make one general rule about this - and that sometimes it needs to be decided on an individual basis. But note - I am not saying that each couple should decide whether to pay for some guests passes and not others on an individual basis. If you do do that- be very careful as it could upset people. I am saying, that each couple, after assessing who will be staying at different resorts, and how many people are, should then make their own decision on what policy they will have for it. Basically I don't think that there should be a standard society etiquette policy for it.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Susan101207 Here's some of my ideas. Problem is I have very fine hair. I love these! the first 2, I already had picked out for myself!! I think this style will look great on you!
  6. This is the dress I just ordered for my BM's. I gotta say its tough finding the right shades of blue! J.Crew > shop by category > dresses > summer dress shop > Halter embossed beach dress
  7. I love this idea too! I may have to steal it, because it would be perfect since Reilly is a surveyor! Oh - and #5 is my fav, but I like what Kelly suggested to!
  8. Very hott! I really like #1 and #3 too. I think I like #1 best right now - but I would love to see some back pictures, and some pictures of #3 perhaps when it isn't all smooshed. But really - it's hard to tell in the pics, and all that really matters is how you feel in the dress
  9. Welcome to another Albertan!! Yeah - we are growing in numbers!! Where are you from? Congrats on your engagement! let us know if you need any help!
  10. Thanks! I think I will have to order something - just because I love the name of their website - barefoot bling - too cute
  11. Hey! welcome to another Canadain! Congrats on your engagement - and enjoy your planning!
  12. Welcome!! I'm sure you will find all the info you need here.
  13. Melissa - your cute when you whine I'm sorry you feel so crappy Have you been to the doctor?
  14. How exiciting!! Welcome to the forum, please let us know if we can help with anything. Can't wait to hear more about your wedding - sounds beautiful!
  15. Natalie! Beautiful! The first pic is my favourite - you look stunning!!
  16. Hey! I also love the bags and would be interested in finding out where to get them! Also - did you buy everything from Costco at home or at the Costco in Cabo?Are there any rules about bringing lots of food down to Mexico with you? I have nightmares of pushing red at the Airport, having all my bags searched and being yarded off to jail for 'food traficking' tee hee
  17. Oh wow - wish I had that when I asked my BM's (hehe just kidding) That is so funny!!
  18. Aww - congratulations Melissa! it sounded like it was just about perfect!! your story about walking up the aisle without your vows cracked me up!! can't wait for pictures!
  19. WElcome! It looks like you had a beautiful wedding!!
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