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Everything posted by MrsV-to-be

  1. Congratulations! sounds like you had a fantastic time and a perfect wedding great review!
  2. For anyone interested - Oriental Trading has natural fans back in stock! (I just ordered all mine!)
  3. Thanks for the sneak peak Leigh! as per usual they are fantastic! I loved the first and the last one. Courtney - you are 2 cute
  4. awesome! thanks - now I have something to do at work - cause heaven knows I can't actually do work!
  5. I have 2 BMs, and I totally planned on paying for them. However they flat out refused. they would just ignore me whenever I brought it up so I guess I'm not! But I plan on using the money I budgeted for it and get them something else - perhaps a massage on the beach or something
  6. Yes I agree. I think you could go for a cream color, or perhaps a baby blue?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Yazmin De La Mora Hello! I have been living in the area for almost 8 years and yes we have several sea stars and conch shells in Isla Mujeres, Cancun, Cozumel and Playa del Carmen, they are quite stinky and big but if you put them on the sun the smell will go away! I do not know if they let you bring shells into Mexico but i know they always suggest (at the airport and some hotels) not to be taken away from Mexico because it goes against the nature! I think that the best and cleanest idea would be to buy the plastic ones but that will have to be in your country because here in Mexico there is no plastic ones! If you decide to buy them you can deal or negociate a good price with the vendor so you can return it with the supplier and in this way you will contribute that they will not kill more!! and if you know a mexican person that can deal with them you will get a better price for sure!!! Whatever your decision will be, your centerpieces will look beautiful with shells!! Good Luck! Yazmin. Thanks so much Yazmin! Now that I know for sure there is lots of places to get them - I'll just buy them down there, put them out in the sun, and then maybe give them back! (good idea by the way!) Thanks! and yes, 1 of my good girlfriends is Mexican - so I'll be sure to bring her along!
  8. Don't worry! I was in the exact same position. I found a dress I kinda liked, but didn't LOVE. So I decided to do one last ditch effort dress shopping trip - and ended up with 3 dresses I did LOVE. You will find it! Good luck!
  9. Thanks ladies! Great ideas! So, If I don't find any cheap fake (light!) ones here, I will just wait until I get there!
  10. hmm - that is a good question too. Though to be quite honest - I don't really care if they are fake or real...I wonder if you can get fake ones somewhere?
  11. I want to do centrepieces that incorporate big shells (I think they are called conch shells?) Is there somewhere in the Playa del Carmen or Cancun area where we could get them? Rather then attempting to find them up here and bring them down? I understand that in some countries there are restrictions from removing them from the beach/ocean, unless you have special permission to do so. Does anyone know if that is the case in Mexico? If so, does that mean they are not available at all?
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by brigopens The $100 was a deposit to hold the wedding date, etc... Seemed quite standard to em and I never thought twice about it. They did charge it twice to my credit card by mistake, but I caught that and the "mistake" charge was credited back... I know this deposit goes towards future expenses most definitely. We will totally use it to go against something as well. The only reason why I stopped to question it, is that Lomas had no idea what type of wedding we were planning. For all they knew, we were only going to use what was included in the free wedding package...in which case there would be no expense to put it towards. Also, it wouldn't go against our hotel expense, since we are paying the full trip amount to the travel company we are using. But at any rate - its not a big deal, since I'm not in that position!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by brigopens Did you mean Faith? Or has Monica been promoted as well... Hmmm, interesting info... We are in almost the exact same situation but have nt received this information. Who told you about these restrictions? We've been talking about using Tucanes and I'm fairly certain Valeria knows we're over 50 people. I think I prefer that location over La Isla anyway... you could always do it onthe beach. They shouldn't have any limitations on #s there... Opps - sorry I typo'd. I dealt with Faith right at the begining, then I dealt with Manuela who was promoted and now I deal with Valeria. I haven't dealt with Monica before. You may want to check with Valeria about that. I thought she had known about how many guests as well (considering in my application and an email with Manuela - I stated that I would be having 40-70 guests) but was offered Tucanes as a place. I totally prefer Tucanes - but if I have too many people - I guess it won't work! If I do fall in between the 2 restrictions - I will have to have it on the beach. I didn't want to - but now that I have thought about it - I'm okay with it. We've flown all the way down there to get married on the beach - we might as well celebrate there too!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva Half the length of my coffee table!!! lol actually maybe two feet? I just cut a piece first then tried to see how it worked.. I wish I would have used more on mine and when through the part of handle that meets the fan or tied in a bow at the top. Thanks! I appreciate it!
  15. Glad to hear that Monica is stepping it up. I found that with Valeria as soon as she started a few weeks ago as well. With the free wedding package - were you asked to pay a $100 deposit? We were. Reilly thought it was super weird to pay it, considering it is a 'free' wedding - and they had no idea what we were planning on doing with the wedding (ie have more then 12 guests) I didn't think too much about it - and just paid it, since we are having a larger wedding - I knew it would go towards something! But it does make me curious!
  16. I haven't dealt with Monica. I was dealing with Monica, but apparatently she was promoted and now I am dealing with Valeria. I have had to reiterate myself a few times as well - but I think you are right - so long as you take down your emails, you should be fine. We are planning on doing a private reception dinner (alsot the BBQ deluxe). I really wanted in an open air facility, but it may not work for us. We can have it at Tucanes if we have under 50 people. or if we have 64+ in house guests we can have it at La Isla. but if we have in between 50 and 64 guests - then there is no open air option - this is the only real thing I have been disappointed about! If you don't mind me asking, what wedding packages has everyone gone with?
  17. Welcome! and congratulations on your engagement! I am also getting married at EDR in May! As for the monograms. There are a couple of places you can go to pay (pretty cheap) like: alyiah (sp?) designs and Creative Montage....Perhaps someone come help me out with exact websites. Or I believe there is instructions on how to create it yourself - possibly in the DIY forum at any rate - WELCOME!!
  18. Congratulations!! You looked completely stunning - and it looks like you guys had an amazing time. I am happy for you that everything worked out, just beautifully!
  19. My mom got a digital picture frame for Reilly for his b-day last month. I wasn't sure if he was going to use it or not - but he loves it. He loves to sled (aka snowmobile) and has a lot of amazing pics of it. He uploaded them all and now it plays the slideshow 24/7. Every once in awhile R will look up - and be like "oh - that's an awesome pic" I think it would be very cool to have all your wedding pics in it - although the picture quality isn't the greatest - I think it is a sweet gift!
  20. I picked #2 - it is a beautiful dress. I've always liked it and I think it would like fantastic for a beach wedding! Good luck deciding! can't wait to see pics of you in it!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Wisco4 That sounds good! I forgot I also make chicken lettuce wraps where I use a ton of vegetables. Dice or shred some cooked chicken then mix it up with finely chopped celery, green onions, water chestnuts, red bell peppers, peapods, cabbage, bok choy, etc. Mix with a little bit of bottled light or fat free asian dressing (i like seasame ginger) then spoon into large lettuce leaves. Albacore tuna works well in this recipe too. nice idea! I love ordering lettuce wraps at restaurants - but never crossed my mind to make my own!
  22. My big thing right now is making a salad with no lettuce. I put whatever veggie I have in my fridge (ie peppers, celery, onion etc) add some olives, a bit of cheese, and maybe some tuna or salmon and then I put balsalmic vinegar on top. Let it sit for a couple of minutes so it gets married and then I eat it...yum!
  23. I feel your pain! I wish I could order from Bliss - but I'm a darn Canadian and they don't ship to Canada! Even Asian Ideas is out right now. I guess just keep trying!
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