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Everything posted by MrsV-to-be

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by soltamargo Leigh, all this websites are great resources, you are right by offering this suggestions to any brides that may need to re-plan the wedding and look for more options. If this aren't enough, or out of budget, then we can still find lots of more people on the The Digital Wedding Forum! - Digital Wedding Forum. The DWF! Any way, good luck to all the brides that may be in trouble right now, we still don't know for sure where Dean will hit in the Yucatan Peninsula and how serious the damage will be to hotels, BUT... in Mexico they are ready, and experienced , so hopefully things will be back to normal very fast!.. I think it is awesome the amount of support everyone is offering. Thanks for starting this thread Leigh, and thanks to Robin and Sol & Matt for the additional support.
  2. Those are perfect!! what an awesome find!! see - everything happens for a reason! how exiciting
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by sheaa I just found out that I chose BLDG 55 Gazebo.. what do you guys think of it? I kind of just guessed since I have never been there before... now I am nervous, although briopens says it is secluded... Well I've chosen the casitas location, but I am considering changing to this location - I think it would be really pretty, it will be quiter, and (from what I can tell - please correct me if wrong) you don't have the whales in the background. and you won't have all the lawn chairs around the immdiate area. so - I think it is a great choice (of course I haven't been or seen it in person so perhaps one of the other girls can give you a better opinion)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr What was the delivery charge like from OTC? actually it wasn't too bad. I ordered 72 fans which totalled $55 approx. and the shipping was 17.38. Of course this doesn't include duty/taxes - but in total, I think I will probably end up paying $100 for 72 fans - I don't think that is too bad!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I am pretty sure they do deliver to us, I looked into it. I did not look into the price, that is hurdle number 2, so you might want to do that. They do ship to Canada, because I just ordered my fans from them! Also - since I've never really been fabric shopping before, I can't give you any more advice, other than check under the yellowpages for fabric - you might come up with a list of stores. Good Luck!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Julesr I have tried Micheals and they only sell them in singles and they are like $5 each. That is way to much. I will just have to keep looking. I am gonna ask my mom if she will make them and see if that is possible. She will make them, I am just worried about the material costing a fortune as well. lol Why do some things have to be so hard for us Canadian DW girls. You know - when my mom mentioned that she wanted to do this, I was really worried about material cost as well. But on the first day my mom went shopping, she found our exact color in some nice material, and she got enough to make 60 bags and it only cost $69!! She still has to buy thread - but I would have to say that is pretty darn good so I recommend to just go and look - I'm sure you will find something well within your budget.
  7. I'm afraid I won't be much help either. I was planning on just using paper bags, as I didn't want the hassal of trying to find some beach bags that would be cheap enough and that would ship to Canada. But now my mom has offered to make them all. She does alot of stich work, but swears up and done that they are super easy to make. (basically sew 2 pieces of square material together and add a strap). but sorry - unless you know someone who is able and willing - I guess I'm not much help. good luck though!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by sheaa Please post these locations! I am getting married there in January- the same day as Bre but at 4:00, and I have never been to the resort! It would be great to see these locations! Ditto. I've seen some of the pics sent from Lomus, but I would love to see your pics as well! Also - I've only seen the map on the website - if there is an updated one, I would love to see that too! thanks so much
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by brigopens First bad part of a review with regards to the new system I have seen from any type of reasonable reviewer... :-( -- We didn't really like the 2 hour wait at D' Italia but it was probably just a fluke. true - but I don't think that reviewer had any other really bad waits right? they gave them the benefit of the doubt - and also stated that they were there at 7 - the busiest time (when everyone tries to go for dinner) I think all you need to do is find out the most popular restaurants - like the Italien, and warn your guests that on the nights they go these listed restaurants, they should go earlier (ie 6 or not until later ie 9) I don't have a problem waiting until 9 to go for dinner when I'm at a resort once in awhile. It's actually quite nice to relax by the pool all afternoon, have a late snack about 430, then go have a nap and get up and get dressed up, have a couple of martini's - and head to dinner.....doesn't that sound fantastic right now? (especially as I sit in my floresent light office that has no window??!)
  10. Thanks Bre! What did you think of the privacy level for the casita gazebo? That is where I am currently booked for the ceremony.
  11. Have a great first day!! blow them out of the water
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by PlayaNovia A little more info for what we are looking for: * Location where we can have ceremony & reception in the same place (but not a resort) * We will have approximately 30 - 40 guests; all adults, no kids. * We are staying in or around Playa del Carmen area, so we can go as far north as Playa del Secreto (I think that is north of PDC); or as far south as Akumal. I did look into Al-Cielo and contacted them a week ago. This would have been our dream location, however, the manager told me they are closing the Xpu-Ha beach location May 31, 2008 and relocating to Tulum. They do not know when they will re-open in Tulum. Bummed! I LOVE the Al-Cielo location! Oh NO! that sucks! but don't worry - there is lots of beautiful places in the rm. you will find 1!
  13. Have you looked at Al Cielo Hotel? check out this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...questions.html It is a super cute, super tiny little hotel (4 rooms I think?) and it is beautiful! Made me want to change my location - but FI wouldn't let me
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by bre I have seen this posted ALL OVER this site. It seems that whenever anyone talks about EDR that hijacks the thread. I wonder what the policies are like at other hotels?? The contract that we signed does reference outside phtogs but makes no mention of any additional fees. It simply says they are our sole responsibility.So we are getting him a room for one night and putting him on the guest list (an additional $263). Thanks for the heads up though! Yup that's all mine says as well - which is why I haven't got to worried about it. I don't plan to bring it up prior to the event - if it does come out then I'll just raise holy hell at the time.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 We're going to get married in the chapel. That can accomodate up to 80 people and so far, we're at 40. I think you can do the secluded beach thing - check with Monica. cool - thanks I will!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by brigopens Ok, some recent reviews from TripAdvisor make it seem like this has been a change for the better... - We did not need reservations for any of the restaurants (this seems to be a recent change), and found that of all four nights we only had to wait to be seated on one occasion. - We sampled all of the restaurants except for Fondue and the Fuentas. We had to wait to eat at kampai and the Italian restuarant, but we had a few drinks while we waited and had table within 30 minutes. - As other people have said, you don't need reservations for the restaurants. When we were there, we only had to wait one night for the Italian resturant (45 minutes). The earlier you go for dinner, the less you'll have to wait. - you DO NOT need reservations for any restaurant anymore, but do adhere to the dress code or you will be sent home in most cases - We ate at all the restaurants except Kampai; however, La Fondue and Rincon Mexicano were closed due to this being their slow period. We went with a few extremely picky eaters and everyone raved about how good the food was – even the picky eaters. It is true that the portions are smaller, but I ordered two main courses one night. We frequently ordered more and service was fast and friendly. You really could order as much as you wanted and customize your selections – this worked well for those picky eaters. There are NO reservations right now and we never waited with our group of 8 at any restaurant. A couple of the restaurants require you to wear pants. Jeans are acceptable. OK, enough for now. Will keep an eye on the situation and be back with more commentary in a few weeks... Thanks so much for the Info! I've been keeping an eye on it at Tripadvisor as well. Don't worry - I think the kinks will be worked out by the time you get there. I read one review that said as long as you were there before 7 for a popular restaurant (can't remember which one) then it wasn't too bad. I think it will be okay - just like you said - so long as the drinks are flowing!
  17. That totally sucks! I think you just have to give them the straight up facts. Give them a couple of hotels that aren't all inclusive, and then give them some examples of what it may cost for other necessaries (ie food and water) you may also want to mention to them how much it costs for them to come onto Dreams. I understandt that you want to pay for them on the day of the wedding, but they should know, in case they want to come another day, especially, as they are likely to discover - your resort will be where the party is, and they will want to join in. Good Luck! I hope it all works out
  18. I didn't even know you could do a desert bar!! very cool! Well if they have your guest list, and they haven't said anything about not having it at Tucanes - then just make sure you have all your emails about it and then just expect to have a fight about it at the resort, if they bring it up. I'll be very interested to find out if they say anything at the resort! As for the ipod charge - that is ridculous! give me a break!! I don't know what would be better (1) bringing it up and fight with Lomus; (2) leave it and fight with the WC at the resort. I have a question: which ceremony place has everyone chosen? I have chose the casita's location, but I am starting to rethink it. I defintily want it on the beach, but I would like a more private area. Does anyone know if it is possible to have a more secluded area on the beach (big enough for 50 + people). Is it possible to have it on a location that is not one of their gazebos?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by bre La Isla would be a beautiful spot. We even enjoyed it just for dinner during our visit. We only plan on having about 35 people though so that's not really an option for us. I think Tucanes will be good, not my first choice but for some reason they do not seem to fully utilize all of their space options. Still trying to figure out flowers and decor. Their website is pretty limited. Someone did mention that if we send them photos of what we want for flowers at least one month prior they should be able to do it. I hope they are right! With our ceremony at 3 I'm afraid people could get bored without something organized waiting for the dinner. Hopefully, it works out okay :-) oh, I'm sure it will! and I love Tucanes - I think it will be great for a reception site!
  20. Hi Bre! No we aren't going to do both. I plan on getting married at 4, then my guests can a couple of hours to do whatever, although we will suggest a casual get together at one of the bars. and then move to the reception at one of the locations. I hoping to use Tucanes also, but I am sure of my numbers right now. If we have less then 50 we will have it there. If we have 64 or more guests I will request the restaurant La Isla, but if have in between those numbers - we will have it on the beach, as there is no open air location that will allow between these 2 numbers for the type of dinner we want to have (BBQ Deluxe) As for flowers/decorations, I'm still working on this. What are you going to do?
  21. Welcome Bre! Congratulations on your engagement!! Nice choice on EDR (I'm also a EDR bride ) Happy planning!
  22. You could also check out Cozumel. It's an island across from Playa. It is not as lively as Playa, but I understand it is definitly livelier then the Isla de Mujeres. I chose EDR, which is just outside the town Pureto Moreles, which is about 15 minutes north of Playa. Pureto Moreles looks like a cute little fishing village. It does have some restaurants and has some other activities to do there. I don't know what type of accomodations you are looking for, but there is lots of resorts or villas to rent in the area. Good luck researching!
  23. I L-O-V-E that color combo. I would assume they didn't really like it, is because they haven't seen it together. If they have seen it - give them time to have it grow on them. I remembered not liking some combos before, until I get used to them - then I love them! Personally, I think that is a fantastic wedding combo for a DW!
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