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Everything posted by MrsWtobe

  1. Sherri you might be able to find the palm tree stoppers here: Beach Wedding Favors - Beach Weddings If not, they have tons of other stuff that might do the trick!
  2. I don't know how any one is going to feel about this topic, but thought I might give it a whirl. I love cooking and baking and have so many recipes to share and was hoping others might feel the same way. Could we start a forum/thread devoted to recipes and sharing what works, what doesn't? Not sure how many would be interested but thought I'd bring it up! Jen
  3. So cute Christine and so practical--something people will definitely use!
  4. The first thing I thought of when I saw your pic was what many others did---table runners. A nice, vibrant colour would look great on the white cloth and compliment the fruit.
  5. This may be a silly question...but I've had a hard time slimming my arms down using weights...which leads me to believe I'm using them wrong (maybe too many reps, too high of weight)...but if anyone knows an arm exercise that helps to slim down arms, please share!
  6. Hi everyone, I was wondering what everyone was using to put their OOT bag stuff in. I've seen it done in both paper and canvas bags and was hoping to find out what the majority of you ladies are planning to do. I orginally was going to go with canvas bags and iron-on transfer a little monogram with our names and the date, but I wonder if people will even use this bag again...so I thought paper would be more practical I thought it would be nice for them to leave with something with our names and the date on it, but am hesitating now, worried if it will be used again after the trip. Just trying to weigh the pros and cons of doing this...
  7. Hey! You're just down the road from me....I'm from Hamilton. We're also getting married in Punta Cana at the RIU Palace Macao...can't wait to hear about your hotel!
  8. I think the hardest thing about all of this (and I'm sorry I'm going on and on about it---but it does seem to help a lot to get it out on here!) is that I just don't understand it. My parents aren't like this...I'm not like this...FI isn't even like this---so I just don't know how to deal with it. All of my friends that I talk to about it keep saying, "Don't take it personally"...but it's sooo hard not to! How can I not take it personal---this is suppose to be my new family that I'm going to be associated with, well, forever now. It's just so hard to accept people like this in your life that don't support you or root for you. Sorry if that sounds so harsh--I just have a really hard time understanding and dealing with stuff like this!
  9. I hate to say it...but it just makes me feel so much better knowing that other people are experiencing similar circumstances. My FI hasn't spoken to his parents since last week when a major blowout ensued and it's just so stressful. Thanks everyone for listening and sharing their own experiences!
  10. LOL oh that's cute Tammy. My FI just doesn't understand that since we've paid for, we have it, and we will be married soon why he just can't wear it now....I've run out of excuses and am thisclose to just letting him wear it.
  11. Just wanted to share the news with someone! We just got a call that our wedding bands are in and we'll be picking them up tonight before we go out for dinner! I don't know who is more excited--me or my FI. He has been begging me to let him wear it once it comes in...I don't know how many more ways I can explain to him NO!
  12. I think your ring is absolutely gorgeous as well. I think people just look for ANYTHING to complain about sometimes...or find fault in. My ring is the exact same as yours except my side diamonds are princess cut. There is nothing wrong with your ring!
  13. Hey Karla, They were not actually DIY...I had wanted to, but found I didn't have the time. They are actually from a company out of Canada called Paper Artistry. They were a little more than what I wanted to pay for invites, but I was so pleased with them it didn't matter! Thanks!
  14. These are our invites...I don't know how to block out our names so....just don't stalk us
  15. My thoughts are with you...and I can (somewhat) relate to what you are saying. My FI's parents are giving us a ridiculously bad time right now...they don't want to pay the money (even though they have tons of it)...everything we chose to do is wrong or too expensive...we are actually not even speaking to them at this point--who knows if they'll even come? My FI has also had a lot of problems with his friends coming as well....it's frustrating but just try and remember the most important part of this whole idea in the first place---you'll be marrying your best friend!
  16. LOL...I'll definitely have to make a "secret" trip....jeez, what has my life come to Actually, I do get the flyer occassionally, but I didn't realize you could get the coupon if you sign up for email as well. Thanks!
  17. Oh thanks so much! These are some awesome ideas! I think my FH and MOH might kill me if I make one more trip to Michaels for paper....
  18. Silly question.... My invites are brown and turquoise, my MOH is wearing a turquoise dress. We're in the process of doing my bridal shower invites. We have turquoise envelopes, and turquoise background with beige inserts....what other colours could I incorporate that would still look stylish? I'm really trying to stay away from brown since my invites were this colour... Jen
  19. Not sure if there was a thread already started on this topic (I looked, but perhaps I missed it!)...just wondering what people are planning on getting their parents as gifts (or are you getting your parents gifts?) My parents are pretty simple, so I'm looking for something practical and meaningful for them. Any ideas
  20. The worst part about everything is (sorry I keep going on....but if I don't get some of this stuff out I might be one of the first people to have a heart attack before I turn 29!)...it's gotten to the point now where it's not just wedding related---it's everything we do. "We shouldn't spend money on re-doing the bathroom...we don't have any money...why did we do this to our house...your cousin bought all their furniture for their new house at garage sales"....blahblahblah....
  21. I thought of that, but then I started feeling bad about it. I guess I shouldn't because of the way they've been to us...but I'm just so frustrated! My fiancee even tried speaking to them about all of this...and things got better for about a week or two and then it just went back to the way it was. It's just REALLY stressing me out!
  22. Hi everyone, I completely realize that this post doesn't really pertain to destination weddings on their own, but am really hoping people can offer me some advice or relate to some of the problems I've been having with my inlaws lately. My fiancee and I are both teachers, so it was absolutely necessary to get married in July or August (unless we asked guests to pay way more money over Christmas or March Break)...we chose July. This is where all of our problems began--my FFIL had a fit that he would have to go down when it is "ridiculously hot". My fiancee is an only child and I thought my FFIL would be much more excited about their only son's wedding. Since we announced our engagement, things have only gotten worse...when we came over to show his parents my ring...they were in the middle of watching TV and didn't really take any interest in anything we were saying...we spent too much money on our house, we shouldn't renovate anything in our house since we have no money (which as announced at Thanksgiving dinner)...they don't understand why we sent invitations out (why did we waste our money??)...in other words we are just incredibly irresponsible with our money...and to top everything off last night we went over there to tell them about the things we had bought for the wedding (our bands, my fiancee's suit) and before I could explain what either of these looked like or how happy we were about them we were told that my FFIL is NOT wearing a suit to our wedding and that they don't think they should have to get dressed up. I feel like everything I say, suggest, or try to talk to them just turns around to how stupid we are with our money and why are we wasting it. It's gotten to the point that I don't even want to go over there/have them over...because I feel like absolute garbage when we leave. I feel it is really starting to cause a rift between my fiancee and I as well. Sorry for the long post---but I'm hoping someone out there can relate or at least offer some advice!
  23. Hi everyone, Thanks so much for all of your input...I realized after posting and reading everyone's responses (and budgets) that I guess I am just doing a bit less than everyone. I'm probably only going to have about 10-15 people there...am going for a very small photography package...and am most likely not going to have a reception. We will have a dinner in one of the restaurants (and I realize it will not be a private dinner, and that's ok with us) at the Riu Palace Macao. There is no set up fee (that I am aware of---I have asked my coordinator and she said that there was none). Thanks so much for everyone's help!
  24. I did forget about the invitations...they were $200....but other than that, I'm not really too worried about music, centrepieces, etc. I'm trying to go as minimal as possible. But that could of course change!
  25. I've been buying things little by little. I think it seems to make a huge difference on your bank account. This way it doesn't seem like one MASSIVE amount of money leaves your account. I did the same thing when we bought our new house....just one thing at time far in advance, and it doesn't seem like you've spent a ton of money. Hope this helps!
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