I unfortunatley just experienced my first dream about my wedding day and it was not a fun one to experience
We were getting married in an old smelly house that had wood panelling on the walls and shaggy orange carpet. My FH didn't understand why I was so upset so instead of fighting with him about the location I was tryng to hide my feelings. So I went to get ready and suprise... I had no shoes, no veil, no jewelry!!!! I was freaking out and no one understood why. My mom was there and I remember she was so calm and patient like nothing was wrong. I was so upset, crying the whole she-bang. AWFUL, awful, AWFUL!
It was horrible...regardless we ended up getting married in this stinky ugly house and I was a mess of a bride. I remember I thought about calling off the ceremony but i didn't.
God I can only hope for better dreams in regards to this wedding. I still feel the anger and disapointment from the dream LOL